Why is the "NPC" thing so big now? I mean I like it, but it's been around for a fucking while? Why is it so big all of the sudden? Did I miss a big thread or something?
Why is the "NPC" thing so big now? I mean I like it, but it's been around for a fucking while...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Why is it so big all of the sudden?
Psyop, special snowflakes and retarded niggers misunderstanding the study.
Explain this for a brainlet...
Basically pic related, people are conflating the percentage of time the sample spent conducting sub-vocalization with the percentage of total people that experience sub-vocalization. Ignoring that even if that were the case sub-vocalization is not the only form of thinking.
how can you write without inner speech?
It's not hard when you're not writing anything that requires concentration, like a shitpost. You just let your fingers do it for you. Of course if you're going to write something extensive and technical you have to think what you're writing.
>just let your fingers do it for you, brah
>like just stop thinking lmao
>shitposting is hard
wewewewew lad
>just turn your brain off, it's not that hard. I do it all the time!
what does npc mean. no excuses idk
what the fuck does npc stand for am i too normie?
>too retarded to shitpost
>has to concentrate when he does it
cant make this shit up
How can you think without "inner inner speech"? We just cut the middleman.
>don't think, DO
fuck u
non playable character, no idea what it means in r9k as i've just heard of this.
Because people are just starting to properly understand it.
They're slow...
Lower invertebrates use "conceptual", "non-verbal" thinking. Are they not just running on instinct? As if they had been programmed?
The NPCIDF is going full force tonight, wew. I guess it'd be easy to shitpost 24/7 if you were physically connected to the internet. We will not be fooled.
>shitty soi studies
>shitty inner voice studies
can't wait for this next big meme
You seriously think you have not been programmed? Nice, I wish I was this deluded.
is that way, mr player character
>not being a visual thinker
Never gonna make it
It's pretty fucking stupid. We're all just acting on chemical processes and firing neurons anyway. No one here has any more free will than the next.
It's typical r9k trying to find ways to make themselves feel special and to find more reasons as to why their life sucks as opposed to taking responsibility for their own lives.
It's a fun meme :-)
anons finally found a good outlet to project their narcissism and their insurmountable levels of self awareness
literal fedora-core meme
Humans are able to use conceptual thought to a more powerful extent. Wording it can be important for memory retention as well as communication but the lightning paced understanding and problem solving we do would be massively hindered if it were limited to a linear internal monologue.
It's always been a thing on /x/. But now a group of people are going to force it (and succeed) the same way they did with boomer wojak
You can't write without inner speech, you're basically forced to read what you're writing in some way. Reading without wording things out is a prime example of where inner vocalization is contextually helpful or harmful.
non-player character
It literally is Reddit learning a new word, just ignore it.