
sausage and mash edition

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First for Orpington Tesco babes

my mum always buy me a t shirt when she goes on holiday and they are always really shit. i have too many shit t shirt.

we washed are dirty poo holes together

Literally the best album of all time don't even @ me

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>having another one of those "i wonder where id be now if [X] happened/didnt happen" episodes

corr the girl from the sketchers ad has some cracking tits on her

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If your uni competes with erection pills for ad placements, it's dogshit

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well hello mental gymnastics to convince myself I'm in the right, we meet again my old friend

Nearing thirty and have more money than I can spend. There's a voice at the back of my head telling me I should be spending that on raising a family.

Any tips? Should I try it or suppress the voice?

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Pet your pet.

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Off to Liverpool tomorrow

That negress looks like a tesco brand android from detroit BH.

no, dont have a family for fucks sake lad just dont, fucking your life up by blowing the money on drink and drugs is better than settling with kids

You wot! You wot! *points menacingly*

i don't have a pet to pet

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so anyway, ive discovered this


nah, this is the best album of all time and suicidal thoughts is the best song.

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what for lad?
make sure your socks dont get robbed

>Any tips?
Yes larp elsewhere


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give to charity
you could do a lot of good with that money

I'm sorry to hear that meighty.

can you even call yourself a robot if you dont have an addiction of some kind?

Can I get some (you)s for Rosh Hashanah guys?

fuck vinyls, i'm into me cd's.

got my nails painted today they look really pretty and shiny

Fucking dickhead autistic uncle always going on about politics. He's obsessed with it. He talks shit to my mum for believing in God. He's an absolute fucking tipper.

>tfw tendy wraps for dinner
Suicidal thoughts is forever the highlight of my dinking rap playlist.

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Thought I was the only one desu. If I go too deep or haven't wiped well enough it will smell 'too' shitty but if I finger just the outside it's this great smell, can't even describe it.


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me too lad, theyre the perfect compromise
you get something physical which is nice, without having to spend ridiculous amounts of money
they dont take up as much room or need as much looking after as vinyls but its more satisfying than downloads
good taste fren

>mfw a girl in my work today was talking about how she did a line of cocaine off of her bfs cock last night
how can people be so open and shameless about this shit

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fuck CDs, I'm into me spotify
I'm a consumer not an owner
Simple as

because theyre normies
i hope you called her out for being degen

how about you pay for all my surgeries and a wedding?

>get ready to go outside, put clothes on, do hair etc
>realize its 7 o clock on a sunday
every time
i guess i could go to spar in a bit, i just hope that polish girl who always flirts with me isnt there

every monday on the college bus without fail I'd hear about who the girls had been fucking on the weekend, fucking disgusting tbqh

id rather not have people im forced to be around angry at me desu, i just say whatever will make them the most indifferent towards me

Decided to clean up the living room, where my mum lives and sleeps basically. Been at it for maybe 2 hours now.
About six bags of rubbish and recycling have been removed.
The carpet is disgusting. I have cleaned one coffee table. Removing years and months only milk stains. Hopefully will finish tonight and hoover up.
Got lots of random junk. Wonder if people will buy it for like a quid on ebay or facebook.

Real wagie hours, specifically Bootle, that's even worse isn't it?

I don't mind Liverpool, it's extremely comfy on the surface and the roads there and back are nice.


exactly me m8. Cd's are a couple of quid and they sound better than vinyls with my nice sound system. I know because i unironically have loads of vinyls and my dad gave me all of his. Vinyls are at least 20 quid brand new and a lot of shit isn't released on vinyl or its too expensive. What i do is download an album and if i like it enough i will buy it on cd
simple as.

lads how much does it cost to get my hairline fixed? i think i just want the temples filled in. can they fuck it up?

desu everyone would respect you for having morals
deep down theyd agree they just cant say it out load because of societal pressure to be degenerate

Are there cute trannies on grindr lads?

Anyone else having a good 2018?

exactly, and cds last ages if youre not a dickhead about it
vinyls degenerate so easily you need to be really careful
same here lad, i stream first, if i like it i download, if i really like it i buy on cd, good system

>I'm a sheep not a lion
>simple as

Me? I listen to everything on Cassette. Simple as.

I had my first sexual experience with a guy last night

Being cuddled and squeezed by muscular arms and the feeling of safety.

