5779 Begins

It is upon us.

Around 30 minutes into both the New Year and my Perennial Nofap here, just listening to shofar on YouTube, feeling cosy, feeling in tune with God. This is it, lads, the big one, I can feel it this time, I will not relent, I will not fail.

The strength of the ancient Israelites flows through me, just as they endured and survived and prospered, so shall I. With Judaism as my shield, no external bombardment can penetrate my inner sanctum.

I am a spiritual and mental fortress, and you can be too. Join me.

Give it up.

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Shana tova, fellow robot.

What the fuck are you talking about, OP?
I don't know what 5779 is but this is the only thing I can find

Do you feel this is a special year, user?

Shut the fuck up you fucking kike

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fuck off and die, kike

As is to be expected. To be hated and feared and shunned is to be Jewish.

Also, Ketivah VaChatimah Tovah to you, my friend.

I do. I'm sure that HaShem will grant me a gf this year.

kys yahudi

>To be hated and feared and shunned is to be Jewish.
>waaaahhh we are victims goyim stop oppressing us
>*rapes a kid*
>*steals foreskins"
>*Kills goyim while calling them human cattle*

I sure wonder why people hate you

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>To be hated and feared and shunned is to be Jewish.

Crazy how that just happens for no reason huh?

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I can't be the only one sensing something happening?
What are you jews onto now?

I think you mean muslims. No one has it worse than them.

oy vey no that hatred is totally justified!

This is the Year of the Moshiach, goyim.

Milkhemet Mitzvah is coming.

Reminder that judaism is witchcraft

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>total contempt, hatred and animosity for all other races

Can you blame them? I figured as a robot, most would understand the Jewish soul and experience.

Pffft. Your messiah is al-maseeh al-dajjal

Judaism actually explicitly forbids witchcraft and various related practices. Saul's defeat and suicide is linked with him seeking the Witch of Endor and channeling the spirit of Samuel through her.

In fact it was from the Old Testament which many European leaders and movements of the Middle Ages found legitimacy in rooting out and prosecuting witches of the time.

Don't make the same foolish mistake your ancestors did.

>Jews following the OT
nice joke. The state of "Israel" is the most atheist apostate state in the world. If Israel was alive he'd be the first person to declare war against you.

I'm an Unaffiliated Jew and always will remain so, goyim. Do not lump me in with the mutt ethnicist Ashkenazim, mentally and spiritually warped by centuries of abuse and discrimination at the hands of native Europeans.

In fact if anything I would most closely align with the Karaites.

But I follow my own path, I read the Tanakh, I do not think the Talmud and other Jewish writings are utterly BEREFT of validity or value, but the Tanakh is eminent, this can not be denied through reading of it.

I will never look down upon the Rabbinites or the Haredis and Orthodox, or exclude them from Judaism, although they would do the same to me and a great many others.

To follow the God of Israel and his commandments is to be Jewish. We all love God and His people. If a Karaite is willing to die for Israel, how is he deemed of less worth than a Haredi who has spent his life working and reading?

Any writings following it are supplementary, not binding.

>Join me
Only if you give me a qt jewess wife

To me it doesn't matter since you're an apostate either way, but rabbinic judaism is obviously more authentic than your DIY religion.

DIY religion is the best

>but rabbinic judaism is obviously more authentic than your DIY religion.

This is your opinion, but perhaps you should study Rabbinic Judaism and how they have traditionally come to interpret certain aspects of the faith.

To see there are some... leaps in logic at times, would be an understatement.

Judaism is ancient, it is always changing and evolving. Rabbinic Judaism was in fact once very much the minority view/practice in the Jewish world.

Orthodox/Haredi movements themselves are in fact a very, very recent phenomena.

The point is, the Tanakh tells you what you need to do to be Jewish, to worship God and be one of His people.

As I said, any writings following this are supplementary and serve as a guide if anything.

>loyalty to God, Judaism and Israel (the nation, the people)

This is the three main tenets. Think of Judaism as a tiered system, the more pious and rigid you are in following the commandments and rules, the better, but this strict observance and adherence is not for all Jews, and in fact, it would be difficult if not impossible for us to achieve anything as a people if we all were molded in the image of the Haredi/Orthodox interpretation of Judaism.

>to be Jewish, to worship God and be one of His people.
"Converting" to the children of Israel has no meaning. Judaism is not the universal religion and the torah has been abrogated.

>and the torah has been abrogated.

Is this supersessionalist Christian nonsense? Your Man-god says himself his followers have to continue following the Law, that he does not come to abolish the Law or replace it, but to complete it.

You were never supposed to be more than a Messianic sect of Judaism, if Jesus and his followers saw what you had become today, you would be alien to him.

oh dam this is getting spicy

>Is this supersessionalist Christian nonsense?
Nope, the christians are apostates. The one true religion of Abraham and his progeny is Islam.

