/fph/ Angry Obeast Edition

Some user in last thread found that obeasts post pictures of themselves like this online for free. I guess they’re proud of this? Still trying to get the why of it all.

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slide over Picasso, this painting of a ride obeast’s paw is real art

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i want to depopulate the local watering hole after seeing this

>photoshopped pics and make-up
My sides.

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god damn why must everyone on tumblr think they live in their own movie?

Being fat is okay. Why do you guys have to make us feel bad were all people I don't understand. I deserve to be respected even though I'm a bit heavier were still humans why is it different that I'm a little bit bigger

If you can't respect your own body why should I respect you?

Also being muscle doesn't make you better than fat people because sometimes your not even strong. You just eat chicken instead of cakes and sweets and you build muscle but we're not all like that

I'd hate fuck desu

Because were all humans and being bigger doesnt mean I should not be respected there's lots of people who are a bit bigger were all the same all people

T. Subhuman garbage

>he isn’t muscle
Never gonna make it

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>I deserve to be respected

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We all live in our own movie. The difference is that some movies have shit protagonists and are boring.

Fun fact, as you get fatter medical imaging tech starts to have trouble looking into your body. Look at how the bones become less defined as you image fatter beings

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Because western society has told them they're the main character and only they can stop the evil dictator and their evil regime that plagues every waking moment in their lives.

You don't need to act like some idiotic cunt from the Hunger Games or whatever Tumblr is watching currently is what I mean by that.
People can behave realistically or like that, like being in a movie.

>doesn’t believe orange man bad
orange man bad

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That doesn't matter what if there's more muscle there it doesn't matter because they will have trouble looking inside you anyway. Being fat is the same as being muslcey for doctors it's not normal nobody gains muscle naturally but you get fat natural

>this cope
dude, there probably has been like 5 people ever with enough muscle that MRIs have trouble

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>Those muscles on the left

>can't tell if b8 or retard
Obviously low IQ no matter what, look at that sentence structure. I'll give you a couple reasons:
1. You cost 10% of a taxpayer funded healthcare system
2. You are consumerist garbage with no sense of stoicism or self control
3. Being muscular and fat is not the same. You know why? Because most muscular people don't have an extra 200 lbs of muscle on them- fat people have that much in fat
4. Your sense of personal hygiene deteriorates and you begin to smell
5. You take up 2 fucking seats on public transport
6. You obviously don't give two shits about your health, so I don't give a crap about your health either
7. Fat people are some of the most obnoxious people out there, full of excuses and fatlogic to explain away that they do not have the temperance to put down the fucking spoon
You are not a person. You gave up your right to personhood the minute you became obese. You deserve the rope, but the country would have to invest in some pretty fucking strong rope to haul you out, so I'd just gas you.

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your wrong

your just jealous I think you need to go outside more all those steroid are making you angry. fat people arent unhealthy unless they have a desiese you just don't understand

plus I only take up 1 and a half seats

OK, very good. You had me there ngl. Props to ya bruv.

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Am i retarded or is this bitch making no sense?

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You can be fat if you want. But you are not entitled to respect. Fuck you.

I'm big on shitting on fat pieces of shit but that logic is a slippery slope. It's fun to poke fun at them especially when they're delusional but it's important to be a bit understanding. I feel bad for these people at the end of the day even though I know they did it to themselves.

Anyway we shouldn't not respect them as people.

Pathetic bait, have a (you).

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Guys I went from 120kg to 80kg a few years back and I‘ve slipped up to 90kg again. Help!!!

you can do it my nigga, you won't go back to being a mistake

Eat less

Thanks user, thing is I only cut back on calories back and I‘ve done minimal cardio but nowadays I also lift and something in my brain now says „Come on, food is great. You need to eat more to gain muscle“ But then i underestimate it and gain fat

It‘s really hard going from hardcore cutting to having a small + in calories. I‘d even wager to say completly fasting would be easier for me. Do yoj get me?

nigga just don't eat a ton and keep working out you'll be fine
Also depending on your height (if you're 6'0+) 90 kg is fine

You‘re right. But I‘m doing fine for a couple days thrn i binge, making all improvements worthless.

I just need to lose about 10kg again (80kg) I‘m 6‘2/190cm but I have a very slender build and all of that fat goes into my belly

Help yourself you goofy fat cunt: stop eating so much. You didn't even manage to get down to a healthy weight.

the real reason for fph is hating on people who push for fat acceptance, and praising unhealthy diets and obesity. not just random fat people

no one gave you the right answer, so i post for once

when your feet are so fat that you have to take out your shoelaces while strolling through your ghetto

Wrong. All fats are scum.

/fat/ here.

I've been making a difference with my weight. Lost about 12-13 pounds so far. (starting weight was 233 lbs)

I think i've complained here about it before- but to lose weight i've been going to the /pool/.
There are so many fucking obese people that just take up space. They "wade" through the lanes going back and forth wearing those stupid fucking floaters, forcing you to swim around them, then sit at the ends of the pool so you can't touch the end/push off to begin another lap. It's incredibly irritating.

