It's that time again
Roastie Hate Thread
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Why is America so bad.
That must be a profile you made, there is no way someone is that stupid.
Why is YLE TV filled with such diversity hires? I went to watch Deadwind and the lead is Pihla Viitala. Brown eyes? Are you seriously that cucked?
sara is based and redpilled
gave those college boys a turn with that fanny and still looks angelic and cherubic
there is literally nothing wrong with being a slut
Straight from my timeline today. Single moms man.
>a woman is not allowed to become a born again Christian
fuck off retard keep jacking off to anime girls in your moms basement
I own my property. 2D is superior. Breeding white women is just giving tyrone an ass slave in 20 years anyway cuck.
Roastie detected
Women are terrible people. Heartless, disloyal, self absorbed. Most of them are also filthy whores. They will ditch you to go get pumped on and dumped on the first chance they get 90% of the time.
Men would do the same if it was a hot girl you dumb incel.
Guys, if you're not getting stares from women as soon as you step outside your front door, you're not attractive.
Contrary to popular belief, women are NOT modest and reserved. When a woman sees a guy she really likes, she WILL show it. If women are not staring & smiling at you, it's not because they are too shy or modest-- it's because they don't find you attractive!
What women don't do is just as revealing as what they do. If you're not constantly getting hit on by women, it means that you don't make the cut in the looks department. But most guys refuse to acknowledge this. They find this truth too painful to accept. They prefer to wallow in denial, thinking it's their "game" or "confidence" that needs to be stepped up. It makes them feel better to believe that what's preventing them from getting laid is something they can control. In reality, they're just not physically attractive enough for women to notice them.
These types of threads get me unreasonably angry, but I still read them anyway.
I sure wish anger didn't feel so damn good.
Why do you even make these threads? How many of you never made a mistake when you were younger? Making a post just to be outraged and angry at random young women is not healthy for the mind.
>80% of men are below average in looks (
>All people see themselves as above average (
Well, Jow Forums, are YOU attractive?
A common theme amongst cope-alots is asking, "how do you know if you're attractive?"
But see, if you have to ask then you're assuredly average at best and NOT attractive.
How would you know if you were smart? You would probably realize after grasping new concepts quickly, doing very well on your tests, being told you were special or smart.
How would you know if you were athletic? You would know after looking at your fit body in the mirror, winning sports competitions, being complimented on your agility, strength.
Even if you didn't like your reflection too much, you would KNOW you were attractive by doing well on tinder, having greater reception among girls and people in general, being complimented on your looks. And primarily, because YOU ATTRACT. Attractiveness doesn't just mean you have an easier time with girls; it also means everybody - both women AND MEN - will treat you better, come up to you, give you more opportunities than your unattractive peers.
Are you still clinging on to your last cope of girls being too shy or afraid of rejection, dipshits? Guess fucking what - girls are NOT shy. They are just as capable of striking up conversations and approaching guys, and almost always if they find a guy attractive they WILL act on it. You fucking retarded pieces of shit. I don't care if a girl flips her hair in your direction and sustains eye contact for 2.52 seconds and tilts her body towards you by 43 degrees or acts polite to you. Being ATTRACTIVE means you literally ATTRACT girls. That doesn't mean you make them give you autistic "IOIs", it means THEY ARE DRAWN TO YOU LIKE MAGNETS TO EACH OTHER. YOU LITERALLY PULL THEM TO YOU BY NATURE OF YOUR LOOKS.
>Great eyes
>Wait fucked 60 guys. Used meat
No thanks
hey its that wandering eye boyfriend and girlfriend and the other girl they stare at
its good to see they were able to work things out and become friends
I feel you brother, I do the same and when this thread's gone, I'll get stoned, get munchies and put on some Johnny Cash.
t. Comfy
Feelz good man
>Why is America so bad.
Sexual liberation, birth control, and government assistance programs
But don't lie and say Finnish girls aren't often the same.
This is one of the only times I've felt compelled go find someone on facebook so I can tell them they're a fucking idiot based on a Jow Forums screenshot. (Not actually going to do it, Google, calm down.)
That is my biggest trigger. Being a slut is common, most women are sluts and deserve the pain they end up with. But a god complex, that is fucking disgusting. What filth, a pig rolling in shit has more appeal.
Good job OP, you triggered me.
Does anyone have that archive of that roastie on reddit who won't fuck her husband because of "low libido" and confesses that she fucked 100 other men?
Disgusting whores. America is so much fucked in the relationship department.
i wanted to believe it was Jow Forums psuedo science. i wanted to believe it was just a fucking meme.
There is no hope. You are worthless to half of the fucking population of earth if you didn't win in every category of the genetic lottery. Nothing about you that you can work on, or change, or improve other than muscles even matters, and even then not by much unless you are literally the bottom tier of obese.
