If you could have expertise in one artistic talent, what would it be?

If you could have expertise in one artistic talent, what would it be?

I'd love to be able to draw.

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I'd love to draw too. Specifically, more realistic art.

I write a lot and I'd love to draw concept art for my stories and universes to help the reader better visualize what the hell I'm talking about.

I'm stuck with stick figures, though.

I'm probably above average at writing just slightly, but I'm still irredeemable shit. But because I went to public schools that above average was enough to get everyone around me(teachers, parents, peers) to suck my dick and tell me how good of a writer that I was and like an idiot I believed them. It used to be a dream of mine to be a writer but as time passed and I read more and other people caught up I realized that I was complete garbage at writing. I love telling stories and creating them structurally but when it comes to prose and to a lesser extent even dialogue (I struggle to write dialogue outside of my own voice, but I'm fairly decent at writing in that voice) I suck shit. Still my parents think I'm going to be the next great writer, but no matter how much I read or write I can't get any better, I just don't have the talent. I'd love to be good at it though, I don;'t even want to be famous I just want to be able to write decently for once :(

rapping probably

I'm torn between drawing and writing. Both could probably have use in making a living in some way, and both have their own uses.
I'd probably pick writing. If I could draw, then I'd want to articulate stories for what I've made, or make them according to some story, but the stories of my own making often suck and I look back on them with contempt. I'd like to fix that over my inability to draw even a straight line.

Change that file name now, you stupid fuck!

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I already can draw so i'd like to change that for a loving gf

Also, i want to learn an instrument and write

Music, the universal language. Not sure what instrument though, preferrably all of them even if im mediocre at them.

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Martial arts, duh. I wanna be able to kick the shit out of people.

I'd be the ultimate pick up artist and fug all dem bitches

architect and design a lot of cool buildings and become famous for it

Just becuase of the phrasimg of your question I'd say music since there are so many different instruments and styles. The number of skills acquired there and the amount of time it would take to learn all of it naturally would be the highest. Writing would probably be second since it would probably have the greatest cognitive benefit due to the nature of the skill and the sort of thinking it requires.

Actually I take that back. I'd pick writing since a truely good author has to be able to fully realize multiple characters and have a deep understanding of people, their motives, feelings, interactions, and how they communicate. Being magically made an expert there would, on a conceptual level at least, cure my autism and would have the greatest positive impact on my life.

You guys can just learn how to write and draw or play music professionally if you wanted to. I don't see what's the point of fantasizing about things that are in your reach

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talent =/= hard work

Sing. I wish I could have a beautiful singing voice. Unironically I have the worst voice, I sound like a fucking off key prepubescent Justin Bieber that can't sing.

me too user it's hard to commit when talented musicians are in the way. then again, music gear is stupid expensive and i wont even get a chance to pursue music if i dont have a job to support it. faccck

Musical talent.

Sounds a lot like me. Dialog especially, but I also find writing to be very tiresome, and few stories have ever overcome that inherent "pain in the ass" factor to even make it to paper.

>yeah you can just do these things and be mediocre because talent and hard work beats just hard work

No. Shut up.

>he thinks talent is real

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A huge part of the problem is that learning a creative trade skill makes it completely impossible to enjoy the work thereafter. You will always be looking at it critically, instead of enjoying the work as a spectator.

I've been practicing digital painting for a few months from a total beginner and i can already begin to see the faults of art that i used to enjoy. I can't imagine what being a Professional is like, being surrounded by awful paintings. It would be like living in constant discontent with reality.

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Counterpoint, as a spectator with no grasp of an art, you can also never truly know the depths of joy and brilliance in actual masterpieces.

Talent is only so good up to a certain point in your career. Ask anybody above a certain level and not a single one of them will say they were carried there by talent, it's all hard work.

>things that are in your reach
NIGGER I CAN BARELY AFFORD RENT AND FOOD AND MY WAGEKEK JOB TAKES AWAY MOST OF MY TIME. Do you have any idea how much quality musical instruments cost and how much time is required to master them?

Weekends make no difference because im too exhausted to do anything but shitpost. In my reach my ass.

Accurate pic btw, Mr. Schlomo will get mad if I get to work late.

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I can already draw, so I would pick writing.
Because I need a few more years to master drawing, but Writing is just another devil to combat.
Learning and will see you soon anons!

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How about you all stop making excuses and fantasizing about having a talent and actually try to develop one for once in your life?

That's how everyone else did it, ya know.

post your work friend

I wish that I could play the guitar.

pls dont tell fbi

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get started fucker

have you tried screenplays?

Neets can't grasp concepts like time and effort.

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im already practicing sempai. its one of the few things that keeps me from killing myself