...it's nice.

not really
>had to leave the band I was in
>been NEET all year

>im a faggot not a based lad
>simple as



Nah, lad. I used to own a shit load of CDs but ended up getting rid of them because it was easier to find a stream. I still buy DVDs and Blu-Rays though for stuff that isn't available on streaming services.

Biked to work through Birmingham city centre and didn't get knocked down by traffic. Pretty happy with myself. What you gaylords doing?

tfw never experienced this
tfw wasted my youth

>tfw wasted my youth
is this the most relatable feel of all the britfeels?

Just finished dinner and about to eat h a documentary on Fred west

>didn't get knocked down by traffic
should have done and got a claim in, last time i did i got over 5k bongs

Why would you not want to flirt with her? Smash her right in her polish vagina.

Not this guys feel cause being a queer is a wasted youth

What is the quality like on steams? i can't imagine it sounds great when compared to listening to an album through a good sound system. But fair enough, not everyone is that into music.

well im talking about it in the context of being a cute twink that had lots of opportunities to do stuff with guys and is now fat and old so not very relatable desu

How possible is it for 35 years old man to get a gf in her early 20s?
I am a pathetic 23-year-old virgin; a literal garbage tier non-existant romantic life. However, if I am on a career path that could well yield a very good salary if I play my cards right.
A LOT of females these days seriously have a 'daddy' thing for older men.

Purchase sofas

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well shes like 10 years older than me maybe more (still attractive tho) and im mostly just into guys desu

Lee Anthony Hoyland is a proper lad built like a brick shithouse

What are you on about? I'm really into music. Spotify high stream is 320kpbs which is more than good enough. You're just getting diminishing returns any higher unless you have very expensive headphones. Hooking Spotify up to a good sound system is not that much different than a CD. Technically I'm sure it is but to Most people's human ears it's not. Most Dumbass normies use stock ipod earbuds.

an absolute unit, one could say

>A LOT of females these days seriously have a 'daddy' thing for older men.

You're right, its actually weird. 24 yr old lad here and most birds that go for me are 18/19. a lot girls my own age want older lads for some reason.

Lee Anthony Hoyland is the gem is the crown of Sheffield

>very good salary

What's a 'very good salary' my mate?

Last time on Depression Walks I had a wander out back, this was the last pic looking over Hastings towards Eastbourne

Let's head over and see how it looks

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AnAl DeStRuCtIoN!
20 inches of man-member
Breaks yer fowl aschen
Ye is now gay
Yer anus is broken
Ye wears adult nappies
Ye are a bender

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Shitty overcast, fuck clouds

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I just looked it up because I was curious, basic spotify only offers 160k? That's fucking rubbish, CDs apparently offer 1,100 which to me (like flac files) doesn't sound any different to 320k. But any less than 320k and you can tell

Right off the bat we got some london thots sitting about

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Might have to consider it. Got 8k bong from an accident in school wasted it all paying rent at home being neet. Was fun while it lasted.

Walking up, Chalk for days

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your dick isn't even real senor, piss off spic

Some young dudes throwing gliders around flying them on the updraft

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Im straight and get no attention from girls. Your pretty lucky.

absolute state of sp

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I'm pretty sure this is a thousand year old sleeping dragon and not just random hills

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>friend is supposedly going to uni
>says he doesn't know which, uni x or y
>ask if he has a confirmed place
>"nah they just said you can come if you want"
>I know you need a confirmed place but skim over that
>uni x starts in 2 weeks
It's good that he isn't actually going since they're both awful ex polies

>Most Dumbass normies use stock ipod earbuds.

Tbf unless you have a good amplifier or sound card in your pc buying expensive headphones are pointless. Just seems silly to me to buy great speakers, amplifier etc and stream music, i would rather get the best quality out of my system. But its fair enough if you're only listening to music on your pc.

its kind of annoying desu because i get loads of attention from girls but i just want a guy to treat me like a girl


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Select all images with mountains or hills.

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It's not something that can be learned or gained

Men are either alpha or beta and it's predestined.

very good dog, 1up on your dog pic lad

I can tell the difference on my boomer sound system but probably not if i was using my pc


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I am armed. Final warning: announce yourself or I will assume hostile intent and I WILL shoot you!


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How DARE ye question the veracity of the senors 20 inch cack? It will feel pretty fucking real to ye when it is forced into yer wretched fowl anus!

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But I want people like me in the next generation.

leav sp alone snapchat normie! sp has done nothing wrong


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