Where you live

>where you live
>where you want to live

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i dont want to live

>new england
why did I have to be born in burgerland

Washington (state)



Central PA, New Hampshire, or maine

-Where you live?
-I live on the west coast,
-Where do you want to live?
-I guess.. I want to live where my former never met partners lived ,but that's not a realistic answer. it contradicts with itself. If I get in a relationship again with someone long distance, then I would want to live where they live.

But like the other user, I don't want to live in general.

is New England not comfy and pretty advanced though?

too liberal?

I can tell you about central PA, if you'd like. any area in particular?

>North Dakota lol

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feels good man

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>new york


>near my gf

>is New England not comfy and pretty advanced though?
yeah it's pretty comfy and advanced, I just prefer the Scandinavian way of life. I wouldn't want to raise kids in America.

>germany, the land of the best


Kansas but with money


Yorkshire dales or somewhere else in Europe. Almost anywhere else at this point to be honest.


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(Though Edmonton's not as horrible as a lot of people say)

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(come to daddy my russian son)

>Alaska or Yukon

>Fucking, anywhere else.

>the woods
>the woods

>I don't want to live
I feel you


>eastern EU

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Hello fellow kansanon

which wood

i lived in Albuquerque for 2 months. it was the worst time of my life. new mexico and arizona are shit tier states

my woods

anywhere in washington.

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>Hungry or Slovenia

good luck, I wonder how hard it is to move



>burgerstan, top 20 city
>italy or japan, more coastline and better climate, better /n/ and /ck/, cool /his/
Food here is ass and I want fucking trains.

France, paris

>new york city

>giant farm in main

>vienna (that's in austria for you burgers)
>idk, some far east asian country maybe

>shitty house in appalachia
>nice house in appalachia

> Germany, Munich
> Australia or NZ

>Somewhere with lots of greenery and snowy winters

>switzerland or japan (lol)

>UK, Colchester

Anyway but fucking here



>an insufferable hellhole
>move to the suburbs/countryside with the girl I like, set up a sustainable farm, live out a life in peace
Only thing I desired in life will never come true. They won't allow it.

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>vienna (that's in austria for you burgers)
Woah no shit bro? I totally thought it was in mexico. Like blew my mind mang

>Jew York
>I don't fucking know anymore


Wanna move to Iceland

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I liked Edmonton but found there to be more shit going on in Calgary at any given time.

Florida fucking horrible here

living in the west sounds great especially Colorado,las vegas nevada . Montana

t. uneducated burger


feels great man

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>my house
>6ft underground

Brooklyn, USA
Kobe, Japan

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>San Diego

Vermont, New Hampshire, or Maine

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>America, preferably South or Midwest
I'd love to have my own farm and live a simple stoic life with little interference from the outside world, plus I love America.

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>a place where nobody will know who I am and start from 0 a new life

Shiet, I live in MS as well. What part?
I want to live in Massachusetts.

>>not ireland

>Deep space

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>United States
>United States with less people

>United States
>United States with less nigs

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i want to live in norway too but at least you don't live in italy

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> Morocco
> A better place

Somewhere with good internet, good nature, good gubment benefits, a decent amount of freedoms, low crime and no niggers

>with my parents in a pretty nice secluded house
>penthouse suite in vietnam

>either my home state of Colorado or ancestral homeland of Ireland

Just last week, I moved from NYC to Columbus, OH. I like it here.

>where do i live
>where do i want to live

>bumfuck nowhere in France
>Glasgow, Scotland

Forget Ireland, I spent a year there and is a fucking shithole



It's habbenin

Middle of nowhere white trash hickville Texas.
Anywhere but here.

>Middle of nowhere white trash hickville Texas.

what specifically is so bad about this

Every public place is a conservative echo chamber and you cant walk a block without seeing another goddamn church.

Where'd you stay? Am irish & can confirm its a shithole

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I live in Norway. It's shit. If you're a robot, living here certainly won't help you.

but them NEETbux though. Can't you guys just choose to not work and collect 2000 euro/month or somnething?

>Somewhere else in the northeast that preferably has less niggers
Even small town hick vills like Watertown aren't too bad, I just want to be able to enjoy cold weather, go shootan, and not feel so locked up.

I'm not a NEET so I'm not sure of the situation, but Norway isn't some ultra-rich paradise some people imagine it to be. Sure the wages are high, but so are the prices.

>place with good internet

>midwestern US
>South Korea

In US, Canada or in Central Europe
I don't really care in which city I just want to star from 0 a new life where nobody will know about things that happen in the past

Sydney, Australia
Gold Coast, Australia


I'm content with Ohio

More like NOHIO

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What part of ohio? original spaghetti


Southern Ohio, between Cinci and Dayton

>new york city
>frankfurt or Kyoto.
>tfw don't speak schnitzel but still have moon runes as a holdover from being a filthy weeb.

Nice. Columbus, Ohio here.

>I'm content with Ohio

I refuse to believe it is possible for someone to write this unironically, ohio is literally the worst

>South Africa
>would probably be happy in any 1st world country but USA mostly

I was born in Ohio
Molded by it
I know nothing but Ohio and I have become the embodiment of Ohio itself

Any 1st world country (preferably not USA)