Why don't you try going on a diet? Or at the very least eat a little healthier? Not for thots, but for yourself

Why don't you try going on a diet? Or at the very least eat a little healthier? Not for thots, but for yourself.

It's hard at the beginning but soon you're going to notice that you're just a tiny bit thinner than you before, and that'll give you the encouragement you need to continue.

Attached: Fruit tier list.png (1116x1414, 674K)

Losing weight was the easiest fucking thing I have ever done. I literally just stopped eating outside of meals and cut back on cola. I lost 45 pounds in two months of literally no effort in the gym.

>Strawberries in okay tier
>Bananas and mandarins in god tier
This is a joke, right?

>the two most versatile and healthy fruits are in the bottom
>the basic bitch tangerine is in the top


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Attached: Lemon.jpg (1200x848, 280K)

God tier
>watermelon, cucumber, mango, papaya, bananas, coconut avocado, pears, persimmon, blueberries
Great tier
>cherries, peaches
Good tier
>apple, melon, oranges, grapes, pears
Ok tier
>tomatoes, pineapple, figs, kiwi, strawberries, raspberries
Shit tier

Why are they god tier/ shit tier, whats your reasoning?

I dont need to be any thinner

You wrote pears twice, but in different tiers. Regardless, move them to okay tier and move tomatoes up to good tier

I need to gain weight, but everything tastes like shit.

But I already do?
Why is it that you faggots always make threads assuming shit about me?
>So, how's that YouTube channel going?
I don't fucking have one
>Why don't you try working out?
I already do
>Who did she leave you for?
I don't even know who the fuck you're talking about

Go fuck yourself Anonymous suck my dick

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Elder God tier

>Pineapple > Grapes > Peach > Banana > Strawberry > Apple >>power gap>> rest (shit)

I always feel awkward seeing guys with 0 muscle mass, I also recall a girl saying to another one "everything on a man should be hard and big" not that I stand by it but its how they think.

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>grapes above peaches
Don't worry honey you'll grow up one day.

Already have, bucko

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Stop listening to what females say even they don't know what they want.

I do. I used to be a fat basedboy, in fact, i had to eliminate all onions and products with it because of the excess of estrogen, it made my thighs THiCc, i got a nice body and then i realized that even if you're ripped as fuck, being a negative lonely robot is retarded, sure, it will probably get you laid but who needs sex, it is overrated, love is cooler.

>watermelon, seedly tasteless bullshit
>peaches, fuzzy bullshit
>all grapes and apples on same level
>strawberries are bad???
this is not official

>i had to eliminate all onions and products with it because of the excess of estrogen
lol no its not

Mostly agree with this fuck plums they are the niggers of fruit

God tier:
Saba bananas

Mediocre tier:
Everything else

God tier
Banana, Coconut, Advocado, Cantaloupe
Great tier
Strawbs, Cherries, Mango, Kiwi
Good tier
Orange, Watermelon, Peach, Apple, Pear, rambutan
Pretty bad tier

Femanon here and excess muscles are gross looking to me
I just want soft huggable man for cuddling

>doing cardio
>lose weight
>realize i'm twink mode at age 25
>still want to do cardio to make sure i'm in good shape

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I've already done it and succeeded, so I'm just going to say that everything in the okay tier should be higher.
>cherries with the grapes
>strawberries in god tier, that juicy tingly taste when biting into one is absolutely sublime
>lemons at least good tier, I like lemons but I'm afraid to eat them too much because I've heard they mess up enamel

Plums can be great but it feels like it like a 1/100 chance you'll get a good one and the window of opportunity where it stays at the point is tiny. I swear they used to be so much better 20 years ago but I think the actually tasty plums in stores have been phased out by seedlines that are hardier at the cost of producing shit tier fruit. Quality of pears has declined overall too but there is still enough variation there that it's not hard to get good ones.

Avocados are for niggers