Why can't i be gay? Please make me gay.
>go gay
>realize that most gays are whores
there's just no winning
At least with gays, and just men in general, i have seen verifiable proof that they have the potential to give a shit about someone on things other than simply how they appear. You can even try and rationalize it in your head with a primal angle if you want.
>Men breed with women to produce healthy offspring that can survive, and are the ones that have to GIVE a woman a child. Ergo, men choose people based on how healthy they are, and beyond that there is more flexibility. No landwales, no disease ridden needle junkies, but men are more accepting of anywhere to chubby big tiddy goth gfs to tiny smol qts. They are the "Giver's" in a relationship, so it is usually up to them to "Give" the offer to mate.
>Women are "Reciever's", they "Recieve" the sperm that produces kids. They are provided for and in choosing a mate they are looking for those who can provide, those who survive. They are strict and unforgiving in their choices. They are all HARD-WIRED to want CHAD, CHAD, and ONLY CHAD. Maybe in 72 BC this was a good idea, but in modern society it just means we are doomed to live in a state of constant hypergamy. Being more prone to emotion and physically weaker, they are prone to, instead of go out and make change, simply whine when they are not "Recieving" things they feel they should. "Chad won't talk to me, waaaah!" "I'm so fat and pudgy, waaaah!" This has gone so far as to break from whining to demanding for men to alter their preferences and be more accepting of fat, gross, slobs, that don't even have the decency to give themselves a bath.
Hypergamy will be a constant, unending nightmare. Even if most gays are slutty, shit faced whores, there is some justifiable way i can convince myself that a guy is capable of liking someones personality. I can believe that they're laughing at a joke i said because it's funny, not just because they didn't bother to try and understand, and are just laughing because they like how i look.
alright question
i did not get hit on at all before i started dating my girlfriend barring one really hot girl that i never acted on because she was crazy
after i started dating my gf, women instantly acted different around me, talked to me more, more touchy feely, etc etc
what the fuck
does that baby have a fucking moustache
And the worst part is you are forced to have to wagecuck in this society due to your government overlords demanding it. So you can't even just simply enjoy life without these roastie skanks. Although screw you for wanting to be a faggot lol. I don't ever want to be gay no matter how much women piss me off. I'll just hate fap to get the nut out of my system and move on if I have to.
After getting dumped by my only gf and only seeing a hooker once afterwards I'm just done with these women. They aren't worth the squeeze if you aren't chad as you put it. Takes too much effort for what amounts to women wanting to turn you into a cuck provider anyways.
>Men would do the same if it was a hot girl you dumb incel.
Proofs or fuck off please
Yep I'm definitely getting a sex doll now once they get even better.
cleansing holy firestorm when
The gays are pickier bro. They want muscles be it bear or ripped.
Currently I accepted what you have and seeing as I am approaching 30 I have been taking steroids. It allows me to do a lot of various jobs with way more ease and I prefer how I feel with them.
>fetal alcohol syndrome
They want what they can not have. I was taking care of a kid for a while. Girls that would never have looked at me now wanted to know me and date me. They get to see traits and features about you that they never knew before because they would not give you a chance. Being a good boyfriend puts you more on their radar than being a kind man.
Women are judgemental flesh bags. I have met only ONE decent one. I say that with certainty because for some reason they pour their fucking life story to me.
There is a reason I choose to sleep around and am not loyal. Date, get what I need then throw them away. My only real advice for anyone reading is never learn about your girlfriends past. Odds are you can forget about it while around them but when alone you will remember.
>Women are judgemental flesh bags.
i would add "social climbing" to that but otherwise yes
why the fuck does that baby have peach fuzz?
Are you joking? Come on.. I'm disgusted by the behavior of the women there but men would stoop 100x lower for a 10/10 girl.
we don't beat our women near enough
>My anthem: Young Love
big kek
>he thinks this doesn't happen in Europe
Fuck off back to cuck tears redditor no one care about your essay
they are also slaves to their biological desires and, to a lesser but still significant extent, what society around them tells them they should desire
so of course they like chads with the A+ jawline, but they will also notice a boy with a girlfriend more than a single boy because it shows that some OTHER girl saw something in him
sort of like if you never noticed a certain type of shoe or jacket but then like 5 of your friends / co-workers bought one, or you saw a celebrity wearing them, and you were suddenly like "hey that's not bad"
i have mutual friends with this girl, very weird feeling to see somebody from my area on here.
>Men would do the same if it was a hot girl you dumb incel.
Incorrect now GTFO
>Using incel as an insult on R9K
I too enjoy thick bbc and memes my friend.