What use does a female therapist have if they're not going to have sex with me to actually relieve my suffering?

What use does a female therapist have if they're not going to have sex with me to actually relieve my suffering?

Attached: 1536457127520.jpg (1062x1062, 100K)

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haha woah dude edgy lonewolf weeb haha woo

haha woah dude compassionate woke ironybro haha woo

Imagine actually buying into "everyone just needs a little therapy sometimes" meme, and when you get there it's just some cunt who *has* to be nice to you and her credentials are that she's been drinking even *more* of the humanities kool-aid than other women.

t. roastie mctostie that wants sexually unsuccessful men to suffer

If sex is the only thing barring you from happiness why not go see a prostitute?
>inb4 "but I want women to like me"
The situation described by op would essentially be a free prostitute.

it's the patrician way of living

wtf i love being a virgin now

No its not, you are literally the same incel as the r9k fag you think you are better than, but you're in denial of it and you think that trying to "own" incels online you will somehow stop being so pathetic yourself. What a massive cope. You're literally an npc.

>taking banter seriously
I couldn't care less if you're an incel or not - and i'm not one to play the ad hominem game often, but generalizing a stranger off a taiwanese fishing boat repair tutorial forum as an npc sounds like the bigger cope Tbh

>life is pain because im not feeling hedonisitic pleasure all the time :'//
>just let me stick me ding in her dong :((( plewwaeese????

>tell female therapist about my young waifu and feelings on the topic
>she isn't immediately disgusted and angry at me, and she doesn't want to report me to someone
I just can't imagine this without it feeling like total fantasy.

>>life is pain because im not feeling hedonisitic pleasure all the time :'//

perfectly valid premise, logic and conclusion, whats the problem?

Fun fact, even cartoon child porn has been shown to make pedophiles more likely to offend.
It SHOULD be reported ya nonce

The vast majority of people are capable of being happy without hedonistic pleasures.
OP's issue it not the lack of sex itself but his inability to be happy with a normal life.

imagine if your ancestors lived by that philosophy
you wouldnt have the privilege of feeling pleasure

Yeah, that kneejerk reaction that doesn't want to hear anything I have to say or view me as an individual rather than a one-dimensional fetish is something that a normalfag woman would have. Talking to normalfags who went to college just sounds like a waste of money.

>i may be a pedophile but atleast im not rude

>roastie mctostie

Top kek

I honest to god think it would be more productive to talk to a normalfag woman who *didn't* go through the brainwashing.

Like pretty much the last person I want see in order to *help* help my sanity is a woman who got a fucking *psychology* degree. In fact, it's likely that if such individuals were eradicated from the planet, my mental issues would seem to just magically work themselves out.

Just to be completely clear, I'm basically insinuating that a woman with a humanities degree is necessarily very fucking stupid and not in a position to help me with anything. Such an individual should be asking *me* for philosophical pointers.

It's not wrong to have a fetish, necessarily
It is wrong to indulge in that fetish when all the science says that indulging in that fetish makes you more likely to offend

She's probably helpful to women and failed normies who get sad every now and then when their favorite show is in between seasons

t. brainlet who doesn't even know what a psychology degree entails
A practicing psychologist must have a PhD in clinical psychology, and most therapists have master's degrees at the least.
Of course, their collective decades of education could never compare to your years of browsing the internet.

You say that like nobody but you has ever spoken to or known a psychologist and like anyone with an internet connection can't go inspect the latest contributions made by the social sciences to our species' "progress."

In particular, I don't need help from someone whose entire life is one long, extended appeal to authority. You sophist fuckwit.

I forget to mention that I can't believe you cited a master's degree like I'm supposed to give a fuck.

Here's Richard Feynman's account of his psychiatric exam, administered by the best of the best:


No, I expect that you have experience with psychologists and know that they know their shit.
The only people who have strong opposition to current clinical psychology practices are a few nutjobs on Jow Forums; the rest of us have looked into the latest discoveries and seen nothing wrong.

It's not an "appeal to authority" when you have no proof for your own argument other than "I think I'm smarter than these people, therefore they only know bullshit."

> The only people who have strong opposition to current clinical psychology practices are a few nutjobs on Jow Forums

> the rest of us have looked into the latest discoveries and seen nothing wrong.

:drum roll:

> It's not an "appeal to authority" when you have no proof for your own argument other than "I think I'm smarter than these people, therefore they only know bullshit."

lmao oh ok.

lol le epic zoomer irony /incel9k/ XD

Didn't Freud unironically finger his female patients to relieve the suffering? Or did he just tell them to masturbate by themselves?

And here the master shows everyone his stunning intellect, proving once and for all that he is smarter than a doctorate's degree holder
The irony is lost on him however, that for all of his vast intelligence he's still a mentally ill loser who posts on Jow Forums and can't solve his problems much less figure out a solution.

