OK now THIS is epic
(real image from r/jordanpeterson)
OK now THIS is epic
(real image from r/jordanpeterson)
Based, redpilled and high test
it is interesting how little encouragement some people need to make it. it is interesting how many young men today do not get any sort of encouragement and end up as losers even though the potential is there.
this is true. jordan peterson was unironically the first person that ever encouraged me. I have a father but he never talked to me about how to behave or thought I could improve myself
In retrospect, I can't even believe how bad my parents were at parenting. They loved me, but did not try to teach me anything or impose any value structure on my life. They are super liberal and just left me alone to fuck up every aspect of my life while telling me I'm fine.
>retrospect, I can't even believe how bad my parents were at parenting.
I feel like no modern parents know shit about parenting desu but even then we should be grateful for them to bring us to existence and feeding us and shit
Yeah I'm grateful to my parents. But it's the same kind of grateful as when somebody that is terrible at cooking makes you dinner. I appreciate the effort, but I can't help but marvel at how bad you are at this.
peterson truly is /ourguy/
based norm
>losers choking on some pseudo psycholog's cock who they don't even understand 90% of the time
children+teens badly need boundaries and rules and structure
in fact, so do adults.
This guy described it perfectly. Same here bros. Grew up fat with body issues. Like I'm going to do a fucking google search at 10 years old.
Jordan Peterson is a great springboard from the depths of a single-motherhood childhood to a new right wing beginning. He is absolutely cucked on race however and wouldn't mind if every white country were completely flooded by billions of nonwhites.
very true...
Unless your parent were intentiously malicious with you, you can't blame your parents
They did what they tought in the bottom of their heart was right
I have a lots of thing I would do differently with my child but i'll be forever in debt of my parents
seething whiT*id
congrats, you realized Jow Forums is a bunch of dumb kids following pseudoscience and clinging onto ideologies making them think they know the world.
>Trying your best absolves you of all blame
Tried really hard not to rear end a car last week, don't think the insurance companies cared
seething melan*id
>raising a human being that will develop dreams, values, and a personality is as easy as driving a car.
Parents aren’t immutable figures of wisdom user. They don’t know everything.
>tried really hard not to rear end a car last week
no you didn't
>getting mad over retards reading self-help
Who cares?
>Unless your parent were intentiously malicious with you, you can't blame your parents
Nah, fuck that noise. Sure, I agree that as an adult outright blaming your parents or not taking responsibility for your lot in life isn't productive and is just shitty excuses if your parents weren't legitimately abusive. That being said, I don't think it's wrong to look back at how your parents raised you, realise their shortcomings and hopefully correct course and raise your kids differently. Acknowledging that some isn't good at something isn't condemning them as a bad person, and it's the same with parents desu.
Yeah I definitely agree. My parents are the "no matter what happens we'll always love you and coddle you and defend you and call you amazing" type. I was never pressured to make something of myself (outside of school) growing up, was never pressured to make friends, taught how to live like an adult, how to stand up for myself, how to be a man, etc. I was a stupid kid and didn't fully realize how fucked up it had made me until college where I suddenly realized I can barely function as an adult because I really wasn't raised by my parents.
I'm doing a lot better after a few years of basically teach myself how the world actually works, but I believe I'm going to end up permanently "damaged" in a sense because of how much I was coddled growing up. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents to death no matter what, but I'm also not gonna deny that they 100% fucked up with raising me.
Chiming in with my two cents here to say that I agree with both you guys. My father took an interest in teaching me things like fishing, how to fix stuff, and general boy things. My mother did absolutely nothing. At the time you don't really think about these things because you're a kid, but when I eventually get a job and started to run into real world people on a daily basis I quickly realised just how little my parents actually did for me. I didn't even know how to pay a bill until I was in my 20s (moved out at 22).
I'm totally with on how I believe I'm "damaged" in a sense of just how emotionally stunted I feel because of how little affection my parents actually showed for me, and how little interest my mother showed in me. Like, they were there, but when I was like 17 a guy I talked to in an MMO jokingly asked if I was ever hugged by my parents and I realised the answer is actually no. Ever listened to Pink Floyd's The Wall? That's basically me; everything about me is kept behind a wall of cold dryness. I actually feel absolutely nothing for my parents but pity. I've had girlfriends and shit but they felt like flukes more than anything. But hey, at least I've been going to the gym since the end of last year and am in alright shape now. Started at ~200lbs, down to ~160, and am building up some shape from doing calisthenics.
I thought that was pol
cringe and bluepilled
Ignorance is not an excuse
99% of the time if someone is a shitty person then they had shitty parents (or a single mother, great way to be set up for failure)
all you need is hope. if you believe that you can improve then you will start to improve. too many people have no hope, no idea that they can be better.
i feel like both these anons. i wouldn't raise my kids the was i was raised, but my parents weren't bad and i am grateful they did what they did, lack of boundaries and all.
why did you post this? what should someone think about when they read your caption and look at this image?