/mh/ Mental Health

Who here struggles with anxiety, depression, or any other psychological disorders?

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>have a disordered life
>suffer the consequences
>call it “psychological disorders”

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I always thought I had anxiety and shit until I started working, especially with other people.
You realize that other people are as retarded and selfconsious as you.
Best way to deal with anxiety is just to man up, there is no trick. Everyone is worried about random shit you just have to deal with it, it will get better with time and experience.

I haven't talked to anyone in a month and I am starting to repeat phrases to myself

My depression comes back hard during the winter so I'm trying to embrace myself for it. I already started taking Vitamin D as well

some ppl have super high cortisol levels though

I was much more depressed and anxious once upon a time. The trick is to stop sucking so much.

how do i practice having a good conversation
this shit is hard

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I did but i did not let myself be a victim of it so now I do not

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anxiety and depression. take phenibut daily to cope

some people have a genetic predisposition, some people have "psychological disorders" as a result of circumstances out of their control to varying extents.

fuck man, you don't have anyone in your life? what are your circumstances?

Hi, how are you?

I live with my sister but we barely ever talk. Parents come from time to time but I barely talk to them. Grocery store is the only time I regularly talk to someone and its usually saying "yes" to if I want bags and saying "credit" when I pay.

I was depressed for 10 years the last 3 of which i was very heavily depressed so i stopped lifting then too.
I started planning and preparing my suicide via exit bag and helium but decided before i do it i might as well try out the psychiatry. I got mirtazapine which immediately lifted my mood extremely, gave me motivation and completely rid me of any suicidal thoughts.
When i was out of the hospital i got a therapist, moved, started lifting again and found a job.
After 2 years i stopped taking the mirta and nowadays im feeling pretty good and robust again.

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depression. My mom has a whole variety of disorders and theres rampant alcoholism/addiction in my family so that probably explains it. I can mostly manage it if i keep my life in order.

basically this
Would you still have mental disorder if EVERYTHING was put together a la NPC?

just wait until it comes back then you'll be just one of us again

I've always though depression to be a meme but honestly I think it's setting in. Tired, no appetite, unmotivated. I dont like what i'm going to school for. I've kinda pushed away friends from me, and after years of not thinking of suicide today I felt I'm a definite suicide case in 5 years. Only thing I do enjoy is going to the gym tho and thank god for that. Also I realized I become an asshole by nature to alot of people. Shittiest thing is I at the core know what I have to do to improve. I dont know anons, todays a new day i guess.

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Could low T be a reason why someone has low confidence/spaghetti around women?

I'm doing real bad. In my industry, straight white men are not being hired. In some cases, they're being let go in order to fill quotas. It's fucking evil, but I guess I'm not in a gulag (yet.) Anyway, I'm about done fighting. I thought about being a pilot but it looks too expensive and there's not the pay it used to have.

Read on buddhism, it won't magically fix your issues but you will come to understand where your shit is coming from. My brother is suffering anxiety and depression right now because all of the bad choices he had in life. Your suffering ultimately comes from all the bad stuff you have done in life. By bad I mean morals, effort, everything really. I used to have big anxiety attacks and I was never happy, always kinda depressed. Now I'm not happy but I'm not in the hole I was living in. Take care of yourself and others, have morals, don't be ignorant nor delusional, and you will be fine.

>used to be depressed
>Wanted suicide but too scared
>Had kid
>Way happier

Guess I found something I didn't know I needed. Little guy makes me proud to be alive. I couldn't be all that bad to create the most badass little dude on the planet.

But that's your own doing, you are not putting effort into anything and you think this is fine until it's too late and you realize it was doing you no good and the consequences come to haunt you.

Yeah i know, depression changes your brain the longer you suffer from it untreated.
I'm aware it might hit me again the future but i feel like i learned a lot and can handle it better and faster next time.
I know how it starts and can counteract early.
Also i now know it's possible to going from feeling like complete and utter shit for years back to a normal life eventually.

Are you still with the mother?
>tfw no gf to procreate with

Fuck off can't you be happy for him?

But won't that struggle lead to hunger for more struggle? You will be trapped in an endless thirst for more challenges or will hit a wall, or if you dont you will feel like shit when you are old since you cant do what you used to and basically all you can do is await for death to come and take you out. Obviously you have to put in some effort in life but for your life to revolve around struggle, idk man, doesnt sound right.

