Did Gwyn do anything wrong?

Did Gwyn do anything wrong?

Attached: uncomfortably-detailed.jpg (600x1080, 722K)

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Created the age of fire and shoa'd the dragons

>nigger stumbles in, murders everyone who knows how to run anything, burns the place down

He raised gwyndolin as a girl and he became a trap.

He was just another soul doing what he believed was right neither dark nor light

get WoG'd

It's not wrong gwyndolin is a trap

I think Gwyn is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills draguns and doesent afraid of anything.

>The power of the moon was strong in Gwyndolin, and thus he was raised as a daughter.

reason i quit darksouls: boring and had no story

Real reason: didn't get gud

>doesn't know how to read implicit story telling

Nah he's baiting. don't fall for it
He's just fishing for a
"well, ACKSHUALLY, the soul series has deep and complex lore and a rich story if you pay attention to your surroundings and are intelligent enough to put it all together"

>"le funeh contrarian man"

>tfw went from noob with random crap in every stat to horrible TWoPshitter annoyance who pisses people off so bad that I have to avoid winning too many times in a row or they'll disconnect

normies fucking hate being called retarded
have you ever noticed how normies have more memes for shitting on people who call them retarded than eskimos have words for snow
>le rick and morty
>le dunning kreuger
>le actually

i mean "well actually" is literally just code for "never correct a woman"

Nah, dragons were gay and deserved it
Who /chaoservant/ here?

Attached: cute.jpg (1252x1252, 203K)

thanks user. I almost fell for it.

it does, is the thing
people think that because some reddit-tier shitfag can snark about it, it doesn't, but they're fucking wrong

you know what happens when you're not allowed to say that anything's good? people stop making good things, and you get american media output for the last decade. or they still make good things but they have to wrap them in stupid bullshit like prog morals or Jow Forums shit in order to disarm the termite-person snark reflex. and the thing about that is it's more efficient to wrap a turd in an aesthetic flak jacket than it is to make something good while weaving the defense shit into it

Nah, but that bitch ass legless dragon pretty much fucked