Will women on tinder get offended if i ask them for sex?
Will women on tinder get offended if i ask them for sex?
If you really want a woman to have sex with you, tell her you don't want to have sex with her and won't.
maybe but who cares you can literally move onto the next woman
why does being a human have to be so retarded and bullshit
Yeah try actually being in a relationship with one, dude. If you want to lose the last shreds of faith you had in humanity and be rendered suicidal.
Just games constantly, until you think you're safe and you stop playing games, so she gets bored and leaves or starts playing them with you or cheats or whatever.
Generally the way it goes.
If you're not Chad and can't smash and dash, forget about interacting with them at all unless it's a paid service like a massage or hooker or some shit, period.
do females have souls?
or are they demons of manipulation?
You never actually had a girlfriend did you
Who cares? Women are just NPCs. Interact with them how you will.
They are the vaginal jew desu
We used to be so based, we used to be going places. Now our best and brightest are fapping to interracial cuck porn 24/7.
shut up cuck, you're just an anti male Jow Forumsfag who is scared to attack women
Yes I did, for an entire year.
Just an endless nightmare, looking back.
Nigga why the fuck does it matter? Doesnt matter if they say no or if they get offended, youre never going to see them. And everyone knows people use tinder for hookups, so its not surprising if someone asks for sex
Ever thought those girls could just be pieces of shit and not representitive of other relationships?
>And everyone knows people use tinder for hookups
Is there literally any chance someone uses it just for dating?
If my ex is using it, she's basically a confirmed whore, right? Fucking lying cunt told me she had only been with 2 dudes before me. Jesus she makes my fucking skin crawl.
This is why dudes end up in the chair. Lies and deceit for an entire year.
Well sure because it was just one girl. She may have been an extreme case, but it means other girls are just going to be less severe versions of her.
Bottom line is, they're not worth changing yourself for in any way.
I suffer this shit right now
Damn humanity really wants me rope
Just remember anything and everything you say can be screencapped and shared with the entire world.
So explicitly begging for sex will probably get you laughed at and might go viral depending on how cringy it is, but some variation of "come over" + address is pretty standard and can have a realistic success rate especially if you target below your looksmatch
It just makes me want to rope her instead, tbqh with you, senpai. People shouldn't be allowed to get way with shit like this, when they do, society fails, when society continually fails to stop people acting like this, all social capital is lost.
At least you pieces of shit have had girlfriends and sex before
Kinda was happier before it though, had more pride. Like I lost a lot of pride in that year, and in the months after the breakup.
I think after having sex a couple times I wont care and wont look forward to anything anymore. It will either turn me into a happy, carefree person, or give me courage to pull an hero