ISLAM lul.

stop racemixing u demon worshipping fools

Well, you would be perhaps slightly less alien to Jesus and his followers than modern Christianity, I guess, but still wrong and foreign.

Islam is more Arabism with some original Jewish practices and terminology intertwined.

My wife is Hispanic. Can't wait to race mix. Bitch

all religion and worship is sick. all lead to war and fighting among neighbors over whos the best fantasy to prostrate your life over.

religioud books are neat. try praying to all the gods and prophets for fun. but religion beyond a personal meaning is cancer, organized religion is cancer.

Foreign to what? Aren't you a convert to judaism?

well do it, like i care. u mad? go pray to the princes of hell

You're pagan fuel for hell.

im definitely Pagan.

I wish my dad was not a fedora who hates religion. I would love to also participate in the community and go to synagogue and stuff. Must be pretty comfy

Jesus was Pagan too. he said

>organized religion is shit

Timothy 7 verse 11

>thinks Jesus was pagan
did you just convert to christianity? Because I don't know who other than christians claim Jesus preached hinduism.

Jews suck. Muslims suck. identifying under religion sucks. all religions are founded by Demon Lords.

>Foreign to what?

Foreign to Judaism.

>Aren't you a convert to judaism?

Yes, as is every single Jew living today descended from converts.

Why can't you? Judaism is a pretty comfy faith.

So Islam is "foreign" yet you convert to judaism, which is the most ethnocentric religion? That's nonsense.

Deist here. I believe in God, and meditate on God's presence daily. If I have a strong personal connection with God, do you have any reason to believe that I am better or worse at manifesting God's Will on earth than yourself and your fellow Jews?
also, on topic, day 20 of nofap, been easy so far but today I'm having urges. Will insist on doing 30+ days this time.

I will. Tbh i wish i could kill you and your entire family :)

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okay. religion is such a healthy thing for you. have fun praying to Lord Godric the wise one.

>which is the most ethnocentric religion?

Do you not understand the concept of an ethnoreligion? Converts are Jewish, it's as simple as that. Any Jew who claims or thinks otherwise (and they do exist, I will not deny this), is warped and confused.

The Tanakh is clear on this, the Talmud even is clear on this, converts are 100% Jewish, every single Jew alive today's ancestors converted to Judaism in the first place at some point, historically speaking.

>So Islam is "foreign" yet you convert to judaism

Yes, Islam is foreign to JUDAISM, with its Arabic flavorings and roots mixed with some Jewish practices and terminology. In fact many of your Arabians used to historically be Jewish before your religion was even founded, like the Himyar.

If OP was an actually a jew, he would'nt have said God's name in vain, instead he would have written G-d

very poor bait user

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>Any Jew who claims or thinks otherwise (and they do exist, I will not deny this), is warped and confused.
Oh yes I forgot you weren't jewish but rather following your own DIY religion. Obviously the jews who actually transmitted to you the tanakh have no idea what they're talking about. You're not a jew, you're not christian, you're nothing.

>Islam is foreign to JUDAISM
Then judaism is foreign to Abraham.

>If I have a strong personal connection with God, do you have any reason to believe that I am better or worse at manifesting God's Will on earth than yourself and your fellow Jews?

Do you follow the Seven Laws of Noah? If so you're considered a righteous gentile and assured of an equal place in the World to Come along with Jews.

The concept is that the rituals and laws Jews agree to be bound by and follow bring God into the world each time they are obeyed or acted upon, these acts physically manifest God in our world each day.

>also, on topic, day 20 of nofap, been easy so far but today I'm having urges. Will insist on doing 30+ days this time.

Good man, I am a mere 2 hours 30 minutes in, lol, feeling good so far. I am aiming for at least 44 days, I will never fap again so long as I live, this I can guarantee, but I must at least exist long enough to make 44 days of consecutive nofap.

hes a musjew!

oy vey! world to come? do u jews plan on destroying the world to bring him hellish being into this place?


Judaism is about (trying) to inject Godliness into the world. It's just Jews follow more rigiorus rules than gentiles because of their covenant with God, this is why they call themselves "chosen people". Any gentile who follows the 7 laws of Noah is seen as righteous though.

>the Seven Laws of Noah?
A rabbinic concept. You've already contradicted yourself.

>If OP was an actually a jew, he would'nt have said God's name in vain, instead he would have written G-d

Lol, we're talking in English, not Hebrew. The word God has absolutely no need to be obscured, English is not a holy language.

It's mostly Evangelical Christians who use G-d, plenty of Jews write God when writing in English.

>Judaism is about (trying) to inject Godliness into the world.
Which is why the jewish state of "Israel" is the furthest away from Godliness and the torah.

>A rabbinic concept. You've already contradicted yourself.

I don't see how I've contradicted myself at all. I never once said the Talmud or Rabbinism/supplementary writings have no validity or truth to them.

