Would any fembot out there pls be my online gf
what's in it for me OP
I'll unironically talk to you if you can somehow prove to me that you're not an autistic pedophile that's capable of normal conversation ITT
Just go to interpals mate
it's me or her OP now you have two options
I'll buy you 1 (one) game on steam.
but i don't play games. life...is a game... *unsheathes katana*
How would I be able to prove that?
He said he wants an online gf not a friend online who is a woman.
stupid hoe
>online gf
why? am i just gonna get cucked by stacy irl
i too want a gf but hopefully in my area 919 area code
>buying a game for someone is a good way to start an online relationship
It's too late anyway
Where do I specifically say that I only want to be his friend in my post. Actual angry little pedo guy.
are you by any chance the robot i exchanged actual mail/packages with?
not at all m8 sorry sounds interesting though
The women here are more fun to talk to than the guys but why in the fuck would you want an "egf". Just go outside damn lmao
>tfw always reply to threads like these and they always forget about the thread
pls be gf
not surprised this is not original
because i'm a subhuman to irl women
please be located in literally within 50 miles of me and be a girl
50 miles? Try 200 WIMP
yeah sure, my current robot bf treating me like fucking trash right now and im sick of spending so much money on him. please dont make me spend that much money OP. He's making me broke im going to fucking kill him god damnit
>Spending money
I'll replace him for half the price
Would any fembot out there pls be my IRL gf
christ why. don't you think having a significant other just for the sake of having one is irresponsible.
love is all about give and take.
please dont jew me too user. im so so so so so sick of it
i think i like him but he only talks to me when hes bored and ignores me when I need him most. I'm a handful to deal with so I feel as if im almost paying him to be my boyfriend at this point
What is thy discord?
hi femanon, you should add me on discord so we can talk: lewwe#3272
what do you pay for?
I was born in 1998, I'm a adult, how old are you? I'm just asking though out of curisouty user, what you said reminded me of my [no longer] relationship] I gave him money too, I don't regret it though, I enjoy giving money, but it must have come off as a red flag since that's intimate, but I have a history of giving people as a whole money, so maybe it wasn't that bad.
This is OP, i'm 20 years old. Do you have discord?
being born in 98 you're barely an adult
>I was born in 1998, I'm a adult
forgot image
forgot image
Uhh my birth year might be a year off or so, Iit could be 1997 but I'm haredwired to say 1998 I'm twenty one
a robotic bf
Uhh my birth year might be a year off or so
nigga, how do you get your birth year wrong? and if you're 21 that's 97
Can any of you girls send me a pic of one your panties? i'd apreciate that.
Discord: doritocheeto#9510
*hardwired to say 1998
Oh I was definitely born 1997, I need to fix my habit of saying 1998, I'l literally write it down, I remember being called out for this IRL too that's how you know its not a troll
Discord? pls, if you can
but WHY my nigga
>tfw born on '98 so '97 dudes call me kid, but since i was born con january i call other '98 dudes kid
Sure! My discord is marycone#3945
>no replies to be my gf
Prove you aren't an NPC. demonstrate freedom of thought (rather than freedom of thot)
doesn't work:(
Robot with 11 inch cock here
Sounds dead in the water, feel free to add me 9incishet7731
Would u still d8 me?
maybe if you fill out the survey with your contact info
Gtfo from this board normalfag scum
I meant to link the survey thread, but just give me your discord
>is less than a D cup
why do chestlets even breathe?
normie whore reeeeeeeeeeeee. GET OUT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
how'd you fuck two guys at the same time but not the same day?