Do I need to become a bad person to get a girlfriend?

> I’m an easygoing, polite, friendly guy who always try to see the best in most people
> But in my inexperience nice guys finish last and we never get the girl
> Do I need to become some kind of edgy badguy in order to attract the ladies?

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I don't get it.

just learn how to play guitar

yes but you cant pull it off because you have low self esteem since since day 1

how many layers of irony is this post on

Can I bullshit my way out into it?
You don't have to believe me but I'm being 100% unironic serious here.

Most of my female friends and coworkers are with arrogant, tattooed guys. A couple of them are even dating guys who have done jailtime for assault.


Maybe just try being confident, in whatever it is you do. The issue with being the "nice guy" is if you try too hard to be nice it becomes a turn off. Be polite and considerate, but doing too much actually makes other people resent you. They develop a mindset of "I wouldn't be comfortable to go to that trouble for anyone" and subconsciously develop a feeling of inferiority.

Depends. Nice Guy is nice og youre genuine nice. Most nice guys are only nice because they expect something in returnering, and that is the lowest og lows.

here i will write to you a very easy explanation of attraction -
attractive people are fulfilled, that is, people who are "large" both in their personality, body and attitude.
to be attractive you need to grow by reading, experiencing a lot of life, physically getting stronger and better (which will also make you visually more attractive) and will also develop your personality because it will become harder to contradict yourself as you experience more things and come in contact with more conflict in life.
beyond that, there's no such thing as being mean or nice, none of that plays into having a consistently rich life. you aren't pursuing to have a certain attitude, but to be accomplished and knowledgable in life, with which comes wisdom and thus the correct attitude

I do speak to girls confidently but I never get past the friendzone. I don’t have that magnetism that badboys have.

Damn autocorrect.

Return - of

my goodness how degenerate

nice shitpost

you'll never be chad, may as well just end it

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but do you actually flirt or are you just "nice"?


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I tease and banter which is basically what flirting is, so I guess so.


That's alright, but if you talk to a girl you genuinely want to be with, you need to start having ,,deep talks", about your dreams, your childhood, what you fear, what you are looking forward to etc.
Basically don't be afraid to talk about various topics, small talk will only get you so far.

fedora post or not

Women would rather be beaten to death than bored to death
it's not necessarily being a bad person, it's being interesting to be around

Just live the fuck out of your life, do the things you want to do, take the things you want to take
Women are not something that can be worked towards directly, they are a side benefit of being successful in various parts of life

The friendzone is not an entrance, it's not something you move past
The friendzone is somewhere you end up when you don't express your intentions correctly straight out of the gate
if you did express your intentions and ended up there anyway, she never viewed you as a sexual partner and you were DOA anyway

>Women are not something that can be worked towards directly, they are a side benefit of being successful in various parts of life

this is true
use them as fuel and support to further yourself

they love to live vicariously through their partners

that's not what i said.
i said you need to be a fulfilled person.

How do I become all around interesting?

no you just need to have enough self esteem to want what you want

Women like men who look good and are popular. Chad can be nice and get laid, he can be a thug and get laid and so on. If girls aren't interested it's because you look a state.

do things
concerts, those tough mudder style events, learn how to weld, fucking anything, just keep busy

>I’m an easygoing, polite, friendly guy who always try to see the best in most people
this isn't what a "nice guy" is. Nice guys are either clingy, entitled, desperate assholes who think they deserve a woman for marching in feminist rallies, or complete pussies who treat women like some magical creatures, and are too ashamed to be themselves around women, resulting in NPC-tier personality whenever a woman is present since they won't have any strong opinions on anything in fear of upsetting the woman, they're just yes-men

No but you have to be a man to some degree

>Women would rather be beaten to death than bored to death
>it's not necessarily being a bad person, it's being interesting to be around
>Just live the fuck out of your life, do the things you want to do, take the things you want to take
>Women are not something that can be worked towards directly, they are a side benefit of being successful in various parts of life

To all the "nice guys" out there, this is the truest thing you'll ever hear. Listen to this and you'l'l be fine.

Do you want to sleep with a bunch of women or find the right woman?
If you just want to find the right one then keep being yourself.

If you want to fuck alot then you have to be 'interesting' if you are not chad'. That kind of means being a degenerate bad boy, have lots of money, or have fun drugs.

If you are a Chad you don't really need to do much, and being a right wing maga guy actually helps.

>inserting politics into a self help thread

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just be more direct and blunt that you want someone. she either says yes or no. men are the ones who should approach. im a really nice person and it doesnt hinder getting grills

>just be more direct and blunt that you want someone. she either says yes or no.

truth in this
don't be afraid of rejection, it saves you shitloads of time

What you consider edgy is being socially normal.

what you consider a bad person is considered self esteem

what you describe yourself as easy going and polite...

YOu are one needy desperate fuck.. just like majority of the skinny fats and high school kids in this entire board.

>What you consider edgy is being socially normal.
>what you consider a bad person is considered self esteem

Are you ugly

your social environment is cancer, opt out as fast as you can.

>24 min video

No. Chances are you are not nice, but creepy or boring.

If you want to be badguy, you will fail, because you are being someone you are not and you`ll look like a tryhard. People can see through

>Most of my female friends and coworkers are with arrogant, tattooed guys.

Oh no, tattoos makes you a bad person! You are probably more arrogant than them, user