I have immense respect for rabbis and Orthodox/Haredis, and consider them to be the most pious of Jews.

fuck Jews. DIY best

>picking and choosing what to follow

is the best. pagan ftw

Most Israelis are atheistic and liberal. Tel Aviv is basically modern day Sodom and Gemorrah. Although orthodox Jews have like 10 children on average by the time they hit 30 so it will be interesting to see how Israel changes as extreme-conservatives begin to grow in population.

all religion is the root of evil.

>Oh yes I forgot you weren't jewish but rather following your own DIY religion. Obviously the jews who actually transmitted to you the tanakh have no idea what they're talking about. You're not a jew, you're not christian, you're nothing.

Yes, the expert on Judaism over here, the Muhammadite.

I already plainly stated many Rabbinite Jews (especially Haredi/Orthodox) would not consider me Jewish, but then many Haredi wouldn't consider the vast majority of Jews to be Jewish. As I already stated, Rabbinistic Judaism was once very much a minority in the Jewish world, with Hellenistic Judaism massively outnumbering Rabbinists.

Judaism is a fractured religion, despite being so small, there are many denominations and takes on it.

>Hellenistic Judaism

hmm im liking this better

I was raised Orthodox but had a falling out with my faith and was an atheist for a long time. However, I do consider myself Jewish again, but I dislike how Pharisee Judaism is all that's left. I believe that the Sadducees were correct in their beliefs

>picking and choosing what to follow

Not picking and choosing at all. Jews cannot survive if everyone lives as Haredi. I call upon a phrase from the Tanakh which refers to "a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation".

Jews are the nation, the rabbis and ultra-orthodox, would make up the kingdom I expect.

We all worship the God of Israel, we all strive to live by His laws and commands, we're all part of a greater whole.

because my parents would make fun of me.

>but I dislike how Pharisee Judaism is all that's left. I believe that the Sadducees were correct in their beliefs

Umm, Karaites? There's nothing stopping you following Judaism, brother, Rabbinites are not the gatekeepers of our religion. They may not accept us, and that is fine and their right, many Haredi do not accept the vast majority of Rabbinites as well, kek.

I love Judaism, I love God, I love Israel. I read the Tanakh, I follow the commands and atone for the ones I don't.

My only main source of contention is the underlying "muh secret club" notion among some Jews today of the Rabbinites.

Conversion is beautiful, conversion is to be praised, this is commanded. Judaism should be spread to all people, not forced, but encouraged.

I truly believe we're headed to a momentous time though, my brother. I believe we're literally in the era of the Moshiach, if he is not already here he will come soon.

The Third Temple will be built, Judaism will be actively spread again soon.

We've always argued, we've always been fractured. We're Jewish, lol.

Hmm yes that is the attitude of pagans.

Just like in the past the jewish leaders refuse to forbid sin and instead we see the opposite, they turned Palestine into such a wretched place as to make the people of Sodom blush. Hence God said about them in the Noble Revelation:

>Thou seest many of them vying in sin and enmity, and how they consume the unlawful; evil is the thing they have been doing.
>Why do the masters and the rabbis not forbid them to utter sin, and consume the unlawful? Evil is the thing they have been working.
>The Jews have said, 'God's hand is fettered.' Fettered are their hands, and they are cursed for what they have said. Nay, but His hands are outspread; He expends how He will. And what has been sent down to thee from thy Lord will surely increase many of them in insolence and unbelief; and We have cast between them enmity and hatred, till the Day of Resurrection. As often as they light a fire for war, God will extinguish it. They hasten about the earth, to do corruption there; and God loves not the workers of corruption.

>We all worship the God of Israel
And I call you to worship not just the God of Israel, but the God of Abraham, Israel, Jesus, and all the Prophets and all of creation

>And they say, 'Be Jews or Christians and you shall be guided.' Say thou: 'Nay, rather the creed of Abraham, a man of pure faith; he was no idolater.'
>Say you: 'We believe in God, and in that which has been sent down on us and sent down on Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac and Jacob, and the Tribes, and that which was given to Moses and Jesus and the Prophets, of their Lord; we make no division between any of them, and to Him we surrender.'
>And if they believe in the like of that you believe in, then they are truly guided; but if they turn away, then they are clearly in schism; God will suffice you for them; He is the All-hearing, the All-knowing;

>Umm, Karaites?
I only know a little about the Karaites. Admittedly, I should look into them more as the rejection of oral law is important in my belief, even if I can recognize it's importance. More importantly is the belief in an afterlife, which I don't subscribe to. Be it nothing or sheol, I don't believe in a world to come. However, there's no Karaites in the US anyway.

religion is fucked. religion is simply a mask to hide degeneracy

Your outbursts don't make any sense. Let go of the edge.

they make perfect sense. religion is a mask for people to hide themselves.

