Why aren't you rescuing poor Venezuelan qt's from their socialist shitholes?
You could have a gf who's completely in debt to you but instead choose to sit here and whine. What are you guys waiting for?
Why aren't you rescuing poor Venezuelan qt's from their socialist shitholes?
You could have a gf who's completely in debt to you but instead choose to sit here and whine. What are you guys waiting for?
Cute Venezuelan loli.
She'll cheat on me with chad anyways there's no point
>Amerigoy NPC delusions
((((((hehe capitalism is great, goyim))))))
because most of them are brainwashed and still hate capitalism despite their country falling to pieces
They'll become regular roasties the moment they realize welfare system and how they don't need you.
I'll take capitalist degenerate indulgence and excess over socialist starvation any day.
even with the retard npcs letting themselves degenerate, capitalism is the tits
go fuck yourself you commie scumbag
Because I'm already putting up two Syrian refugee girls, two sisters. Going to marry one so she can stay, but am getting to bang both of them in thanks for housing them.
I don't speak venezualen.
Kek enjoy the meaniglessness. But at least you have the new iPhone and lots of junk food to eat, right?
>how normie this board has become, my God
ye, south-american girls are sluts. this will happen
I can actually go to the store and buy fresh fruit, vegetables, and red meat pretty cheap. The neat phones, computers, cars, etc are just nice bonuses.
Capitalism, ho!
>le capitalism is about status symbols and gluttony
Fuck off you commie bastard
Capitalism is about freedom, it's not my fucking problem if normies use freedom like idiots, I'll take it any day over not being free
god I wish
>uses venezuela to compare socialism with US capitalism
Thats fucking retarded, why dont you compared Norwegian socialism with Somalias capitalist system? Both are ridiculously poor ways of comparing economic systems.
>Norwegian socialism
Norway is not socialist.
Norway has one of the freest, deregulated markets in the world user. You can open a business just owning the land and filling out a few pages of paperwork.
>this board is full of normies cause they arenot communists
really activates my almonds...i wonder (((who))) could be behind this post
obligitary picture to post
Most Venezuelans are gross indios. No thanks.
Why do I feel so certain that this user is German?
>Norway isn't socialism
universal healthcare
this situation is so fucked. what an actual pedophile scum of the earth irredeemable cunt. he legitimately raped a 7 year old for a month and her parents let him. that pic actually makes me sick. I don't give a fuck about loli but don't bring degenerate fetishes into real life. don't even imagine it.
$300 who cares? he still raped a seven year old. If he went there to help he should have just given them the money, but no he had to actually be a pedophile and do some of the worst shit imaginable.
>Cumming on a child is the worst thing you can possibly do
damn nigga, and i thought fucking summer was over
DId you even read the post? She clearly liked it. Its a win-win.
one of the worst things yes. rape isn't as bas as murder, child rape might be. Don't ruin kids lives and give them so many mental issues that they will probably fail to deal with before they even get a chance to live normally. a seven year old isn't even a teenager. even in autistic works of fictiopn they don't know anything about sex and don't want to do it, and are clearly incapable of consenting. you can't defend actual pedophilia, you especially cannot defend that case where the victim had no choice. her parents should have murdered that dude and stolen his money. I don't give a shit about teens and cartoons but actual pedophilia is disgusting.
there's a difference between loli memes and actual pedophilia even if it's just a fantasy. and actual pedophilia is actually indefensible.
Nothing is stopping her from going "Fuck you I'm out" one day and leaving. What, you really expect her to somehow stay loyal to you forever? Your plan only works if she's contractually/legally held liable.
Why is always so easy to spot the roastie?
You're right that 7 is a little young and should probably stick to 3rd base but pedophilia has been happening since the dawn of civilization. Sex isn't something holy that changes your life forever. Its a simple bonding between a man and woman. Young girls actually have a strong desire to please men and removing that right is doing them a disservice.
I don't want to mix
I also hate white women with a passion
Basado y redpilleado
>tfw Colombian and getting invaded by hot Venezolanas
I'm male and I'm not even a feminist or anything, I'm just not a piece of dog shit, and I'm capable of understanding when something is actually rape and wrong.
this is a really good way to get beheaded or skinned alive by Brazilian thugs
Fucking ridiculous. Good thing that's a fake story.
Getting a venezuelan gf is as easy as buying her a plane ticket
.t venezuelan
I'm brazillian, and I can confirm this is. Her father would probably gouge his eyes out, break his spine and turn him into a human slug sofa.
Exactly. This kind of shit doesn't go like this, not even in the Amazon.
>who's completely in debt to you
In what way? Make them sign a contract?
Fun fact #1: Most venezuelan girls/women look like fat poo in the loos (somehow, despite the supposed commie "misery" they brought upon themselves);
Fun fact #2: Most hot venezuelan women work as prostitutes in Brazil currently. Brazillian news even made some reports about venezuelan doctors, lawyers, chefs and teachers who now fuck brazillians for money.
Wheres uncle andy when you need him
You bet she will cause Venezuelans are known to fucking do that as much as those dumb ass Colombians
You people are disgusting. Jow Forums needs to post here more often.
>80% of the economy is privately owned
>economic problems came from being a petrol state whose entire economy was based off of one resource
>millions of people starve in capitalist countries every year
They're just edgy 14 year olds.
And the guy who posted that shit about the girl is just a sick fuck too.
Take it from me, this shitty story is full of holes. If you come to Brazil and end up in a secluded place in the Amazon, waving dollars around and saying you work for a company, you'll get robbed, raped and stabbed - your corpse never to be found - pronto.
