I'm an NPC, ask me anything you want or just post memes

I'm an NPC, ask me anything you want or just post memes.

Attached: 1536530446289.png (430x441, 86K)

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Ever done any drugs user?

>Ever done any drugs user?

Which ones? Got any interesting stories about them?

Mostly weed and alcohol over college breaks, but otherwise I'm too busy. One time my friend and I smoked dmt in northern Italy and we found ourselves busking on the streets at 2am. A group of gypsies walked up and threatened us so we left and I had the best sleep of my life.

What's an NPC? Took about a two week break from r9k and this shit is everywhere.

An NPC is someone who rarely has internal dialogue

Good day friend, know where I can find semi honest work?

20% of people have little to no internal monologue. Since the rest of us passively use an internal monologue to process information and idly turn over ideas it seems that those people would have practically no in-depth cognition.

What the hell is internal dialogue anyway?

It's when you talk to yourself inside your head, it extends basically to what we call consciousness and awareness, or a soul.

Animals seem to lack these traits, and so too do these NPC people, as many of us "PCs" are realizing

Try the local tavern, the Staggering Stacy. I hear a man there is looking for young adventurers like yourself.

A curse
I envy those that don't have it. Although there may not be a "those" anyway if there's no person inside their head

So just another way to separate 'them' and 'us'.. chads and stacies got mainstream I presume.

How would you even know what a PC or NPC is when you don't interact with other people? Everyone has intuition, you're not special.

tfw have both complex internal voice and internal visualisation

Attached: MeditationsforEnlightenment.jpg (412x300, 25K)

That's normal faggot, the lack of one is the weird thing. It's actually just serial vs. parallel mental processing except apparently some people completely lack the serial.

You mean "the voice " inside our heads?
That's bullshit dude everyone has one, it's literraly impossible not to listen to that annoying fucker.

I don't, unless I'm writing or making some kind of exclamation.

>there are NPCs on Jow Forums RIGHT NOW

No shit, who do you think made this thread?

Do you talk with the voice? Like long conversations or the voice expressing desires for example
I may be thirsty so the voice says " we could go for a nice glass of water don't you think " or you see a hot chick and the voice says "stop looking at her, she will think you are weirdo" usually followed by another voice that says "lol who cares, you won't bang her the least we can do is stare at her "

The NPC meme is just a falseflag by failed normies to make incels appear even more delusional

npc meme isn't a real thing and anyone who believes it would probably be an npc if it was

No, not at all. I don't have a "voice". If I'm thirsty I'll just go get some water. If I have shit to do I sometimes make a list, otherwise I just keep the idea in my head and get it done.

Sometimes I read things in a respective characters voice. Like "The Delegates Dahnald, hand em over," meme from Jow Forums, but that's about it.

>having a literal unstoppable demon inside your head

Do you have an easy time following a daily routine and having a perfect sleep wake cycle due to little internal processing?

t. npc without the internal voice

That's schizophrenia. 75% of the population are schizos.

t. npc who affects nobody in any meaningful way and whose death or disappearance will effect no one

>Do you have an easy time following a daily routine
I mean I guess it depends on what you consider easy. Sometimes every day is a struggle, sometimes not.
>and having a perfect sleep wake cycle
I fucking wish, my sleep schedule is awful

>NPCs damage controlling this hard

It's not schizophrenia, the voices are in my head not outside of it also they are not independent of my thoughts. Schizos cant control the voices

You have a voice then, even if it is that thought saying "buy 6 egg from the store

>implying that you'd be an NPC if you said you were, or if you were aware of NPCs' existence

This. NPCs lack of self-awareness so the fact that you are even here proves that you are full of shit, Op. Being a lazy motherfucker and being an NPC are 2 different things.

I was going off the internal dialogue definition

This sounds like a blessing. My internal dialogue is so loud it's destroying sometimes.

How's the second child coming along?

Attached: how is life fellow human.jpg (634x2662, 564K)

Is having internal dialog NPC or is not having an internal dialog NPC?

Is this the new Fresco?

How so? If you can't control the voices it means you have schizophrenia user.

>being so stupid you actually need to internally monolog in order to get shit done

>being an unthinking NPC

is the meme that PC's constantly think a monologue, like 24 fucking 7

no the meme is that a study of 30 people in a class of nignogs means that apparently 80% of people have no internal thoughts

Wasn't it 75%?

It was 20% have internal monologue.

Oh yeah I misread it, whoops

Honestly this. You should only need to use internal monologue when you're trying to figure something out, if you're thinking left, right, left, right when you're walking you might not be an NPC but you're a fucking idiot.

Nah. NPCs are normalfags who can't think for themselves and follow everything the mainstream tells them

Do you like better quality things?

Attached: npc.png (430x441, 6K)

>NPCs are normalfags who can't think for themselves and follow everything the mainstream tells them

>he unironically believes he's not an NPC just because he follows alt-media
NPC spotted

>Functional MRI imaging studies have shown that monologic internal speech involves the activation of the superior temporal gyrus and the left inferior frontal gyrus, which is the standard language system that is activated during any kind of speech. However, dialogical inner speech implicates several additional neural regions.

What is the point in asking you anything when your response can only ever be the composition of other peoples ideas?

>if you're thinking left, right, left, right when you're walking you might not be an NPC but you're a fucking idiot
So you literally do not think about anything when walking somewhere? It's like you simply skipped the action? Sounds familiar...

Try reading what I typed again.

Just to explain what this is from - there was a study that showed a majority of people are not using their internal voice 2/3 of the time. On top of that, there is a small amount, about 1/5 of people who don't use an internal voice at all, those people can genuinely be said to not be sentient (self aware). But it's not surprising to learn 20% of people (basically the mentally retarded) are barely human. What is surprising is to find out that the majority of people are only using their internal voice 1/3 of the time, which means 2/3 of the time they're not thinking. Try to wrap your ahead around how crazy that is. The majority of people are frequently not thinking at all. Think about how crazy it is to not have any conscious thought for extended periods of time, while you're fully awake and going about your day.

Is the NPC life a happy life, and can I become an NPC?

You don't need to use internal monologue only when you're "trying to figure something out", you can "think" for reasons other than simply solving problems

Try reading the part that you quoted this time.

sounds prettty great tbqh

Are you aware that not all thinking is verbal?

Obviously, to begin with most thought is unconscious. What I am referring to is specifically conscious thought, which is a higher level of thinking that can not be handled unconsciously. You're not gonna solve a math problem unconsciously. You do it by thinking it through, using logic. Same thing with problems in your life that you have to solve. Unconscious thought can only repeat what you have already done or seen done, it can't overcome new problems or help you arrive at new conclusions.

You can't solve a math problem verbally unless you are doing rote algorithmic manipulation of symbols.

Of course you can. I'm genuinely confused how you can think that. To break it down on an extremely simple level:
two plus two equals four
I have just solved a math problem verbally.

Because it's interesting, or maybe you'll find a way to error 404 my programing

If internal voice is that uncommon, why are they universally portrayed in fiction and everyone understands it?

Einstein didn't have inner monologue.

What do you think of 11. The Story of Shunkai from Ashida Kim Zen Koans?

(Don't rush through it, give it time to sink in.)

I have that when reading, unless I get really sucked into it then imagine it unfolding like a movie but even then the characters use my voice. And people are everywhere pretending they don't have one. Its a meme you nigger, maybe you just don't realise what it is. If you are around people and just talking to them that voice might turn off because you are doing something automated and already pre tought. But if solving something, reading and trying to actually comprehend something you 100% have to use the internal voice unless you are always talking about some stuff. In that case you are retarded.