>a mask used to hide your faces
whoa that's deep man, how did you figure that one out?

>However, there's no Karaites in the US anyway.

There's few Karaites anywhere, I think only 50000 in the entire world. But there are plenty of websites and such out there.

I do subscribe to the eschatological aspects of Judaism, which is one reason I say the supplementary writings are not void of truth or worth, even though you are right there is quite little about it in the Tanakh, it's quite a Talmudic and later Medieval concept, the ideas of Gehinom and HaOlam HaBa and such.

And I call you to join the nation of Israel and worship God.

that its an act? watch television shows, and see higher spiritual potential in people.

The nation of Israel has passed away:

>Why, were you witnesses, when death came to Jacob? When he said to his sons, 'What will you serve after me?' They said, 'We will serve thy God and the God of thy fathers Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac, One God; to Him we surrender.'
>That is a nation that has passed away; there awaits them that they have earned, and there awaits you that you have earned; you shall not be questioned concerning the things they did.
>And they say, 'Be Jews or Christians and you shall be guided.' Say thou: 'Nay, rather the creed of Abraham, a man of pure faith; he was no idolater.'

It's incumbent on everyone today to respond to the call of Islam and join the nation of Mohammed, peace and blessings be upon him, which is the best nation to have lived and ever will until the day of judgement:

>You are the best nation ever brought forth to men, bidding to honour, and forbidding dishonour, and believing in God. Had the People of the Book believed, it were better for them; some of them are believers, but the most of them are ungodly.

No other religion is accepted than Islam:

>The true religion with God is Islam. Those who were given the Book were not at variance except after the knowledge came to them, being insolent one to another. And whoso disbelieves in God's signs. God is swift at the reckoning.

ahhhaaahaaahaa abullah shamallah shambiya

islam is so GODLY that all their men are child rapists. the only reason they dont rape their own as much as they do to native Europeans, is because they are a hideously ugly people.

>jew does nofap
Lemme guess, even if you wanted to fap you couldn't because your mutilated dick can't feel shit.

thats how the ugly subhumans managed to compete with Whites - they put on their wizards hat and cooked up this entire """"religion"""" that does nothing but get people killed.

>The nation of Israel has passed away

As long as one Jew lives, Israel lives. Israel is the nation, the nation is the people. The Land is Canaan, and it is ours, inheriting it once more through God's will.

We will tear down the Dome. We will tear down Al-Aqsa.

The Third Temple will be built.

look at these nerds, fighting over imaginary fiction, killing each other for nothing more than words. utter subhumans


Yeah, so superior, being utterly cucked by a Second Temple sect of that religion. Dying in your millions over the millenia for it and the land we consider Holy.

Or maybe there's actually validity and legitimacy to our "religion", which inspires men to die for their take on it in such numbers.

Not really. Whites are the true Chosen people. you sand beings are the nerd rejects that didnt get invited. Jews and Muslims can both fuck off out of the """holy land""""

What God has promised you will come true. You will be dragged into hell where you'll burn and have nothing to drink except boiling water which you will consume like thirsty camels.

At least we can all agree, Jew, Christian and Muslim, that the worst among humans are the Godless.

Almost like they are trapped, in a state of perennial mental infancy.

yes, such are the teachings from a religion of rapists and suicide bombers. of course theyre only following their founder who married a 9 yr old girl.

if it werent for the oil in the ME keeping your economies afloat, your joke of a "religion" would have long crumbled

Something has awoken.
I feel it, I bet some you felt it too.

I have felt it, brother. I think we're approaching the Messianic Age. I think 5779 is the herald of that age, if not the beginning, then the beginning of the beginning.

The more lies and insults you throw, the more certain we believe that you deserve hell.

>Lo, the Tree of Ez-Zakkoum is the food of the guilty,
>like molten copper, bubbling in the belly, as boiling water bubbles.
>'Take him, and thrust him into the midst of Hell, then pour over his head the chastisement of boiling water!'
>'Taste! Surely thou art the mighty, the noble. This is that concerning which you were doubting.'
>Say: 'The truth is from your Lord; so let whosoever will believe, and let whosoever will disbelieve.' Surely We have prepared for the evildoers a fire, whose pavilion encompasses them; if they call for succour, they will be succoured with water like molten copper, that shall scald their faces -- how evil a potion, and how evil a resting-place!

They're deaf, blind and stupid:

>We have created for Gehenna many jinn and men: they have hearts, but understand not with them; they have eyes, but perceive not with them; they have ears, but they hear not with them. They are like cattle; nay, rather they are further astray. Those -- they are the heedless.

what is this trash? if i feel like reading fiction ill go and read something actually good, like the Forgotten Realms books.

and all or most fantasy writers are White well how about that?

Gehenna, the vampires in The Masquerade believe in this too. i believe that more than this garbage.