Give a man a fish he'll be fed for the evening. Teach a man to fish he'll be fed for the rest of his life.

Anyone who actually knows anything thinks it's absolutely fucking hysterical that you keep talking about degrees -- and social science degrees at that -- just FYI.

>well you see i don't have to argue with you, I just need to say everyone agrees with me
The master does it once more! Is there anyone on earth who can match his genius!?

All these virgin hates are baiting right?

The average plumber has a better handle on life than any humanities PhD holder.

It's a statement of fact. Even within academia, the assumption that an advance degree represents anything but a time commitment is regarded as completely laughable. You are a hypocrite, and you are projecting.

Can anyone believe it!? The genius who's felled everyone before him is as humble as to work a job where he cleans shit from pipes! Who could believe one of such intellect would be so down to earth?
Now if only his lifelong introspective wonderings could solve his philosophical quandaries of why he's so unhappy with his life and has contracted such a group of mental illnesses? But folks, have no fear, if anyone could do it, it would be our genius!

The master continues to advance debate as an art-form, further advancing his previous "If I say everyone agrees with me, I win!" method! Truly the play that could only be concocted by the mind of a true genius!

That wasn't even me and btw your writing is garbage.

OK, let me try phrasing it this way:

I'm letting you know that anyone who isn't fucking retarded knows that you're retarded. It's like if I told a blind guy his fly is undone.

Now you do you understand, or will you just continue to spew tryhard teenager snark to compensate for how your coursework didn't teach you anything?

The master has pulled a new trick out of his book!
By calling his opponent a retard, he enables himself to continue to avoid the argument while simultaneously discrediting them! How on earth does he keep doing it!? Is this braniac even human?

You need fucking proof to claim that academics think a degree is just a time commitment. Say, a study or opinion poll with a large sample size.
Otherwise, it's just your opinion.

Attached: anecdotes.jpg (1057x842, 306K)

You look so stupid and buttangry at this point that I don't even feel obligated to respond.

I think you should seriously consider the feasibility that other people have been around for a while and will know whether or not you're faking the phonk.

A challenger appears! Is this man even able to comprehend the size of the mind he challenges!?!? It's suicide to engage with our self-taught genius!
Oh wow! Now the genius is showing how well-read he is, bringing out a classic argument even dating back to the Ancient Greeks!
He's pulling out his "u mad" and "no u" masterpieces! This genius is truly a Renaissance man for his talents know no bounds! No limits!

You know, I don't go around saying "cringe" this and "cringe" that, but this is rapidly becoming the cringiest attempt at sarcasm I've ever seen.

It's *awful*.

All this cope about your worthless major, how does it feel to make less money than a guy who installs air conditioners for a living. Literally no one other than retarded women thinks that psych majors are intelligent.

Reality, like most psych majors, this guy has personality disorders and thinks that by studying psychology he's going to get some special insight on people that will improve his life.

Reality, less therapists do just as well at improving symptoms as clinical psychs.

Now that our Socrates has finished completely dismantelling the arguments with his long list of techniques, no only limited to "no u" and shouting that "everyone agrees with me!", he moves on to decimate his opponent! Slinging out a long list insults to completely destroy his mind and further show that he has the stronger argument!

Hey here's an idea: why don't you go around here pretending to have philosophical discussions until 3 a.m., except you actually just get pwned without realizing it the whole time and then samefag with a bunch of passive aggressive shit at the end, thinking nobody will notice.

Be sure to adopt lots of positions you don't actually hold so it will be extra obvious what a disingenuous flit you are. Wait I mean girl.

What's this? The genius has created a brand new technique! Just when we thought he was done! By just simply stating, "you got btfo", you can win any debate!
There truly are no doors that his mind cannot unlock!

is English not your first language? it's pretty obvious

Actually the point of that was, once again, to simply inform you. This time of how you're such a massive pseudo-intellectual that a random user can recognize your dogshit writing months later, and that's in addition to identifying what a faggot you are to being with.

But keep going through life thinking you're smarter than the people here.

Surprisingly, calling people NPCs isn't a good way to finish your main point

Attached: xSGJP.gif (320x240, 1.78M)

Nobody cares what some delusional pseudo-intellectual thinks.

The genius is once again going back to refine his older method of insults to further decimate his opponent and to drive the track further and further away from the original argument!
He's even pulling out the projector to show people that, despite the genius starting his entire argument with how much smarter he was than everyone, it is actually this lowly announcer who is announcing that! Truly outstanding!

k whatever, have fun saving face for nobody's benefit lolcow

Seriously though. The only thing that can heal the wounds of being unloved and unwanted is to be loved and desired. Prostitutes and tinder one night stands aren't going to fix anything becuase deep down it's not actually about sex at it's core. Sex is deeply interwoven to the point of being a necccesary component but still not the real focus. In reality interacting with women you've developed an affection for or sleeping with someone you have no connection to and who doesn't truely want you only makes it worse.