I think the thing that bothers me the most is they see me being /fat/ working my ass off for about two weeks now and they just fucking stare at me. Why the fuck are you at the pool you stupid bitches? Meanwhile half of the pool is taken up by obese women that do aerobic dances in the shallow end. Their instructor is a fucking whale that doesn't even go in the water. She just shouts from the side sitting/laying on a ledge and gives them instructions with a pool noodle.

They also sit in the hot tub/sauna when they haven't even used the fucking pool, taking up space yet again from tired swimmers who just want to relax quietly- but of course they're sitting there talking about stupid shit like motorhomes.

Sorry for the blogpost

What a time to be alive.

False. Magnetic imaging would have an easier time seeing through muscle than fat because of water content. Fat cells contain significantly less water than muscles. Their consistent composition also preferable for nuclear imagining as opposed to adipose, as lipid tissues have varying densities.

Nice user but I need a more realistic insult cause my health is fine. Insult me about being ugly that triggers me more to lose weight

>is overweight
>m-muh health is fine
Fuck off fatty

>writing like a woman makes you sound like a little bitch

Grow the fuck up and ignore the other people there. What they think about you, say about you, won't affect you becoming Jow Forums. That depends on how much you eat and exercise. Sack up. Work out.

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i‘m not overweight im just not skinny

how is 90kg in 190cm fat?

thats average bmi

i just want to have abs again

>Literally the fattest you can be will still being in the normal bmi range

I've been there, you are still a fatty


do you have instagram or snapchat. having a myproANA boyfriend would help

You know why they go there. After they wade around the pool for 30 minutes and burn max 50 calories they say "oh yeah I exercised today, I can afford to treat myself to three big macs and a XXXL coke".

These people really have the good life when they can put all there times and efforts into this shit. They don't realize it thoe.

holy shit all these people have skeletons inside them

that's spooky as fuck

>likely lied about weight/height to sneak in at 24.9
Youre a fatty in denial. Fuck off.

>*blocks your path*
>”Hand me the orbiters, user...”

i just noticed that Im literally at the edge and no I really didn‘t lie but you‘re right. I need to become a skinny legend again

It makes sense for the instructor to be on the side of the pool rather than in the water.
you try copying the movements of a coach that's in the water while you're in the water too.

>tha spine misalignment

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Dahnald, I've got the shekels.

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This will be our final battle.

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>come to a thread about hating fat people
>complain about them
>"ignore them!! Grow up!"

Are you fucking retarded?

That faggot is complaining about how they make him feel while he's trying to lose weight, you're clearly fucking retarded for not having the reading comprehension of a nigger straight off the slave boat.

I'm an MRI technician, and I can confirm that is correct. Due to its molecular structure, high concentrations of lipids make it difficult for the magnetic and radio waves of the machine to scan the body. Meanwhile, the concentrations of muscle mass required to do the same would make it nearly impossible for a person with such muscle mass to fit into a standard MRI machine in the first place.

Cool meme.

Yeah user is a bit retarded for complaining about that, it's the normal thing to do

They're genderspecials who don't wash. Pictured: the mod from feddit's askfeminism

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it's not okay, you disgusting toad.

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How can you ever form a lymphoedema without realizing something is tremendously wrong with you?

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She's there only one day of the week and every other instructor does it in the water with them.

she looks like she'd like a good rape

Delusion and hedonism are powerful beasts

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Rippetoe looks rough these days

>tfw unironically get aroused at the thought of forcefucking dykes like this at rallies
Am I retarded with shit taste or high test?


That is absolutely fucking disgusting

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From Smough to Ornstein in just seven days.

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Probably couldn't see his feet for a few years while stuck in his couch or bed. Out of sight, out of mind, right?

How did you lose 40 kg the first time?

(Its based on the ridiculous use of BMI as a personal measurement but still)

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For the guys if a hemayo tries to give you shit for eating reasonably just say: "Gotta watch my figure. I don't want man titties." Watch their face quickly go to smug then embarrassed.

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>You are not a person. You gave up your right to personhood the minute you became obese. You deserve the rope, but the country would have to invest in some pretty fucking strong rope to haul you out, so I'd just gas you.
Day of the crane when?

That's not a nice thing to say about someone putting in such effort to look sexy and troll for dick in a family park.

Looks like that simple sarah fatty on youtube

>Big feet big dick
Fuckin obeast hacks


>6'0 140lbs
What skeleton wrote this?

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>hey guys ornstein here from athleanx, today we are gonna be talking about internal and external humanity rotations

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Is the left natty? How do i get that big?

Just ate less, heavy cut desu. Cut down on everything except Water, tea, vegetables and chicken

On the edge, but technically still healthy/normal weight.

How could you let yourself get like this?