I am. And when I was depressed we had problems. We're pretty damn good now. Might propose soon. After my degree is official, that is.

Its a larp

Wich industry? Male prostitute? KEK I'm joking wich one man

>had depression, anxiety, ADD, and insomnia since middle school
>only got diagnosed and started getting treated during my first year in college after getting addicted to drugs and having a breakdown

If you have even the slightest suspicion that you have a mental health issue, get it checked out NOW. Just ignoring the problem if you have one will seriously fuck up your whole life.

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It doesnt physically change your brain lol, I guess it just get rewired and it gets used to it or some shit and is harder to get out but idk im no neuroscientist its hard to believe there is not a treatment for any kind of depression in 2k18

Purposful struggle itself could be quite fulfilling itself imo

What is ADD? How are you getting treated? Do you take pills? Won't they have secondary effects or suffer from withdrawl once you stoo them?

I think I'm addicted to negativity.

Ohhhh so that's why the only person in my family I was close to became a tranny and my family is falling apart. Thanks bro!

I think it would become pointless after a while, struggle is just another way of saying purpose. You are just trying to find purpose through that struggle wich in the end is being bound to something and depending on it in this case the struggle

You don't have to believe. Just telling what helped me. Never thought it would help, and even used to say I never wanted kids. I know it won't help everyone. People just need to hang in there and sometimes something will come along that gives you a new perspective, or just makes you not think about all the bad things so much until you nearly forget about it altogether.

i think i wish i was depressed, which is probably like bpd or something similar

I always found difficult to socialize with others, i've never really know how to care for my friends and now i have none left.
I have brother and a sister which i despite since i have memory.
I'm angry and bitter to everyone and anything.
Women scare me. I'm useless, i have no skills, i can't work, i keep repeating myself these things over and over.
I only have nightmares and they often tell me how rotten i am to the core.
I try to forget the past, i don't want to die but i don't want to live either.
I'm slowly becoming emotionless, i just want to survive.

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Got a girlfriend recently, love her very much, but for some reason I'm very insecure and think she will cheat or leave me anytime.

We have very different schedules so we don't get to see each other every day

>have a dangerous lifestyle
>suffer the consequences
>call it "injuries"
it doesn't matter the cause pepeposter

Yeah no, just do what you gotta do, shit will always happen around you, you can't control that but you can indeed control your actions and thinking. Don't blame anyone man, but yourself. And it's not even about overburdening yourself just know that you yourself can improve your life by being a moral person that keeps in check his social responsabilities. I'm sure you haven't done all you could do. And if you have you would understand that some things are just not for you to decide on. And that would make you realize that it's better to not be too attached or attached at all to anything.

If you think like that you are fucked. Drink from your cup knowing it's already broken.

Just dumped a girl that was so toxic, finally making a decision that is for my best interest. Just wish I could be happier about it

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>What is ADD?
It's basically a lack of dopamine receptors in the brain from what I understand. It means I need a lot more stimulation than other people to focus and get stuff done. Outside of medication this means it's incredibly difficult for me to do any work unless I'm genuinely interested in it or am under a fuckload of stress.

>How are you getting treated? Do you take pills?
Yeah, there really isn't any other treatment besides pills. I'm prescribed different kinds of amphetamines. They help me focus and calm down.

>Won't they have secondary effects or suffer from withdrawl once you stoo them?
When I'm on the heavier medication, sometimes I can jack off for like 10 hours straight, and it also constricts blood vessels so I can't do serious cardio without getting heart palpitations. This isn't an issue with the lighter, short-acting meds though.

As far as withdrawal goes, I was self-medicating with cocaine to get through collage so relatively speaking the withdrawal is a walk in the park. I've been off the meds before and it's really not that bad if I get a lot of sleep and vitamin C (which prevents dopamine receptor upregulation).
Besides, I'm probably going to need the medication until I'm done with my schooling so I don't plan on stopping anytime soon.

