Tfw pajeet

>tfw pajeet
>so fucking desperate for a white emo gf for as long as I can remember

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Sorry bud, looks like you lost the game as soon as it began.

Yeah man that seems the way to be. Ever since I was 12, sad emo girls have been in my dreams.

What's the obsession with emo anyway

does vf still exist?

I remember being on it in like....2000 and it was basically /b/ with gore and metal bands.

That picture makes it look like its the emo tumblr myspace now.

They're so cute and sad and misunderstood. I'll be here for you sad girls. We can watch Invader Zim all night if you want.

why don't you get a pajeet emo gf?

I too always have wished for a white emo gf

You're like 10 years late dumb queer

>tfw want big tiddy goth gf
>tfw 20 years later


I've had a thing for them since 2006. I'm not late, just delayed.

are you a religious pajeet? don't you have some snake monkey god to pray to for things?

i know how you feel, I think the best way to go is get a gf that really loves you and turning her into your emo gf

Actually my great great gparents are from India. They came as slaves to south America where I'm from.

thats your problem: south america
an emo girl here is like an unicorn, now a pajeet emo girl, they just don't exist

that's pretty interesting, don't you have big assed south american girls to lust after?

I'm in Minnesota USA now though. I'm not artsy at all and all of them are hundreds of dollars in debt from shitty art school.

The country is called Guyana. They have big butts but I lust after white meat.

Are your parents rich at least? Indians have the highest average annual income in the US. They're the new Jews, who were the new WASPs.

This girl I play vidya with actually refers to Indians as pajeets and street shitters. I don't even think she uses Jow Forums. Not to say you had a part in it, but at the very least your brothers have managed to scare just about every white girl there is. Sorry man. I hope one day you can find one of the 1% that aren't spooked.

you are truly an unknown entity to me

i'm white with blue eyes and reddish blonde hair, what do you have?

We aren't Indian. I have very very few ties to India or its culture. We identify as Guyanese or West Indian.

tfw no emo twink to findom me

I'm chubby, light brown skin. Brown eyes. Double jointed thumbs. Small pen0r.

why don't you get a weeb gf then? start a japanese class and will probably find one, I think it would be easier turning a weeb girl into an emo girl than a regular one

fuck man, its like the worst of both worlds

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how tall are you?

are you good at school work?

I don't want to take some Japanese class. Ick. I pay for my own education and there's no way in hell I'd take that class.

I'm trying to learn to Jow Forums slowly. I have visceral fat.

I'm 5'6
And I'm doing well at my community college. Gonna have my degree in accounting. Moving on to uni soon. Do you go to school?

well then were do you pretend to find your gf? at a party or a bar? good luck taking care of her, her kids and her other boyfriends then

>small pen0r
lol you're not going to get a white grill with that, sorry

I'm ready for life as a beta provider.

OP have you ever tried to be a part of the culture? Dressing similarly? Can you pull it off? Just look at Cameronazi. He's gotta be some kind of nigger/pajeet or spic hybrid and I'm 100% sure he pulls hella goth bitches.

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I think Jow Forums is my biggest obstacle currently.

>tfw white
>tfw want to go for the goth cuties
>try do dress like that
>"user, why you dress like a school shooter?"


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Why do you hang around people that use 'school shooter' to describe fits?

i don't choose who I hang out with, I hang out with the people that happen to talk to me

Are you a fembot?
I'm not crazy over zim and gir like most faggots.

no, no im not :(
god i wish i was a girl, maybe then people would actually want to spend time with me, even if it is just for puss

why dont people like me? why am i so unlikable? lots of people tell me "oh my god ian i love you" but nobody actually wants to spend time or do anything with me. everybody is fucking lying to me. nobody actually enjoys me being around them. fuck. i wish i was girl and wanted bf so then i could have 1 FUCKING PERSON BE LOYAL TO ME

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