Alternative to heavy back squats

I know I'm gonna get roasted hard for this, but I'm hoping to catch a couple of useful replies among the hate.

What would be an appropiate alternative to heavy back squats for a beginner?

The only gym in my area that I can afford does not have a squat rack. It does have a smith machine but I've heard that smith machine squats are cancer.

It has one leg press machine, but it's not one of those 45º, rather one of those plante fitness type things.

Also what would be a good program withouth heavy barbell squats for a beginner?

Attached: SIRWojak.jpg (900x750, 170K)

Heavy front squat

Spend more on your gym. If you can't afford 600$ a year for a gym, you can't afford 2000$ a year for milk.

>$600 a year in a gym
I spend 340€ and I think it's a lot

"heavy" being relative, because I'm limited to how much I can power clean, and I can't power clean for shit.

Reroll genetics, so you don't have to squat heavy to cope with your face

>not squatting in the OHP rack


I don't have a squat rack at home, so I put the barbell on the bench rack, put the bench on the lowest decline and get that shit on my back. I'm sure you can find a way to squat if you want, there's probably a free standing rack people use for benching.

Split squats, and heavy lunges. Other single leg workouts you can find.

I grew a beard for that. Half your face covered==half ugly, right?
Those were already on the menu
>tfw too weak of an upper back to keep proper posture for zerchers

Romanian pistol lunges

Damn, someone can take a joke on this place? For real tho, do you really like heavy squats?

i spend 100€ for uni gym

>smith machine squats
Whats wrong with smith machine?

Mine has a power cage but squats are killing my back so also interested.

Farmers walk up stairs
Leg press
Calf raises

Gib more

OK, a little context: used to lift, fell off the wagon for reasons sometime ago. I'm about back to square gain re: strenght and muscle (I'm actually fatter). Wanna get back to lifting but the only gym in my area I can go to doesn't have a rack or any sort of structure to do heavy squats on it.

I like heavy squats and used to do them, I'm not fooling myself here, I know nothing can get me the same results strength-wuse as heavey back squats, so I'm trying to figure out what's the second best.

So far, the list goes as follows:
-Front squats (limited by my shit ability to do power clenas, so not really "heavy").
-Zerchers: I've done them on occasion, I like them, they go on the menu
-Leg press: shitty leg press machine at the gym, guess it would be OK for volume work, though
-Push-pressing low wieght in place and doing 20 reps on back squat
-Single leg stuff

Now I just have to figur out how to put all of this togheter, I'm looking for a 3-4 day per week schedule

Mixing up sumo and conventional deadlifts while also going between high and lower volume, some stiff legged deadlifts, while adding in glute bridges and leg press, and good mronings/ back extensions. Maybe some extra trap work

Everyone says trap bar DL is a squat substitute
Your gym probably doesn’t have one though


>tfw too weak of an upper back to keep proper posture for zerchers
If your back's too weak for Zercher squats how is it not too weak for back/front squats?

goblet squats would serve as a good substitute/transitioning exercise in to barbell squats
>I know I'm gonna get roasted hard for this, but I'm hoping to catch a couple of useful replies among the hate.
i'm only going to roast you for your blatant reddit attitude and posting style, nothing else

What? Zerchers are way more stressful on the upper back than back squats due to the position of the weight
I don't even go on reddit. I've seem anons getting shit on to death for asking the exact same question as me here.

I've also seen people getting helpful replies among all the hate, though.

>not using your dead granpa to lift for free
never gonna make it

leg press
1 leg db squat
hip machine work

Do loads and loads of leg work to make up for the lack of squats and most importantly finding a new gym

Just do a Smith Machine hack squat with your legs out in front.

Attached: Smith-Machine-Hack-Squat.jpg (677x449, 67K)


RDL's and weighted lunges.

Attached: IMG_20170725_073420.jpg (2048x1536, 357K)

it's not a squat substitute, so stop listening to those people

it's still primarily a hip hinge, closer to a conventional deadlift than a sumo deadlift is to a conventional deadlift, it should be treated as a deadlift variant and not a squat variant

Skateboard squats

Attached: scooby_is_love.gif (300x294, 323K)