Ive gotten laid 3 times in the past month, and im an autistic mentally ill poor neet

ive gotten laid 3 times in the past month, and im an autistic mentally ill poor neet.

all vaginas, all over 6/10.

there is hope, lads.

ask me questions if you want, im here to help if i can.

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Fuck off normalfag. ghf

as bitter as it must taste to you, i am not normal, and i am getting my dick wet. im just trying to help you do the same.

I am 5'9 with a huge cock and nice face but completely crazy and not nornal. How get hot girls

Where did you meet these femoids?

literally fucking die you cretin I hope you die screaming in a grease fire you waste of life

okcupid and fetlife

You deserve to be tortured and then have your head on left a pike in the front lawn in front of your parent's house.

if i dont die from something i cant control im offing myself before i hit 30 so dont even worry my dude

>I'm autistic
You're not, you wouldn't even be going outside if you were. Only normalfags have friends and socialize.

its amazing how you act to people online when youre a horny loser likely with somekind of childhood or adolescence trauma

>mentally ill
Are you really these things or are you just anxious?

How do you make it clear you want sexy time?

Could you help me by telling me how to explain to akward normalfags that robots don't want to fuck roasties? I must not be very good with words, because the point never gets across, and people don't understand that an outcast with real mental and emotional difficulties doesn't need some normie woman in his life to make it harder.

post okc profile or screenshot

i dont go outside except to do my walking and coffeeshop routine. that is all i do every day. i am diagnosed. once every few months i might go to a little small local band show if i can handle it.

If you're autistic, how on earth do you transition during a date from normal interaction to something sexual? What is the process, run me through every step in detail. I have little problem having normal conversation, but when it comes to anything intimate I lock up, my mind goes blank, and I become a huge sperg. Explain yourself.

how the fk do you do it? do you ask to meet up first or do you just go their place right away?

diagnosed as autistic with obsessive compulsive disorder, and post traumatic stress disorder. also severe depression.

honestly, the first one, we were cuddling and they asked me, second one, she started putting her hand on my leg, and i went for a kiss. third one, we were playing truth or dare.

And please, no generalized shit like, be flirty, or tease her, or be witty and playful. These things mean fuck all if I have no context or method to apply it, it doesn't just come to me, or I wouldn't be asking

>3 times in a month

Kek. I've gotten laid 3 times today. Feels nice to have a live-in qt gf.

just hang out as friends. everyone gets horny, you could get lucky if youre not repulsive and youre respectful and nice to be around. (ie not trying to get her to pity you)

fuck, honestly its just a lot of absorbing roleplay and stuff that fembots say on tumblr. i really wish i could help you with a specific thing to say. someone just talking to them online before we even met up, i think i somehow gave them enough of a good impression to me that they already kinda wanted to fuck me before we met up. its just paying attention to not make them try and pity you if youre depressed, you listen to them and if they vent to you, you validate them in detail and just maybe try and find people that have high sex drive. all 3 i have fucked have very high drive.

Tell us the story please I don't know exactly how to interact with peolpe

Were you a virgin before this or did you get laid before those 3? I want to have hope

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trust me, i didnt either, i barely ever interacted with a soul in high school. just read a lot of stuff on tumblr, as much of a cesspool you may think that site is, a lot of fembots frequent it, and what better place to learn about inner working from than the source.

How old are you, OP?
Serious and original question.

Leave fags like that kid alone. Not worth it.

How do you get over the fear if outting yourself out there, on say tindr or using social media? I only post on Jow Forums bc like being anonymous when posting.
I don't think I have anxiety but my inability to use tindr or Facebook is starting to make me think I do.

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Was it awkward?

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you must be one of the decent looking ones.

Alcohol you brainlet