I banged a girl so hot that it drove me to insanity.
How do I get over her?
I banged a girl so hot that it drove me to insanity
You don't pal. You gotta go back out to the big pond and find another that'll be as good as her.
green text it you fucking double nigger
you live your life knowing you did it lad!!!!
long story short, I met her on Seeking Arrangement. I fell madly in love with her and paid for her car bills. She on the other hand hated my guts
you're a bro
were u really bad?
yes i was. our relation was an abomination
you didnt have any good times?
the first night. we had fun. she was into it. i took her to my members club, and a michelin star restaurant. then back to the hotel. she wasn't wearing any panties. I fell in love.
sweet. thats good. im guessing it didnt end so nice?
It certainly did not. I basically ended with calling the police and reporting the car as stolen
just find another hot one. rip your wallet
her car? oh wow.
>she wasn't wearing any panties
holy fuck that's hot.
Stupid of you to fall in love with her though.
Could we get a more detailed story? When did it turn badly? What was your arrangement? A little background about you? Are you rich? How old? Ever slept with a women before?
etc etc
This happened 6 months ago.
I'm a 27 yo french canadian expat working in finance in London. She's a welsh girl from the butt fuck of nowhere
I never had a gf. first girl I banged without a condom. The only 10/10 i've been with.
She took the train all the way to London. I took her to a Gordon Ramsay restaurant. Then to my club. I took her back to the hotel and banged her. The next morning she wanted to go buy shoes. I was like "sure let's do it" I was under her spell.
I didn't realise it. But she took us to a Lou Boutin shop and her shoes cost GBP 500.
Then I bought her a car. A mini cooper. And she was cold and distant. And I was like "what the fuck bitch, I bought you a car". And she was like "you're being passive aggressive". And I was like fuck you I'm selling the car and you can go to hell"
And now my heart is broken and she doesn't care and she has a boyfriend and I sold the car at a loss
oh. well dam. still good job
Yeah, well since then I've developped a pretty bad drug addiction and I think about it everyday. and she cut all ties and couldn't give a shit
Dude why do you even care about her? As you already said, she is a bitch. You need to realize that you only fell in love with her looks. And there are actually tons of hot women. No reason to go crazy over this one in particular.
her vagina has ruined my life
It didn't ruin your life though. You lost a few thousand in cash, that's all.
kill yourself you shitskin subhuman
>I fell in love.
it sounds more like you were very thirsty tbqh. It's pretty hard to tell if you're in love if you've never been before, but once it really happens, you'll know. The thing is, it's kinda more about personality than looks...ok, ideally booth, even that happens sometimes.
Now that will proper fuck you up.
you sound just like her. I bet you're a good bitch
and you are a ugly dumb mud-person who shits up the world with your ugly face
true, but it fucked me up pretty good. would much rather not have done any of that.
but now I know that women are fucking cunts.
go be triggered somewhere else you faggot
fuck you shitskin, kill yourself
Thanks, you make me feel better. Although i have problems, I'm glad i'm not a little faggot like you
same here, that was 8 years ago. Couldn't get in relationship with any girl after
Goddamn nigger, what the fuck were you thinking? This is just a general reminder that you always pretend to be broke around women. Do not even remotely allow them to sniff out any hint of green.
no, we met on a sugar dady website.
She let me do my dirty business inside of her like a real trooper.
there's no way I was going to rip her off and let her go home without anything,
>go on gold digger site
>get dug
Should've called it after the shoes.
Isn't GBP 500 is enough for a decent escort in Bongistan?