How do I stop experiencing rage over that I'm a nice guy incel?

how do I stop experiencing rage over that I'm a nice guy incel?

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You're not nice.

Become voluntarily celibate.
Do your best not to worry about women, sex, relationships etc. Just focus on improving yourself, improving your life, and finding happiness where you can.

Stop being nice.

Holy shit. My 14 year old self was right all along. The "girls go for douchebags and nice guys finish last" stance was not a meme after all.

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i dont get the incel meme is it supposed to be nice guys or guys that dont get pussy or is it guys that dont try to get pussy?

volcel gang what up

The "involuntary" part means they're trying their damndest, but can't get sex.
And with what the culture around sex is like in the current year - well, draw your own conclusions.

Incel now is used as an insult by women and cucks for everyhting they don't like, so, do as you want.

Children are often a lot wiser than we think.


By understanding the truth about women.

Try not being nice you moron

Lmao 1st post best post

burn them all johnny
burn them all

Read Rational Male and grow a pair soiboi

Let the roasties suffer. With that being said, some of you foreveraloners might want to consider snagging the best of that lot to improve your lineages genetics. We all don't have the luxury of choices, but for those that do and can snag a nice girl, pass on these women.

take the Molly Pill user, I know this one is long but the roastie gets roasted here to the point of breaking her leftists delusions

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go out walking and walk bowl legged
the chics will see this and expect you need to unload

By realizing that you're not missing out.

You're either a degenerate who wants to have sex for the sake of sex, meaning you should feel rage for being an animal instead.

Or you realize that 95% of women are absolute trash anyways.

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You realize how bad this is though? Girls go for alphas and hope to be kept by one, and when they don't manage to, they settle for the beta.

So "nice guys finishing last" means that nice guys get the trash whore, once she realizes she can't keep riding the alpha cock carousel for ever.

So much cringe, women are the biggest autists of all. People enable their retardation just to get a lottery ticket to their gaping vaginas

You've been lied to. Women don't like nice guys; they like strong guys.

Umm yeah exactly, that's why incels/mgtow is a thing now. Men are finally starting to say "NO, we don't want you're used up snatch."

>Used the term incel
You can start by fucking off back to Pleddit you raging faggot

>does not regret all the Chads

enough with the white women already

Except they never really settle for the beta. They're still keeping their options open.

Stop being nice. Be unavailable.

Most incels make the mistake of “pursuing the girl”. If a girl knows you’re interested then she has an andvantage in the relationship. You shouldn’t be too up front about how much you like a girl, and in fact you should be playfully mean to her. Women are like cats, you need to pretend like you don’t like them and if they don’t like you in spite of this then you need to move on altogether. You can’t make a cat like you. Cats decide if they like you.

nigga not even chads are safe. Women are ruined in this day and age.

I’m not a nice guy I’m an “alpha” Chad asshole and my name is literally Chad and even I’m an incel. You’re better off being a onions boy nowadays. After Clinton lost the election and Me Too, younger women went into a collective victim hysteria and are afraid of men and see all men as rapists. I’ve gotten two charges of cyber stalking and had 2 girls call the FBI on me for trying to talk to them online by saying I’m a cyber stalker.

Just go your own way, if you can channel your libido into art or science you can achieve a permanent state of hypomania.

dude just take care of yourself, work out, eat healthy, and dress well. I don't understand the incel phenomenon. most women I know irl are actually less judgmental than I am about looks. in fact a lot of the men they consider "hot" aren't chads.

play those dumb whores for their pussies

>"looking for a nice guy (incel) to settle down with, o where art thou"
>under the disguise of an "incel" you manipulate her preconceived notions of what a beta male is and how he will act (it will be easy for a real incel to pretend to be an incel to get pussy)
>lure the used up roastie into becoming open with you, study what she finds attractive in you (most likely money, constant attention, complimenting her fading failing looks, other incel shit, etc)
>play it up, convince her to have sex with you by being a nice incel worth her time
>her ignorance towards the notion an incel is a human being will make it easy for guard to be brought down, because manipulating her is a matter of playing up stereotypes and anticipating desired behavior (and we know what these dumb roasties truly want)
>fuck her in the ass, bust all over her face

You're talking to a bunch of dudes who don't have jobs or are relatively fresh from high school; they either have zero social or professional experience with women or if they do, it's through the stilted prism of college and university.

Its being so utterly repulsive that you repel any and all women. Nothing to do with being nice. They just tell themselves that its because they are nice to cope and not address the real issue.
Self described "Nice guys" are usually not nice and may be incels.
Everyone goes through dry spells, but incels don't have a choice.

Holy shit 1970 called, it wants your dating advice back.

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I am not angry, mostly because I dont see any value in getting women anymore.

In the past, men would work their ass off, assuming women were an image of perfection and essentially pursuing companionship , intimacy, romance.

Modern women have made it abundantly clear that they are not companions and they do jack shit to be what men want them to be.

I mean, seriously. I don't understand people still chasing women.
It's nuts.

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thank yous

Rule breaking, off topic spam thread

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Watch bachelorette party porn and then focus on how beautiful women and motherhood and femininity is as what you just saw absolutely crushes it. You can watch this porn and kind of see what female sexuality is and that it's diametrically opposed to what you're witnessing. tl;dr - it's female sexuality to be the stripper- so now you mull over everybody calling women sluts for having nice bodies and being sensual and then conflate this with them being cocksuckers and cumrags.
Obsess over this for as long as it takes- you'll actually genuinely love women while not being a cuck or a pushover and be an actual romantic w/o being a sap.
You'll have to embrace paradox and you'll go insane, but you won't be some faggy incel sitting around while women go out and take on so much dick.
Women do what people tell them to. They're designed to be beautiful but of course this all went wrong- by hating that you won't be a nice guy, but by loving the design you won't swallow the Jew or be a nigger faggot chadcuck about everything.

Guess what, those women lie and lie good

step into my oven

Why do you all believe yourselves so unlovable? Where are you meeting these women? Finding relationship is like anything else, its not going to show up at your door. It takes trial and error and failure. Instagram does not represent real women. You don't get out of college and become CEO. You don't get a perfect woman issued at graduation either. You have to go out and look and try. But if you see women so poorly and actually believe this, you've failed already and will ruin any hope when a good girl comes along, because of your bad attitude. Be better and you'll meet better women. Stop believing the fucking internet beyond directions and product reviews it only leads to misery.

Dear God you might as well have a neon flashing light that displays "I'm a Boomer."

Even if I actually was a boomers, it would be eclipsed by your incel sign.


>Using incel unironically
Yep, Boomer confirmed. Go to sleep grandpa and dream about the Day of the Pillow.

>I'm ready now
No sweetie. There is no going back. Just like a girl will never return to her virginal state after being used as a cumdumpster, the experience of a nice guy changes him over time and he will not be the same. There's no going back.

>the experience of a nice guy changes him over time and he will not be the same.

>girl gives herself freely to Chad during her prime youth and beauty
>betas are laughed at and ignored
>settled for when the wrinkles start showing and she knows she her dating pool is rapidly shrinking with each year

No thanks.