Why Did He Have To Die?

>Literally the only character you could root for on the show
>A king who bled for his cause, led from the front
>Absolutely unflinching, stoic and defiant to his last breath
>Ardent believer in and promoter of civilized monotheism
>Almost zero tolerance for corruption or compromise

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I don't know why don't you ask your NPC /tv/ reddit friends

Holy fuck btfo npcop

He was dog shit boring character.
This guy was the best. After he died the show quality decreased.

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Just read the books, the show isn't real

NPC spotted.

He died because D&D turned him into a religious fanatic that burned his own daughter at the stake. Portraying him as a competent leader like the book did would have been too much trouble for the TV writers, so they assassinated his character and killed him off to save themselves the from having to write a complex character.

I agree Joffrey was a superb character.

Literally the only character worth watching. The show quality decreased considerably when he died.

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Stannis, joff, and tywin all dead. Jorah and theon ruined. Jon turned into superjesus. Why does everything I like die.

Only in the show. In the books she just seduces him and he feels reliant on her magic. This causes him to have a small lapse in moral judgement and assassinate his brother instead of killing him in battle. Big difference from killing his own innocent daughter.

You forgot Dragontits Thundercunt and her divine quest for... female empowerment or something. Her quest to fuck a string of different Chads and free a bunch of shitty peasants and serfs who go back to being peasants and serfs immediately after being freed.

Oh and you know the whole still loves and mourns for the rapist who impregnated her after buying her into sexual slavery as a polygamous wife of many or some shit.

Literally Roast Queen: The Character.

>Big difference from killing his own innocent daughter.

It was so out of character, even for show Stannis, it was absolutely hands down just an all round retarded moment for the show.

They have to turn every strong male character into an incompetent, a cuck, or someone who needs to be rescued by a woman though.

IMO that's the shittiest thing the show did. I get that you can't adapt the intricacies of a novel into a TV show verbatim, but they didn't need to fuck over Stannis like that. Novel Stannis would never have burned his daughter at the stake, and he was only using Mel and her magic as a tool. He was never a fanatic. Yet they made Show Stannis go full retard. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

in the show he had to die unless he beats the boltons and takes over as king (huge departure from books) or becomes a useless background character

How do you handle it in real life when someone likes something that you dont like? Im seriously curious here. Surely you cant actually be THIS incapable of handling the concept that someone may have dissimilar interests to you, right?

how would you rate the seasons?
I'd say
1>3>2>6>5>7 thus far but I haven't watched in a long time so my memory might be cloudy.

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oh, season 4 would be between 2 and 6

everything after season 4 is terrible and not worth rating

I don't know. I tie the decline of the series with the rise of Daenarys, tbqh. Seems the stronger she got the weaker the show got. I'm just amazed they haven't had her fuck a nigger yet, they've got to throw that in before the end of the series, surely.

Seasons 1, 2 and 3 were god tier, I feel, after that... feel it's been kinda hit and miss, some good shit with the White Walkers and such, Stannis was carrying it in the later seasons until his death, after 5 it took a serious nosedive, I feel.

I forgot all about Grey Cuck, kek. A dude who literally can't use his penis and just goes down on his 9/10 gf constantly. Only a matter of time before he's getting cucked.

>I tie the decline of the series with the rise of Daenarys

That'd due to her lame acting and poor writing
The Daenarys story relies on tell and don't show; no good dialogue happens so what they're trying to force onto us about her doesn't stick with us
The Jon x Ygritte plot was great because of great writing that showed and didn't tell, the pairing probably has the best development in S2 and S3 but the Jon x Danaerys pairing is forced by destiny 'n shit (omg my dragons let him touch them)

also all her supporting characters have poor writing and have become extremely lame (Yara is barely hanging on). they also had retarded plans like sending troops to casterly rock and trying to get a moral highground instead of just taking kings landing

I don't know, she's just OP right off the bat, everything handed to her on a platter, no real adversaries, no real setbacks. Life on easy mode, and you're pushed into rooting for her.

If she still gets hilariously crushed and loses everything (despite having massive advantage in almost every field), in typical female fashion, then many keks will be had and all this bullshit will have been worth it.

There's nothing to her or her cause, it's dull as fuck. And then there's the moralfagging muh wummin angle aspects too.

He had to die because this show is feminist propaganda. It's filled with "muh strong female characters" who are all independent and leaders and of course stand up to those evil, oppressive men. It's no wonder this series is so popular with women, numales, and normalfags.

>I don't know, she's just OP right off the bat

exactly, she was given everything by characters with decent writing (Dora, Mario), instead her journey to gain that strength should have been her development and defining characteristic

So to make up for that they're having her lose due to retarded strategies so they have something to drive a personality change and growth (which they decided not to do anyway)
She has no personality. She's trying to be the chosen one and philanthropic figure that everyone else can be compared to

I'd kill her character off and not in a gay way like Jon sacrificing her to fulfill some prophecy so he can kill the Walkers
Have her killed just like everyone else was; because she's a threat to someone or a stepping stone in someone else's plan

>It's no wonder this series is so popular with women, numales, and normalfags.

Pretty much. It's a sure bet today that if those types are circlejerking over some piece of media, it's full of feminist bullshit.