When was it too late for you to live a normal good life?

When was it too late for you to live a normal good life?

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As soon as I started pursuing the NEET life. Taking that hard road was the end of any normal life for me.

when I was conceived, originally.

From the day I was born, fucking assburgers

At the age of four.

There were a few definite turning points in the past years that turned me into a mess

When I realized that there was no traumatic event in my life that made me like this. It's just how I've always been. I just lost the genetic lottery, that's all.

DNA pretty much fucked every opportunity I never had

I managed to break my neet curse after almost a year, best descision I ever did. Stay strong frens, I believe in you

After puberty and my weak jaw was unable to keep me from growing a long face

As soon as I found this website instead of just staying on normiebook

It's not too late right now.

Depends on your concept of a normal life. I use to be really unhappy because I wanted to be normal. Things started to be a lot better when I started to try to have a good life instead.
Most people are crabs in a bucket, they want life to suck and be miserable for everyone. Look how happy people get watching that r9k blow his head off with a shotgun. Kids life meant nothing to him they never would have ever known or heard of him, they get a normiegasm seeing the guy get offed. Apparently they think it makes them tough to not be miserable and see someone else be. What's so tough about that? They got it easy and like seeing people who have it hard fail. They just want other people to have it hard for no reason at all, even if it doesn't make their own life easier.

I imagine most robots consider themselves logical thinkers. It would be the most logical decision to find out what causes depressive thoughts and start to recognize and remove them. If something impedes that process, then remove that as well.

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can't really remove the world

I think there's a lot to the world that you haven't explored that would bring more positive than negative in your life, and internet has given you an estranged view of the world. Statistically speaking, there's bound to be something out there that would bring happiness and purpose into your life.

Quick question: do you play videogames or watch anime? If so, have you ever been to a convention?

But you can remove yourself from it.

I don't think someone with these kinds of questions would have a bright career in being an astronaut. Any other suggestions?

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Not with that attitude you can't

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nobody likes a hypocrite, go take your own advice pussy

At birth original