What is/are your:

What is/are your:
>Home board
>Other boards you visit
>Board you like the most
>Board you hate the most

For me it's:

>Home board
This shithole
>Other boards you visit
Jow Forums, /sp/, sometimes /a/ and Jow Forums (just to laugh at poltards though)
>Board you like the most
Tie between this shithole and biz
>Board you hate the most
This shithole again

This board is the best and worst place at the same time. Only true robots will understand.

Attached: xxxtentacion.jpg (225x225, 6K)

Also, you're a massive faggot.

wew we got one edgy lad here

Attached: Edgeville_map.png (282x267, 51K)

>home board
>other boards you visit
Jow Forums, /fa/, /b/, /v/, Jow Forums
>fav board
/trash/, i love drama
>least fav

>Home board
>Other boards you visit
>Board you like the most
this one (unfortunately)
>Board you hate the most

>Home board
Jow Forums
>Other boards you visit
/mu/, /c/, /a/(sometimes)
>Board you like the most
Jow Forums(when you filter out all the gay shit)
>Board you hate the most

im displaced from /b/ since it became a normalfag softcore porn board

>Home board
Jow Forums
>Other boards you visit
/his/ and Jow Forums
also /s/ and /gif/
>Board you like the most
Jow Forums. Currently, it actually manages to be quite comfy.
>Board you hate the most
Jow Forums, /soc/, /b/, Jow Forums, /v/

The weirdest board except /fa/, of course

>Home board
Jow Forums
>Other boards you visit
Jow Forums, /his/ and /b/ but only for rekt threads
>Board you like the most
>Board you hate the most

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

How do you browse /his/ and not hate Jow Forums?

i could only choose one board and i hate /a/ more

>Home board
>Other boards you visit
Jow Forums (no shit), /mu/, Jow Forums, /a/, Jow Forums, /tv/
>Board you like the most
Jow Forums
>Board you hate the most
/v/, it's full of shitty meme-forcing fucktards and they're spamming their shitty newfaggot memes here too

Attached: 1536220715805.jpg (590x350, 19K)

>Home board
>Other boards you visit
Jow Forums /tg/ /gif/ /hc/ /hm/
>Board you like the most
/mu/ I'm a music guy
>Board you hate the most

Attached: Itbujk3.jpg (831x706, 125K)

>Home board
>Other boards you visit
Jow Forums, /an/, /out/, /sci/, /tv/, Jow Forums, /o/, /soc/ and Jow Forums
>Board you like the most
>Board you hate the most
don't really hate any

Murder yourself.

>>Home board
Jow Forums and here
>>Other boards you visit
/tv/ /co/ /trash/
>>Board you like the most
Here I guess
>>Board you hate the most
/soc/ for being normalscum

>Home board
In the past its been Jow Forums, /vp/, /mu/ and here but at the moment /lit/
>Other boards you visit
All the ones I mentioned except Jow Forums as well as /a/ and every now and then /v/
>Board you like the most
That's really hard but I'd probably go with /vp/ or /lit/
>Board you hate the most
I was really disappointed when I visited /tv/ but /b/ is easily the worst board if you're over 12 years old

>home boards
I have multiple /mlp/ Jow Forums /his/ Jow Forums
>other boards i visit
/v/ Jow Forums /ck/ Jow Forums
>board you hate the most
Fucking /soc/ and /fa/ have the most insufferable faggots on Jow Forums, even worse than v and pol

Attached: 1536262062907.jpg (1024x556, 70K)

>b ever since it got taken over by porno spam

>Home board
>Other boards you visit
Jow Forums, /his/
>Board you like the most
>Board you hate the most

Attached: huntfortherarepepe.jpg (680x707, 49K)

I found the leftypol faggot who thinks stormfags are the same as hisfags

>Home board
Probably Jow Forums, was /v/ for a long time though
>Other boards you visit
Daily: /v/, /a/, Jow Forums, Jow Forums
Every few days :/vg/, /his/, /m/, /o/, /sp/
Sometimes: /o/, /sp/, /vp/, /out/, /mu/, Jow Forums, /w/
>Board you like the most
Jow Forums or /a/
>Board you hate the most

Take your pills, user. There's no way you could have misunderstood that so much without being a literal schizo.

I may be a shizo but your still a faggot

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