Waiting in line at Chick Fil A at uni

>waiting in line at Chick Fil A at uni
>behind me recognize a qt I saw mirin me at the gym a few days ago
>her eyes are on me once more
>pretend to not notice she's mirin
>my turn to order
>I usually order a 12 piece, a chicken sandwich and 2 large fries
>don't want the qt behind me to overhear my order and think I'm a fatass
>try playing it cool and slowly lean over the counter towards the cashier
>she makes a face like she thinks I'm coming on to her or something
>ignore it and whisper my order
>she can't hear, still thinks I'm coming on to her
>have to repeat myself several times
>when she finally gets it, she shouts my order so the the other employees can prepare it
>slowly turn my head so the qt enters my peripheral
>visible disgust on her face


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>going to fast food in the first place
your fault user


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the visible disgust is because she thought you were trying to kiss the cashier retard, its not like getting a big order will make her hate you, especially if she SAW YOU AT THE GYM, the big order could have even been a topic of conversation ya dumb fuck

This. OP tried too hard to engineer a situation and ended up fucking a situation that didn't need engineering

Shut the fuck up retard.

The disgust was because you acted like a fucking weirdo not because of your order lmao

Old pasta can't believe people still fall for this.

You're retarded. Shitposting in a copypasta thread is fun.

>Not getting those easy gains in
Never gonna make it

Yeah, though funny enough there's actually people out there who try to make sure that their crushes/friends/etc. don't know that they're getting big orders.
It's understandable when you're a fat fuck but when you're obviously fit and don't look like a walking heart attack, I don't see why you'd have to hide it.

He's a retard cus he's right?

There's nothing weird about what I did. For all you know, the cashier was my sister, or some other close friend. Maybe she's in my of my classes, and I was asking her about today's lecture. Or MAYBE I'm just trying to alleviate the tired tedium of working in foodservice. SOME people might call that COMPASSION and GENEROSITY.

The qt has no reason to assume I'm acting weird towards the cashier.

He's a retard because he's literally making shit up.

lol glad i’m not the only “old”fag (this is barely a year old tops)
solid pasta tho thanks op, got a little nostalgic reading it desu

Cool pasta bro

She was probably able to see the cashier's face, whom you said visibly reacted with distaste when you got close. The qt may have thought you were whispering something inappropriate or rude to her.

Except you where actually weird to a cashier you autist, no one does that, stop being a retard, you brought this on yourself. Should have ordered normally and none of this would have had happened.

Suppose my voice doesn't carry. Suppose I can't project well, and so I had to lean across just so she could hear me. There's nothing wrong with that, and there's also no way the qt behind me could've saw her face. You're just spouting empty conjecture. You weren't there, so don't try telling me what happened and why.



Her visible disgust was at you coming on to the cashier and acting socially retarded. If you aren't a fatass, she won't think you are.

Do you really think anyone much less some random roastie is going to think of all of that? You give people way too much credit. They just saw you acting weird and that's all they need.

Dumb dumb. Should've Chadded it up by ordering twice what you usually eat, MINIMUM. She got disgusted, yes, but thats because of the onions stench that oozed from you at that moment.

It could have been way funnier if you wrote
>still can't over that

>I was in a public place at a counter ordering food there 's NO WAY the person behind me could have seen the cashier while I was commiting my social faux pas

I think the girl is more likely to assume you're ordering for more than one person when you get a big meal than to assume you have a naturally quiet speaking voice when you lean towards the cashier. Whatever happened and whatever she thought, ya fucked up.

unironically, go vegan user
it's the only way to nutrient-rich plant-based pussy

No amount of making it will cure this level of autsim, user. I'm sorry.

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S O Y not onions

girls don't care if you eat a lot, retard. They see CHAD every weekend stuffing his face at the buffet and can't help but get wet seeing his chiseled abs and defined mandible even though he eats PIZZA whenever he wants. His genetically determined FRAME let him carry an obscene amount of mass while maintaining an aesthetic natural v taper. His HEIGHT lets him eat nearly 4000 calories a day and still be on a deficit. Only autistic ugly gymcels mealprep and decline food when going out because of the "macros"> LMAO CHAD doesn't even know what a macro is

Terrible pasta.

should have just ordered with the app

because it's still unhealthy as fuck. over indulging outside of a special occasion is a bad habit.

Actually though. A guy who can eat an entire pizza and still look like a god is more attractive than a guy who's watching his calories. I wonder if it has something to do with dieting being pushed as such a "woman" thing so men who don't watch what they eat but still are fit are seen as more manly?

You recognize this phenomenon, but it's not how you describe and it's not gender specific. There is a attraction of "effortless superiority". For example, a few years ago you'd see """candid""" photos of thin models eating cheeseburgers in public and suddenly all women bragged and posed with stupid amounts of trash food in their photos. You also see beautiful people dress like trashy slobs (sweatpants) when out in public view too.

Again, viewers are attracted to "effortless superiority". It's like Ronnie Coleman going to a pizza joint and out eating and out drinking everyone there. Never let them see you sweat. Only idiots would assume there's not a boat load of hardwork when they're in private.

I have read this exact story before
Do not tell me I am the only one who is reliving this life
I have heard this before!!!

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