Why are sluts bad?

IDK man, sluts never really bothered me
Some are actually nice people.
I actually lost my viriginty to a slut who actually helped others get laid.

Idk, sluts have been nice to me in the pasts.
Virgins have actually fucked me over, a virgin rejected me for the anime entirely, never fucked them and got married to a basedboy who weighed less than her and was shorter than her.

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Because people on this website can't get laid, so they blame others instead of trying to fix the problem:

1. They're neckbeards and need to work out
2. Need to get their life in check
3. Are good looking, but are socially awkward and need to get out of their shell.

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We just need to start shaming them into having more sex.

Sluts aren't bad. Women who have a lot of responsible, casual sex do nothing but help society.
Thots are trash though. Thots sleep with men they know have girlfriends because they get off on drama. Thots will trick a man into thinking they have a monogamous relationship, just so he buys her shit while she's fucking other dudes on the side. Thots will fake a pregnancy just to watch a guy squirm.

But sluts? Nah, they're fine. A slut will drink with you at a bar, pay her own tab, then give you sum fuk afterwards. But not if she can tell you have a gf. Sluts will fuck the awkward virgin of the group and relish popping his cherry, then talk up how good he was in bed to her curious friends. Sluts will hang out with you, keep up with your group's shit talk and buy a few rounds.

Thots are trash. Sluts are awesome though.

well said

if not for sluts I'd be a virgin still.
never had a gf but at least i've fucked a few sluts.
thank you sluts you help me feel better about myself.

Should I try to make a slut my gf?

No. Black people already told you that a hoe cannot become a housewife

I don't want to make her a house wife I just want to fuck her whenever I feel like it. Plus she's cool and shit

But I guess I could just do that anyway you're right user. Thank you black people

Maybe? Most sluts aren't really looking for a bf, and they'll usually be pretty straight up about that. The difference between a slut and a thot is that sluts are straight shooters. They aint gonna lead you on or anything like that. They probably aren't looking to settle down, either.
A hoe and a slut are two different things. Hoe is just oldfag-speak for thot. Literally. THOT = That Hoe Over There.

Just found out my gamer distant gf was a gaslighting catfish

Sluts are really really bad to fall in love with. I'm not trying to sound like a typical misogynist beta Male but believe me, sluts only think with their vagina . You might think she's the one for you, but in a month she'll get tired of you and move on to the next dick. They'll settle down when THEY want to, not just any guy that tries to impress her. Do you know why rappers say "Dont save that hoe" and shit ? That particular reason. And she will fuck with your mind. The sex maybe amazing, but not worth long term. They're not horrible people for sleeping with a lot of men, they're horrible for manipulating men and use them for their own selfish purposes.

T. Guy that loved a slut.

she looks just like fiona from shrek.

friends with benefits with a slut is awesome.
You can be her friend, and care for each other, but she won't tie you down.

During sex she taught me new techniques so I could get good at pleasing a woman.

I had this type of relationship before and she actually introduced me to a girl in hopes of forming a regular relationship.

Good shit.

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This. Sluts tend to be bros and are also god-tier wingmen.

Every slut I've met has just been a total cunt bag hellbent on fucking certain guys for social status. They use their pussy as a way to lure men in and then the next second they turn it into a loaded gun
You shouldn't fall in love with any girl until you know her enough. Key word is shouldn't but there's still plenty of poor bastards that still do

The slut fucked you cause you were chad

Because they will break your heart. They are often intelligent, interesting, talented, and beautiful people but no matter how well you click and what chemistry you have with her she will never really be yours becuase despite any virtues they might have the are capricious by both choice and and ultimately selfish in their fullfillment of desires. Sluts are the female equivalent of bad boys and a prime example of how dark triad traits are attractive to men as well as women.

there is some truth to that, there was a slut that I knew who was the most unpredicatale person I ever met.
>always staying with big wigs
>going on adventures
>never worked a day in her life, but had tons of money.
>always had connections everywhere she went
>would kiss random people and even old people just for the fuck it.

She an addictive person, she was like a human drug. Sadly, she died a year back due to overdosing on party drugs. But thanks to her I got laid and I figured out why women liked bad boys so much.

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man are you out of the loop

i just dont like women. and all women are sluts.

Listen user, the problem with sluts is the fact that they're damaged, gross and over all just degenerate. Women and men should never be friends so theirs no point in spending time on them if you're not planning on getting married and having children or at least dating them. The problem with sluts however, is the fact that they will never be wife material because they're are too damaged and probably have an unruly mindset. as said by Kate in Shakespeare's 'the Taming of the Shrew'

"Our strength as weak, our weakness past compare,
That seeming to be most which we indeed least are.
Then vail your stomachs, for it is no boot,
And place your hands below your husband's foot,
In token of which duty, if he please,
My hand is ready, may it do him ease,"

Of course when you're young sluts are awesome. But when you get older and are trying to find a girl to settle down you. An you realize it's impossible because they're all materialistic sluts who've had hundreds of dicks in there mouth

go back to pol dickhead