11 threads about this NPC bullshit

>11 threads about this NPC bullshit
Jow Forums is over, this is the final nail in the coffin

Attached: forced memes.png (1366x768, 389K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>getting triggered by the latest "epic meme" retards come up with
How did you survive robot, cuck or incel?

just hide them. just like fembot threads, "muh cute bois" threads, and tranny/hrt threads.

Defending the NPCs(normies), back off zoomer your days of playing fortnite are over.

Typical NPC

>back off zoomer your days of playing fortnite are over.
I don't even play Forttrash, I play PUBG which is the Boomer Royale

It's time for robots to unite and cast out those that aren't robots to the core.

>Not playing morrowind
Nice try Normalfag, you can't trick someone that was here before all the npcs invaded.

A bunch of inceltards are using misinformation to tout their 'muh superior intellect'. This is nothing new.

>Using Incel
I guess the only good thing about you npcs is that you can't respawn.

I said the same when that guy blasted his face with a shotgun, but here we are again.

How about you fuck off newfag and stop shilling your shitty update memes
normalfag > normie > npc
newfag > zoomer
oldfag > boomer

I didn't know NPCs could get this mad

> Someone says something that makes you butthurt.
> Call them mad.
THIS is what NPC reactions look like.

The NPC meme is shit but I can see it triggering the normans really hard. With any luck they'll finally leave.

I'm not even mad, though. Silly NPC.

ironic npc rping is a shit meme on par with r/memeconomy shitposting and other reddit-tier garbage

I love it when npcs try to blend in, we can smell a Normalfag when we see one.

My thread is at least attempting to correct the rampant misinformation going on, no easy task, but knowledge > ignorance.

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Why does this meme trigger people so much?

Because it's forced and overused


I just hate how the user who spread it deliberately misinterpreted the finding of an article to suit his delusions

Its the equivalent of a scientific study being published that the media hypes up with large headlines about some new important finding only for you to go to read the paper yourself and see that not only was the primary research not about what the media says its about but its not even the conclusion that was reached by the study, the media simply took the findings and twisted them to support their narrative.

That is what those faggots who spread the NPC meme using these articles as the reason did-

Ironic isn't it how they themselves act like the "NPC"s they are so adamant exist when they don't bother to research or understand the article further, they didn't bother to use their brains, they just twisted the findings to support their narrative when the original study and article wasn't even about anything like that.

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Because we are just about to hit the "ironic shitpost" phase of the meme's lifecycle

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Me too /v/edditor. Fuck off back there.

I didn't say you were; thank you for again demonstrating your limited response capabilities.

>Ironic isn't it how they themselves act like the "NPC"s they are so adamant exist when they don't bother to research or understand the article further, they didn't bother to use their brains, they just twisted the findings to support their narrative when the original study and article wasn't even about anything like that.
They repeat pop-psy garbage too with the whole "If you don't have the word for it you can't understand it" meme.
I blame jews for this.

>being this unable to understand context
NPCs are almost cute

I could write a program that could simulate talking to an inceltard. Congratulations on being the first human beings to ever fail a Turing Test.

You can talk about how it was twisted and stuff all you want I agree with you but what you also have to remember is that memes have a life of their own. The NPC shit might have been inspired by these articles but people adopted them to mean something else, hence a meme was born

Fuck. If _you_ can write it, it must be very easy.

>The NPC shit might have been inspired by these articles but people adopted them to mean something else
"Stop liking what I don't like"
Kind of like another shit meme that blew up recently meaning the same thing...

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They know it is true and aren't able to ascend like pic related

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Yes I know I'm aware of the general path of its evolution you can't really stop that but you can at least address the original misinformation source and make enough people aware its bullshit so you force the memers to adapt into a different direction, diluting the forced meme in the process.

Anyways there isn't even anything new or significant with the NPC meme, its another new label at this point for this old thought experiment- en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophical_zombie

Yeah guys all go back to posting about traps and race thats much better!

>if you don't like this new shitty meme you're a trap/raceposter

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Call them an NPC and you will be astonished at how they recoil, how injured they are, how they suddenly shrink back: "I've been found out".

>traps and racebait or wojak recolors
I think it's time to shut down Jow Forums

pls turn me into a happy gf-having or not-a-fuck-about-gf-giving npc. or into a fire hydrant, whatever that is.

LOL. This retard used Edge and Discord. KYS

>This retard used Edge and Discord
Edge is best browser

>how did you survive robot
You do realize that's not a meme or insult, newfag?

Because normies get triggered by the fact that they are all sheeple who behave like AI and the only individualism they have is the color of their newly bought SUV

two autists being mad over which one of them is actually mad

holy fuck this forced NPC meme is gayer than the boomer/zoomer shit

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get a load of this NPC