can't think of a thread edition edition
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First for a wasted first
Fuck you I'm not here to impress your faggot ass.
fucking massive spot on my face still hasnt come to a head so i can try to pop it or gone down at all, feels strange and its worrying me
brits are the quintessential robots really.
Even our normans are pretty robotic compared to other countries.
sorry lad ive removed the post, wont happen again
Lads, I have a secret.
I actually invented ROFL in 2001.
My only claim to fame.
nice lad, i single handedly got BBC 3 taken off air
Not sure what you mean lad, if you mean the girl I don't know.
Maybe I'll give it a shot then but if its a bit of a mindbend or plays with my emotions I'll be ducking out till I'm mentally ready
I have though, watched about two, one on the unofficial Armenian state currently under siege and one on the bunkers in Albania
Just tickles the autism in all the right places
I have heard you say this before, but you never respond with the situation.
ive said it a few times and i wont go into details because no one will believe me
i did enjoy the last thread however, having said that it was relatively gay. i mean fair play bu-
>door opens
>dog makes me cum in him
Mics open lad; I've seen less believable greentexts here in my years
open 24 hours for years now
we didn't use to make it through the night in the early days but its been few and far between when we havent these days
Any one ever used a snuff bullet? I want to put a little something something in it instead of snuff so I can use it more discretely in bars and clubs than using a key and baggy.
I made a christmas cartoon in December 2016.
4113 views in 12 years. I've not really grown up much since then either. Check it out lads and let me know what you think.
>clubs and bars
leave norman
>I've seen less believable greentexts here in my years
got me interested now, like what?
Good you're my little bitch boy now, if anyone asks whose bitch you are you say youre mine.
what if they dont ask? what should i say then? i dont like this amount of pressure tbqh
>Good you're my little bitch boy now, if anyone asks whose bitch you are you say youre mine.
>I'm mentally ready
Don't be a spooy bullock because it's full of feels
manly, brotherhood and surival feels.
They have a few good ones about Armemian politics and aryanism also their japanese ones are good
Art is decent enough for a newbie but the concept is shit and so is the looped bit for most of it you mean 2006 lad?
>start a crowd funding thing for a time machine
>acquire funds
>build functioning time machine
>travel back in time to before the crowd funding campaign
>everyone still has their money
>free time machine
literally a fool proof plan
Already got one thanks lid
Don't question me bitch boy, shove three fingers in your ass right now, slut.
cant, lost my fingers in a fireworks mishap
You know those stories where you hear a really famous person goes up to some random guy and they know they won't get caught because nobody would believe them. That and quite a lot of the sex/incest greentexts because I'd say a good 99% are LARPers with no actual game I don't fucking have any capped because I don't like having to figure out which greentexts are which to keep in my reaction folders
You got that get up and go spunk lid, you will have a gang of bitches in no time
It's 345am, mental
Ooops, yeah 2006.
Well I was 16 and thought equating christmas with poo for blacks. Thought I was funnny didn I.
Pleasantly autistic
>tfw 2006 was 12 years ago
Made any animations since? Even if they're not great it can be fun to mess around with flash.
>tfw being bullied into watching it
if its on netflix I'll watch it soon otherwise I'll torrent it when I'm feeling ready
Might watch the one about "scars of the secret war" but it also seems really clickbaity.
Do they cover the terrorism stuff that gets covered up in nippon?
Which ones are your posts?
know any good youtube channels related to Jow Forums
This is why I don't think time travel to the past is possible lad. Is the money going to just magically appear in everyones pocket? Does the timeline change for everything or just yourself, say, if you went back in time does this current existence get wiped? If not it doesn't make sense. Unless time travel just creates a branch in the multiverse
i suppose the most unbelieveable (least believeable?) thing thats happened to me is that i was only a few blocks away from the IRA bomb in manchester in 1996 when it went off
posted in wrong thread like a bellend, nice to be here
Listening to ASMR before sleep sleeps.
Nighty night lids.
I know how hard drawing and animations are lad, so I won't knock you for that; only the normie-tier ''''''''''''''''''humour''''''''''''''''''. Don't worry lad, we all did cringey shit in our youth
>Welp time to read through this thread and crank one out
>Already did that, might do it again
Either one would be mine probably
Just that channel though I think
>Clean up room for first time in 5 months, vacuuming, scrubbing etc
>I have tons more space and it looks amazing
What the fuck lads, what is this magic
yea i think about it alot especially when its late like this, like if you went back say 1 year and followed your 1-year-ago self around, would there always be another one of you? or would you just stop existing or merge with the other one when it came to the date of time travel since there was never 2 of you after that date
It's some AMC special web series thing so you will have to torrent.