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not sure what kind of disorder or -ism i have, every two-ish weeks i have a 3 day bout of major depression where i come very close to killing myself, and after enduring the 3-4 days it goes away mostly and im back to normal-ish, sometimes im undefeatably happy between these bouts but not always. currently on the ass end of one of these bouts and i will probably be totally fine for at least the next week
i have absolutely no idea what i want to do with my life and i am fully aware that i am squandering all the opportunities i have been given
even when i feel good i objectively understand that it would be a net benefit to not only my family but society as a whole if i died

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See a doctor.

fuck off

im 99% sure im not bipolar, isnt 2 weeks way too short of a time to go from manic to depressive?
and when i say “undefeatably happy” i just mean im in a really social mood and nothing irritates me, i dont do any wild risky shit like they say bipolar people do, im extremely inhibited even when im in a “good” phase

I keep wanting to jerk off to sissy porn. I don't think I'm attracted to guys but I get hard with the idea of dominating. My gf and I have great sex but her body can be better. This is normal right?

Same here man, it's been five months for me though

I'm starting to accept that I have pretty bad OCD and anxiety problems, I think I might actually break and get help for it. It's causing me a lot of problems and I've tried every aspect of coping. I might just see a therapist and get some tips on how to better handle this.

I'm really worried how this will affect my career though, I'm doing cyber security and it does not look good to have a diagnosed mental illness. I might just switch careers entirely. I'm not sure what to do right now, paralyzed with indecision.

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Good for you

to all the young gus here, age 18-20. anxiety is normal if it has a source (social anxiety, anxiety about your future, anxiety related to romance, etc.), literally everyone feels it and just deals with it. it's only a problem when it becomes a disorder, when it reaches psychosomatic symptoms and eventually full-blown frequent panic attacks when your heart's BPM is off the roof, your left side feels numb, your breathing gets shallow as hell and you literally think your heart is stopping.

if you haven't reached that point yet, don't worry, nothing's wrong. you're just having a normal life with normal worries. you're all very young here, teens and early 20s so no shit you get anxiety. if you see certain patterns/triggers/situations where your anxiety starts getting extremely psychosomatic, take a mental note and try address them. why am I feeling anxiety? should I avoid these situations? should I partake in these situations? to me, it was copious amounts of drugs. had a panic attack on shitloads of alcohol, then a gram of amphetamine and some weed on top. changed me permanently and now if I skip a meal, sleep 5 or less hours, my anxiety raises to insanity levels.

what's funny though, is that because I have anxiety over my health, I have literally zero social anxiety now. none. but the price is that I check my pulse every 5 minutes. oops.

Where do you get these pills? Can i just get them at a local pharmacy without a prescription? I need some but only 19 don't know if they got age restriction on

so yeah take my Monster Energy Zero 30 year old Boomer advice and address your anxiety issues early on and don't be ashamed of them, even the toughest man on the planet, the lineal heavyweight boxing champion of the world suffers from anxiety/panic attacks.


he talks about his problems with depression and anxiety, interesting interview.

i have insanely low self esteem and everytime i see a girl look at me, i automatically assume it's because im ugly so i turn away. i've always had poor self esteem but now im a 21yo kv and it's starting to get worse. im trying to find a gf before i graduate but all girls seem like thots and the nice girls are all out of my league so im just stuck alone

>taking pheni daily
enjoy your withdrawal symptoms user
i keep that shit to twice a week but it's still a godsend

Go talk to your doctor. It's pretty easy to get stimulant medication for ADHD.

Yeah man I've got an endocrine disorder, and before I knew that diet and exercise was going to take like 50% of the load off, I just spent most of my young life higher than fuck to try and get around it.
>irrationally angry as a kid
>which led to depression when I realized I was never going to change
>attempted at 13
>on/off hospitalization and forced medication for 3 years
>started smoking, snorting and drinking whatever I could
>became a dealer and got really deep into it
>move around a lot to try and keep from getting too attached to people
>end up back home and more of an alcoholic than ever
>lifting weights and running drugs
>unrequited highschool crush starts noticing me
>think that maybe I have a chance at having a life
>slowly start sobering up
>ask her to try it with me
>she agrees and we're happy for a little
>eventually notice she's still slipping out for raves and festivals
>get back into coke and liquor twice as hard to cover up inadequacy feelings
>become bitter
>we start fighting
>my mind starts slipping
>stop eating, stop sleeping, slipping bad
We got into a fight one night, and I don't remember exactly what happened, but I tried killing her. She had to split my skull with a piece of metal to get me to let go, and when she drove out I dragged myself along the hood until the cops came. I still can't deal with what I did to her. I keep ending relationships once they start to get serious because I don't ever want to lose myself like that again, but I feel this drive to be with someone. I can't let it happen, but I want to share my life with someone. If it weren't for my family I think I'd let go and just die finally.

