Here's your government-provided gf, user.
Take it or leave it cause she's the last one there is.
Here's your government-provided gf, user.
Take it or leave it cause she's the last one there is.
why would anyone not want her though? unless she has a shitty personality then I dont mind
Cute eyes
Cute hair
Cute scar
Just wash off that makeup and if she isn't a cunt i'd marry
>government-provided gf
If she's forced to be with you she'll never truly love you.
Will she let me touch her scar? I want to feel the texture
gibe hanako gf
She's beautiful, why wouldn't i take her?
It's an angioma, not a scar, you fucking newfags.
implying she'd love you if she wasn't forced.
Works for me desu.
She'd be on all fours 99% of the time anyway when she's not cooking or cleaning, so it's not like I'd have to look at her face.
Would love and take care of her, despite her having sub-human bone structure, bad nose, and that disgusting scar (she is also probably completle flat and chubby).
based gib hanako gf now pls
She had nice tits and puccy.
Isn't it weird that she only got burned in non important places?
>tfw no zuko GF
I'm done with the joke that is my life
She came defective. Can I refound it?
Stupid post, she could easily get a chad, brad, or Jamal.
wtf I love the government now
I'm going to pretend to not be elated so she doesn't get an ego about it.
Please someone doxx me and murder me
This is actually a port wine stain birthmark, not a scar.
I have one on my face as well. I put coverup on it cause I'm insecure about people staring at me in public. I'm a guy so I don't want people knowing I use makeup, even if it's for something like this.
Seeing people say they're still attracted to her makes me happier, but I don't know if it's the same for a guy that has one.
Tell people its a burn from when you ran into your burning house to save your dog or something.
This desu. Bitches love shit like that.
let's not pretend like she cant get a bf whenever she wanted. i would gladly take her
I knew twins in middle school who were identical except for one having half her face covered in that
I thought she was cuter and she was my gf for a bit
As long as it's not genetic it's all good
>OP here, ugh fine I'll redo it
Here's your government-provided gf, user
Last one available so take it or leave it
Dis bitch is so fucking ugly. When it she was revealed it ruined the entire fucking movie because her avatar was so cute.
Shes an 8 even with the birthmark or whatever that is
Burn the c04l
Pay th3 t0ll
She couldve had this
But well?
>or whatever that is
It's plague.
Would also gladly take this.
>only thing wrong with her is missing leg
>will likely love you more out of reliance when she needs help
shit man that's like a free car but you have to replace the windscreen and tires.
Would it taste like iron if you eat her out?
is this suposed to be horrible?
I know it is to normalfags but she is fucking stunning and way more atractive to me than some random thot with a face plastered in make-up.
Yes, but that's just because of her anemia.
Shes cute, id kiss her right cheek if its not like some contagious shit, is this because she hurt herself or something genetic ?
She's still really pretty, scar doesn't do much about that
she can still get chads all day. but probably won't marry one