It's really not difficult to understand. Intimacy and affection are basic human physiological needs. I really don't get what about it is so hard for the normies to wrap their heads around.

It would appear that the master is done, the genius having shown his utter superiority he leaves stage left! Bravo!

You just seem to be angry faggot, nothing more.

Attached: floss.gif (480x561, 227K)

Did you draw from your master's degree for these insights?

Attached: fellowplayers.jpg (600x318, 24K)

t. community college dropout


Hey, whatever you need to think.

it's ok user plenty of people have trouble with "college" algebra and trig

You really just have nothing to hang your hat on, huh. I almost feel bad now.

None. If your problem is just lack of sex a therapist won't help

>a free prostitute.
therapists cost way more than a prostitute

The genius is back at it again ladies and gentlemen! He's now engaged with a new for, bringing in his patented "you're wrong" argument!

> the old "you're wrong" logical fallacy.

>ladies and gentlemen!
Gotta go back

What's this? Our genius has now brought out the greentext! There's no way any mere mortal could think of this!

>Female therapist
Lol why the fuck would you do that to yourself.

We are now teetering on some kind of absurdist recursive satire that resolves to you actually looking clever.

If you go for the "iwasonlypretending" maneuver now, you may actually be able to fall asleep tonight!

This seems like a good time to point out that I'm *not* a mod. (Not that your dumb ass will use that information to make an adjustment to what an insufferable cunt you are.)

According to Jow Forums, male therapists are gods and can do no wrong. I hope you realize this is bullshit.

.and so many more. is r9k just another place for people to exercise their need to argue?

Attached: ebisu-bunro-trimmed.jpg (729x1090, 197K)

> the male therapists are gods meme, from Jow Forums

Ketamine? Is ketamine what's going on here?

This mastermind can see even past our layers of reality, looking past layers of reality! He's even seen into an alternate dimension where I had thought he was a mod!
Thankfully for those watching back home he tones it down coming to the tried and true method of putting his opponent down through insults! A veritable symphony of a post!

Just making sure you have all the information. Wouldn't want to withhold the opportunity for you to do some benign reappraisal of how you actually stack up against others here and whether you're really so clever as you think.

And as the master finishes performing his magnum opus, he exits stage right. Please, a round of applause for a true genius of our time!

It is so fucking stupid and unfunny.

Is this the encore the crowd has demanded? The genius graces us with some more of his time!

You're trying so fucking hard

Another marvelous play by the one and only! Performing for us the classics of name calling!

No, actually you have at least four or five people telling you how stupid this is right now.

It is only to be expected that when one reaches such magnificent brainpower you have the intelligence of at least four men!

Both of you are retarded. Way to kill the thread faggots.

Attached: The only winning move is not to play.png (500x522, 144K)

Again, whatever you need to think.

Like I'm legitimately kind of worried you're going to snap out of cunt mode, realize how dumb you look, and then self-harm or something. (We all know how you psych majors are.)

Our Maestro even somehow has the ability to peer through fiber-optically connected networks to see a person's past, present, and future! I am in complete adoration now that I am privy to what my major in college shall be if I attend!
The human mind is a beautiful thing, but nobody could match the outstanding intellect of our genius here

I'm not him you doofus

No no, it's not that either ;^)

Lol if that's true that you haven't even been to college yet, you're going to feel *really* stupid about the degree thing in a few years.

But when that happens, just know that I understand. It's OK.

It would seem our genius has tired himself of such foolish prey, deeming his opponent not even worth the effort of more than a handful of posts.
In all honesty it should be a crime to waste such a genius's time.

Meh, I'm thinking maybe just opiates on second blush. How boring.

The delusion, though. Imagine feeling yourself this hard.

The genius continues to display his ability to see through time and space, gaining a complex understanding of his opponent!
I wonder what he will predict next about our contestent's future plans and the progress he has made towards them?

I gotta say, if I didn't know better, I would think you're a little flustered. You're kind of just repeating yourself over and over now.

>trouble with "college"
the amount of projection going on here.

And he brings back another crowd classic! By proposing statements such as this he can put his opponents down while propping himself up! A two-part play that is only achievable by the genius that is gracing us today!

Can I get a quick rundown on the discussion

two npc's are glitching out

one started with ranting about how a plumber is smarter than a phd, the other autist came in acting like a boxing announcer but both are too autistic to just leave

That wasn't me saying the plumber thing. I was more just pointing out how women with social science degrees are clearly the cause of mental issues and not the solution.