I don't want to be alone. I hate being alone in my room. I hate this life so much

I don't want to be alone. I hate being alone in my room. I hate this life so much.

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I like being in my room alone, it's cozy. I even have a small couch in my closet which I often take naps on cause it's so cozy.

So pick out a book and read outside at your nearest park during the day. If you can't do at least this minimum effort, you deserve your misery.

Am I the only one content with being alone? I'm misanthropic, I would never wanna go outside, and a gf doesn't even interest me that much.

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Man, that really sounds comfy.

If I had the neetbux you got I'd think likewise. I have to work and school, so much contact makes me feel worthless and disgusting when all interactions feel off and I can tell I'm unwelcome.

Shower and take a walk to your nearest park

I'm living in a tropical country at the moment. I'm so fucking jealous of you Americunts and Britbongs and Europoors who have access to beautiful nature and the four seasons. Walking in nature is one of my favorite things to do ever and I can't even have that here. And it's 30 C all year round too.

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It is. would recommend setting up a small cozy chamber like mine.
I want a gf, but can live without one. Would have to be someone uncorrupted by modernity, perhaps a girl from a rural area or a third world country. Could never go for one of my college peers. I find all but one utterly repulsive.
I'm going comp sci which I've heard is good for introverts.

pic of room?
im having trouble with coming up with a good setup once I move

My setup is at my house where I have a moderately large closet. I'm in my dorm atm which is too small to have a closet setup.

>he doesn't manage his cabin fever symptoms by periodically leaving his room

No you're not, you're an edgy teen. If you truly hated humans you wouldn't even try talking here

>still gets "cabin fever"

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Same, but goin comp eng

it's a popular field, thankfully it's also a growing field with lots of job openings.

Most guys I know are going into it or other sensible fields like business, Women though seem to be attracted to the joke degrees which baffles me.

>thinks he doesn't get cabin fever
>thinks his depressions symptoms are unrelated


Discord is some gay shit. I'm looking for robots who hate the world and aren't reddit-tier incel pussies.


Let me know you're suffering please, I'm looking for someone to tell me I'm wrong.

I have so much live to give but i have no one to love my heart aches to beat with another

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