>communism is inherently objectively less meaningless than capitalism or any other form of government
try again retard. the only people who think communism are better when they see both sides equally are retards that live in capitalist countries and take everything for granted
So while this hypothetical dumb guy has potential to harm, everyone in the amazon is guaranteed to harm? Why is being lawless better?
>entire agricultural sector taken over by state
"Oh wait we don't have the workforce or expertise to properly manage this"
>state nationalizes all crude oil wells, their biggest income source.
"Oh wait we don't have the workforce, organization, or machinery needed to actually do this
>tries to privatize some of the market
"Oh wait, now no one us wants to invest in us now that they know we could kick them out on a whim"
>amerinigger comes to Brazil
>everyone hates americans for their superiority complex
>motherfucker strutting around, waving dollars, wanting to sleep in a shack in the fucking jungle
>asks for hookers
>"I work for this company"
I'm a 100% legal citizen with no criminal record, and I would rob, rape and stab a motherfucker like this.
No, many Eastern Europeans miss communism.
>still fucking commies
There were many fighting on the streets against the socialistic regime. So who doesn't want a perfect capitalism-loving Latina? BTW the ones who aren't some fucking lolis, like some of you degenerates want to have, have despite being short huge front and back bouncers.
Also greentexted without a (You) 'cause I don't have the nerves to go through the whole thread searching for 'muh their follower of the national starving-party' - posters.
So youre saying that even legal citizens of your nation that dont commit crimes are rapists and murderers? Im not getting your point. You judge a person based on how they act and then claim this would prevent you from abiding by the law you currently support? How are you any different then this hypothetical man? You are both rapists and criminals in these scenarios.
Sex tourists are almost exclusively Eastern European, German, or Australian.
>Yes goyim, (((communism))) is the way to go
>The sooner these whites starve the better
How much effort did you put into this post op
Why? Their sewers are already running dry?
>I'm male and I'm not even a feminist or anything, I'm just not a piece of dog shit
>piece of dog shit
I agree with you but i doubt your claim.
If you went into an Amazonian tribe they would kill you on sight...It's a fake story genius...it didn't happen
I said even if it was fake it was sick. people shouldn't bring degenerate fetishes into real life.
Fulfill your dream and spread your seed user. There are plenty of failed socialist states just begging for your Western money.
Then move to Venezuela. Private sector is dominant. Market economy prevails. Hell, it's also libertarian to shit if you live outside of the governments reach which is pretty much everyone outside of the capital.
He bought her. He can do as he wishes.
>what is Saudi Arabia
Completely untrue. I do uber for a living in a spic state and I've talked to plenty of Venezuelans. They have nothing but contempt for their government and socialism.
>millions out of billions starve every year in capitalist states
>everyone starves in socialist states
>makes fun of capitalism
>literally an absolute monarchy where anything you get from the government is just a gift from the king
>get hand cut off for watching porn or some shit
how can i get a venezuelan gf ??
Get one a greencard.
> the veneniggers are invading my country
> drop salaries in multiple fields because of their desperation
> most of their collage educated people (25%, so the rest are useless) have a shit tier quality education
> all of them are men or old woman
Motherfuckers, if you are going to destroy this
continent and become the south american mexicans, at least bring your young woman.
>everyone starves in socialist states
Even though the average caloric intake of Soviet citizens was higher than American citizens?
Go to Venezuela, talk to the girls and tell one you want to bring her back with you.
After you bring her back on a visitor's visa, keep her captive for a while and don't let her leave your house. Make sure you instill in her that she'll be deported if anyone finds out she's there. Reinforce it daily. After a few months and she has a good case of Stockholm Syndrom, marry her and get her a green card. She'll be forever loyal to you.
The younger she is when you do this the better. It'll make it clear that she can't live without your support.
Women don't have a sense of being indebted in that sense. A woman brought into this culture, with this attitude regarding dating, loyalty, and freedom will be affected by it, one way or another. Just love 2D, if you like fantasizing about pure girls so much, instead of projecting idealism onto real people and then being severely disappointed by reality. Especially if what you want is a naive, sweet loli like in your picture.
Venezuelan here and it's only a shithole if you are retarded
Why would you want a gf indebted to you? A relationship built on such a fundamental imbalance of power has no chance of success.
The only thing the kids here want is easy pussy. Once theyre done fucking her theyll dump her on the street.
Sure bro, and she probably likes your room too
>move from one failing socialist state to another, except now you get to be raped by Muslims too
no true robot knows anything about relationships or could have a healthy one. we get attracted to weird shit like co-dependence out of a fundamental lack of understanding about relationships due to our having 0 experience with dating.
How the fuck is Europe, as a whole, a "failed socialist state?" You can at least make that argument about Venezuela, as it's ruled by a communist party and is attempting to build socialism, despite maintaining a capitalist mode of production, but do you seriously think that Germany or France or whatever are socialist?
>still alive
>eating well
sounds good desu. Any venezuelan would take that over their shit country. In fact, they do! I've had a venezuelan say to my face he's happier selling candy on the street than back in his country.
t. colombian
>People outside the USA think we all get shot in here everyday
>Girls think Western Europe is sophisticated like the French stereotype
How slutty are Colombians?
well thats exactly what I mean. when you have no context for reality you see everything in terms of fiction.
Should have ended with the third post, turned into a fanfic after that
>lol gommies starve XDDD
Fuck off capcuck
Is it hard being this much of a faggot or does it come naturally?
I can feel the cancer inside of me
That picture made me want to for a second then I remembered that they don't look or act like that.
They do until age 16 or so.
because I don't like most of southamericans
>friend send me a lewd pic of kuro-chan
>makes me think of this story
I'm saying they are pretty wealthy from having "one resource". If everyone wants it what's the problem.
Roasties are so easy to spot.