At what age did you learn that winter is the devil's hour?
At what age did you learn that winter is the devil's hour?
And our calender's start at January literally one of the coldest months of the year, and not July which is one of the hottest months of the year?
Same age that I learned about devil's toothpick (pic related), and devil's lettuce
I love winter. Makes tracking easier during hunting season, cozy as fuck, bugs fucked off, most dislike it so it is much easier to do things without others around and more.
The only negatives I have about it is
-30 to -40 is common around here which means I have to wear an actual jacket.
People often track snow in and it becomes muddy
People generally are too cocky with driving on ice.
I love all seasons except for urban summer.
Heat gets trapped between concrete buildings and you're basically cooked.
It's when the evil rises from the depths of the shadows and roams.
Summer is the devil's season, not winter
>hot as fuck, just like hell
>heat makes people looney
>women go almost naked
>road repair time, massive traffic
>sweating all the time, have to wash your clothes
>silent, reflective
>few people out, freedom to wander alone
>see clearly through the forest
>boobs/butt covered by all but the most hardcore thots
>shoveling snow builds character
I mean technically yeah you would think it would start bang on the Spring equinox or something.
>shoveling snow
I unironically love shoveling snow, it's the only chore I enjoy
Lol, I like you user. You seem like a funny person and are probably worth having as a friend.
Same. Gives you an excuse to go out in the snow without looking like a weirdo grown man playing in the snow.
I just shovel snow or go for a long walk in it when it comes, sadly we rarely get much lying snow where I live, maybe once or twice a year if you're lucky, and never very deep.
the devil must love me then. I'm fat tall and large. And I live in florida. summer heat is unbearable. ai keep my room 60 degrees farenheit when possible.
I know right? It's like something wants every year to start shitty or something something
Thanks man. I just being me I guess :)
Apparently the Persian calendar begins with Spring equinox. Seems to be the only calendar that does.
I think I remember reading the New Year was initially going to be December 25th, this was back in Roman times, I guess either something to do with Jesus or whatever Romans celebrated December 25th as before Christianity spread.
But something to do with full moons around that specific December 25th meant they delayed it to January (so that the New Year would start with a new moon) to avoid upsetting local superstition.
Seems like the persians knew!
>But something to do with full moons
Nothing great ever happens around that time. Everyone is fooled into celebrating actual evil that's happening. Calendar should've started in March 21/22 or July
>Calendar should've started in March 21/22
Spring equinox can take place anytime between March 19th and March 21st though. I always think the calendar should start at midnight on the day of the equinox, whether Spring or Summer.
Or since it's all Christian and shit start it on Christmas, like it was originally supposed to start. Jesus' birth heralds also the birth of a new year (which makes more sense considering the years are apparently calculated from his birth).
Gregorian calendar is fine though, remarkably simple for its accuracy. When you start reading about how Hebrew calendars are calculated and stuff... yeah, it fucking fries your brain.
NPCs hate the winter because it interferes with their programming more than other seasons
Stay mad, quest giver
>The modern Iranian calendar is now the official calendar in Iran. It begins at the midnight nearest to the instant of the vernal equinox as determined by astronomical calculations
Yeah and have you ever read about Zoroastrianism? Iranians are actually kinda based, Islamism aside.
when christmas became horrible and i had to buy my own video games.
There's a lot of occultism that takes place between October 21st and December 31st. It's literally the "big jerk" to the common man celebrating their own doom. The drugged masses unaware.
>it's the dead of winter
>it's the dead of night
>it's well below freezing
>The air is dead still
>the snow is falling
>big fat snow and plenty of it
>you bundle up in your coziest of winter garb
>you step outside
>take a deep breath of that dense crisp winter air
>the smell of the snow and fireplaces fills your very being
>there is no one else out but you
>the silence is impressive
>if you listen close enough you can hear the actual sound of the snow falling. White noise
>you start walking.
>no destination
>no reason
>just you, your thoughts, and the crunch of fresh snow with every step
Fuck yes. Take me to that location in the thumbnail now.
When I was 16 and had to drive in snow.
Just drive really fucking slow and it's easy
My favorite part of winter is seeing retards in ditches because they don't know how to take it easy in the snow
>middle of winter
>you're wake before sunrise
>it it snowed last night
>still some random flakes falling if front of the window
>your coffee maker kicks on
>the smell of fresh coffee fills the cabin
>out of bed
>eggs and fuckin bacon
>after breakfast you step out into the cold December morning
>sun just peaking over the horizon
>strap on your skis/snowshoes
>into the woods you go
>the snow squeaking beneath your feet
>branches creaking under the weight of the fresh snow
>you think to yourself 'this is the correct way to do solitude'