I take 2.5 mg of zyprexa (olanzapine) every night before bed.

I had 3 psychotic episodes in the last 3 years so I'm probably gonna have to stay on for life.

It's not too bad. Manages my symptoms (I don't hear voices/ weird thoughts). Life is good.

Only side effect is weight gain when you first start taking it, but that can be managed with good diet. Anyway I'm dropping weight currently on a cut.

Mental illness is not a big deal. Just take your meds and live your life.

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all of this is made up shit used as an excuse by people who refuse to grow up, man up, or nut up

your brain isnt the problem, you are

literally just stop acting like a bitch, do it long enough, and it will stick

Ive had depression for about five years now, maybe more. Its been three years since ive tried treatment, and ive always had an aversion towards it because I didn't react well to it.
Now I mostly have it under control, but it comes back strong in waves that usually last a week. A few days back I got really close to hanging myself, which is something I hadn't considered in a long time.
Plus thus week ive only been getting about three hours of sleep a night, and im stalling on all my lifts because of the fatigue.
Im going back to therapy. My first appointment is in a couple weeks. Im still hesitant to try meds, but ill do it if I need to.

Any advice for starting therapy and drugs? How do I avoid fucking this up or slowing my progress?

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Lithium m8, it's one of the only medications that has almost no side effects, and it's essentially just a mineral supplement to your diet.

This should be common sense

Anxiety, paranoia, depression, undiagnosed family mental illness.

Occasionally hear a voice call my name.

Lithium has almost no effect on people with depressive episodes, and it definitely has side effects.

I was diagnosed with Asperger's in 4th grade.

some dumb thing happened to me and my anxiety was trough the roof i couldnt even sleep
never happened before

Depression raises cortosol levels which leads to the death of brain cells, it does cause permanent damage if left untreated
You don’t get significant withdrawal from add meds unless you take them recreationally, and because people usually don’t ever stop taking them they don’t even get minor withdrawal
Maladjustment & autism bro, don’t succumb
Sounds fake but if not it’s bipolar disorder, see a doctor or eat some lithium batteries
Bipolar moods can be as short as hours for the fast switching kind, but typically are 4-7 days for type II and min 7 days for type I
Therapy can be kept secret extremely easily, in fact in the us psychologists cannot disclose your identity legally
Anxiety is so treatable through simple therapies that it doesn’t make sense to ignore it even if it’s a natural part of life
That’s probably why billions of dollars are being spent researching psycho and neuropathology
Lithium has a shit ton of side effects, and can even poison you if you suddenly change the conditions you’re in or if you take a bunch

Sources: literally 1.5 psych courses (as well as being really mentally ill)

It’s kinda fucked how little people here acknowledge psychology

why not just kill myself if i haven't already done it i obviously don't care about myself or anyone else i'm just a fat dysfunctional selfish piece of shit faggot nobody gives a fuck i'm gonna jump off a fucking bridge fuck everything i fap to femdom on the regular including sph and ones where i'm forced to suck dick and only a few times and not in a long time but i've also fapped to legitimate cuck porn before it's too fucking late for me man i've failed as a person and as a man no woman will ever love me and even if they think they do it will all be over once they see me naked and even if all of that doesn't happen i will have to live knowing what a hoorendous excuse for a human being is fuck everything fuck it i wish i would have choked to death on my mother's placenta wrapping around my neck i want to die

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If you’ve gotten into the mentality of self improvement by any means in weightlifting you should try to translate that into therapy. Idk what specifically you struggle with, but you have to push past it, or ignore it, in order to improve. Look ahead, you’ll be suprised how nice life is when you can rely on not being depressed.

>billions of dollars are being spent researching psycho and neuropathology

((( )))

memes aside, seriously try nofap. i still struggle with minor depression from time to time and it's usually worse if i'm regularly fapping 1x a day. leads to degeneracy etc. go for 1 week without fapping or until you're able to motivate yourself to start lifting