How do I get rid of forehead acne?

How do I get rid of forehead acne?

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wash your face every night before bed, shower every day, clean your pillowsheets every so often, dont eat greasy fried foods all the time.

Cold showers also help, at least my skin got much better after I started doing them

This shit does miracles. I used it when I was a teen. Usually a couple of hundred dollars by prescription in america but you can order it online from india legally. I still use it to this day. Should be clear in 3 or so days.

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nuke it with accutane, everything else is a meme

also drink water, not soda

How do I get rid of acne scars ? I have them on my cheeks which subsided over the years but still visible ?

Laser them off at a specialist. Or derma rolling

heard it fuck you up in multiple ways though

This, and also try regulating your sugar intake. Cutting that shit out will make you glow the fuck up real quick.

Just wait it out bro

Stop smoking cigarettes you fucking degenerate.


Try 12mm.


shitty tier tips
sounds good, doesn't work

>be me
>drink soda almost daily since 12 and eat like a pig (never get fat or obese because fast metabolism)
>full of acne n' shit since 15
>drepessed, try changing diet
>doesn't work
>for the next years try different treatments execept actually going to see a doctor
>nothing works
>fastfoward, 19yo mom decides to buy liquid soap one day
>3 baths later almost silk skin

Now the only thing fucked are my teeths, dont recomend using soap on teeths

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Do weekly pore extractions (and do them well). Daily washes with Cetaphil gentle cleanser and a soft cloth. Moisturize with coconut oil and, a small while later, Cetaphil lotion. Nothing else is necessary.

Been on it for 7 months and only side effects are dried lips and slightly dry skin

Stop taking dairy products, peanut butter and nuts or greasy food all the time to prevent breakout.
Pick gentle cleanser/moisturiser to suit your skin type.

check out this untermensch rocking a youth cut lmao

They'll go away with age. I had had bad acne during highschool but now my face is clean af. To help reduce them reduce you fat and sugar intake, drink a lot of water, cut any trash food from your diet, wash your face often.

I use glycolic acid 10% and benzoyl peroxide 10%, works pretty decent for me. they're about as hardcore as over the counter acne medicines go.

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Are you an Brazilian?

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>liquid soap
what liquid soap? any special one?
>3 baths later
do you actually bath with it or apply it somehow? like, can you do this just showering?