Uh oh, Jow Forums, you accused Craig Golias of using synthol and he's slowly waddling towards you!

Uh oh, Jow Forums, you accused Craig Golias of using synthol and he's slowly waddling towards you!

How do you take him down?

Attached: golias.jpg (1080x1080, 85K)

*Slip* oh I'm sorry! *Sucks dick* looks like we're in a sticky situation here! UwU hehe *rawr*

I’m honestly surprised he doesn’t get meme’d here that much

He’s literally a rich piana reskin with a different personality

>different personality
That's why.

Wait until he gets close enough then do a dark souls barrel roll draw my concealed carry piece and put 5 rounds center mass.

>He’s literally a rich piana reskin with a different personality
That's not really fair on Rich. Golias can barely walk unaided and he's super insecure.

Why are his legs so (relatively) skinny? Shouldn't carrying all that mass around all day big them up a bit?


>How do you take him down?

Attached: 1200px-Safety_Pin.jpg (1200x877, 70K)

The amount of drugs he had to take to become this artificial abomination of an example for steroid abuse definitely turned even his DNA female.

And I am an gentlemen.
I dont fight women.

Those calves are pretty thicc, it's just the size and structure of his upper body making them look small

Uh user i

Walk away at a moderate pace

Someone post the webm of him collapsing and gasping for air after a short jog

user pls, whatever Rich Piana's faults aat least he could support his own bodyweight

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Havd you ever seen rich walk? His knees were killing him

Dude can barely stand up, he's like one of those 600lb fat people who just lay in bed all day

>*guy in the picture is wearing shorts that cover entire quad*
>dyel faggot replies: "his legs are skinny"
every single time

Attached: 35537937_1064755913680708_6124011288306647040_n.jpg (1080x1080, 74K)

any videos of this? im curious

he's far bigger than rich ever was

Attached: 11117045_429055550605103_1317709379_n.jpg (640x640, 62K)

why did he do it? he had it all be he wanted more

Attached: omnM4XqAMbdUc3kLxYM0wrL_kM_tcX3bOSJrP_kl9oc.jpg (320x569, 44K)

Wtf is with his calves?

Rich actually had a decent build this guy is a block.

>t. blocklet

literal goal physique

dude's married to a legit m2f tranny and won't admit it. shits hilarious