Never seen that one and i don't know but he has done videos on the sarin bombers and some wacky nip cult so he might
i once gave my room a proper clean and found 2 socks stuck to the wall behind my wardrobe, a matching pair of socks right next to each other, suppose theyd been there so long they just started morphing with the wall, are you planning on staying tidy or is it too much maintainence?
I made a few things in 2005/2006. I got a laptop in 2007/2008 and never really used the desktop with flash installed on it.
I would like to play around with flash, but I think it's dead. Everyone used adobe after effects now I believe.
I have been thinking about buying a desktop again, it's so uncomfy trying to do anything with a laptop really.
We all do cringy shit in our adult lives too :')
Jesus lad, I wonder if those socks turned into a new lifeform.
I'm planning to stay tidy after this revelation, I've been a disgusting neet for too long
Night lid have dreams of sweaty asian girl feets dabbing your face and cock
well done mate. I did a little bit today too. Makes you feel refreshed.
What you going to do with all this extra space?
Not too sure, I can display a big horizon zero dawn statue I have
Never doubt the power of feng shui. My house is a fucking shithole, but no desire to clean
I had no idea this was a thing, never seen it on /aco/
language ebin lad
Ew then, I'll try popcorn time first but ew
I'll check those out though.
Do you watch Kurzgesagt? They're a bit lefty and reddit but seem to provide some quality content, been watching them for a few years easily now
Understandable, Flash is still a thing, although unless you use CS6 in CC its now called Animate or something. Still its own sort of thing though.
After Effects is fucking brilliant though, that and Photoshop are a godsend, even with limited knowledge you can make fun simple bits.
fucking christ you can nearly see her fanny
inkling girls or the video?
the former I got the idea that it was out there through a friend.
also, pic related was one of the first things I made in AE
not great, just fun though
prepare to weep
ah nice work lad I always liked that Apu
Don't want to sound normie or anything but does anyone love life? There's always a lot of negative posts around here but I'd like to spread some positivity. My life is nothing special, grew up with disabled parents that couldn't work so lived on a council estate my whole life. Worked a part time job for some years but now I'm at uni. Just sat here, waiting for my mdma come up to fully kick in, thinking that all the things I get to experience, I should really take for granted. My cousin died when he was younger than the age I am now, he was 21, and it makes me have a better outlook on life that I should just appreciate that I can do things I enjoy while I have the chance. Lifes just a bit mental really. Sure there's sad days but there's also moments like this where I feel motivated to do something with it. Existence its self it just mad really how everything came to fruition and perfectly works with each other. Like how we breathe air to live, why? Why are the things we use to sustain life available for us in vast quantities. Like imagine if we had to buy air from a shop, but no it's just all always there for us to enjoy
you sound pretty stoned lad, are you stoned?
Thanks lad
dead easy to make, would suggest getting and learning the tools if you're feeling creative
Shouldn't take more than a few days on and off tinkering to get an idea then a week or so to make some cool meme shit
i think you've already come up lad
>imagine if we had to buy air from a shop, but no it's just all always there for us to enjoy
Kekked, are you alright lad?
gf called me a gora bastard
>Do you watch Kurzgesagt?
Yeah but they're lefty and reddit as fuck they also get funding from the EU and a shit ton of mutinationals.
Might dm a furry goth tranny on and try my luck pic related
That people sexualized them
Why is pol so retarded? They unironically freak out over the most insane made up conspiracy bullshit.
I'm sure a lot of it is shitposting and deliberate attempts to rile people up
>waiting for my mdma come up to fully kick in
You're already there lad
Yeah, no doubt about it.
Still decent imo though
goodluck lad
But yeah, people will sexualise just about anything though so not surprised
>tfw bought air from a shop
Cheers lads yes I'm a bit fucked. This place for the last 3-4 years has really only been my outlet for my problems in life. Feel like theres a special bond formed between me and this place. Maybe I've spoke to you lads before at length of things i'm going through
>Why is pol so retarded?
It's a board made up of thousands of anonymous individuals about politics, what did you expect?
No special bond here gay boy hope you off yourself desu
>Branch in the multiverse
Because I have nothing else better to do, let me explain to you why that's impossible. Bretty interesting pub quiz fact too.
Take dimensions as 3 factors.
1. Space
2. Time
3. Reality
Each of these comes after the other, which is why a point in time isn't deemed '1D'.
Now lets go through each one.
Space is literally 'points in space you exist between'. 1D is an infinitely small point, with only coordinates. 2D is an infinitely thin line which encompasses the absolute nothing between the two points it is bound by. 3D is anything with area (yup, not just spheres, circles are technically 3D too)
Time operates similarly. 4D is a single point in time one exists in. We are 4th dimensional as we move a single point through time, like a droplet down a waterfall. No way forward, left or right, up or down. Just forward. 5D is when something exists the exactly same along a line of time and exists along all points at the same time. 6D is when one encompasses multiple/all regions of time within a set universe. We literally cannot comprehend anything past 4D, so don't worry; it'd be like a CAT scan trying to comprehed 3D. A 5th/6th dimensional being would classify as the closest science has to a theoretical God, and going off of the 2-can't-comprehend-3 rule; there is an overwhelming chance that there exists something within these 2 planes of existence.
Reality is the weird theoretical one nobody is really sure about. It would follow the same pattern of point/line/shape, but how is up to interpretation. Some say its our universe, then branched universes (which would put the definite line of time in question, since why would all universes follow our time?) some say its laws of reality (which would then put the word 'Law' into question), some say its the ability to alter time (which just brings up more questions than answers). We honestly cannot comprehend past time, which we barely comprehend already.
10D is everything. Full stop.
Don't know why the 90s are so fetishised by people 20 and under tbqh. Seems like a load of cheesy shite for the most part tbqh
absolute madman
Listen to happy tunes lad
They like what their older siblings liked as has been since the dawn of time.
is literally everyone in this thread high or stoned right now
The joy I got from this retarded train wreck of a post is immeasurable
Kek happy lad off his tits on Mandy in the thread having typical lovey Mandy thoughts
**and enjoy your high lad. Sounds like you already are
different user here, and im not taking the piss but since you seem like you know your shit, whats your view on the whole "univerise is a computer simulation" theory? anything solid or just a meme?
Eh? Have an older sibling, can't relate at all
Yeah it's comfy i also like /his/ stuff like bazbattles and history civilis
Cause you're a sperg.
You better fucking not be crona
Goto bed or stay up an hour n half and go to Tesco?
Definite sci-fi meme. If we were in a 'computer simulation' it would be basely ineffective for us to exist from all aspects when a computer could just do whatever the fuck it wants instead. The 'we uploaded ourselves' is slightly more credible, but I personally prefer the 'this reality is another realities Hell'
Depends what you want from Tesco lad
Nah Im sober as a judge unfortunately
I really like history, and especially military history.
History in general is very fun to get into though
Just got up to the bit about inheritance in that video, ta for the comf watch
ExtraHistory is one that I could lazily watch on my lunch breaks, think they've changed the voice actor though
Books wise I most recently read March of the Ten Thousand, would recommend
>but I personally prefer the 'this reality is another realities Hell'
you can say that again
What is with the smug baldy rats?
Active thread we have tonight lads innit
I personally prefer the 'this reality is another realities Hell'
I like them, they are some of the older things in my reaction folder and since I only have a few it stops me from going all out avatarfagging. I only really use them when I'm making large posts because tripfagging is gay as shit and it's looks more aesthetically pleasing if any faggot decides they want to cap it for later use. I also use videogame boss phases too occasionally, Furi being a top aesthetic choice.
Oh I see. I thought maybe they were pets, I used to have pet rats
Ever watch this lad?
Yeah the Spartans were a werid bunch and you rec sounds good.
Been listening to Plato's Republic as i play total war lately, didn't expect such bants.
Lmao. Wish I had some mandy, only rolled a few weeks ago so can't do any for a while
I think I've seen a video, recognise the voice but thats about it.
Spartans were weird but unironically absolute units
>that like 150 mile march they did in a few days in full bronze armour to back up the athenians when the persians were landing on the beaches
Athens kicked persias ass before they arrived (lightly to no armoured troops against heavily armoured, organised and dug in troops, go figure) but its still a feat.
Other battles later in the wars were won with Spartan might too.
Would like a new total war on the colonial era, for all its faults Empire is still one of my faves.
Cup of tea and some custard creams for me lads
The Athens were pedos though :^) and the Spartans where pussy whipped.
300 was a shit movie
Never played Empire because i heard it was so bad but ever played Mount and Blade? they had good colonial era dlc
night night, sleep well lids lads and lods
tru and tru
300 was alri, but I'm on about different battles
Its p. gud lad, features basically the whole world too. Nothing like colonising India desu.
Yes fuck yes but not played that dlc. Have played the GoT mod though
nighty night lad
Night lid lewd dreams
dunked my last custard cream and it fell into the tea. whole cup is ruined