Female cousin I'm close with gets pregnant

>Female cousin I'm close with gets pregnant
>It's a boy
>Find a way to start a topic about something to segue into circumcision
>ask if she'll have him circumcised
>she says yes
>try to convince her not to as tactfully as possible
>"Sounds like MRA neckbeard bullshit"
>refuses to reconsider her position
>refuses to discuss the issue further
>She's an atheist and not even jewish background, so it's not a religious or cultural thing

TFW being against forced genital mutilation of male infants is an alt-right, neckbeard, MRA, incel manbaby thing.

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screencapped this post, it basically summarizes so much. Horrible.

women have no souls, i'm calling it right now, they are NPCs controlled by satan.

I wish I was never circumcised. It should be illegal. They should wait until the child can consent.

why are you faggots complaining about some other guy's dick?

because he's getting it cut off because his mother wants it for no reason other than because she's a whore who hates men

>being American

That's where you fucked up.

you are sounding incredibly gay

>bring up at party to friend who is having a kid soon if he's getting his son snipped or not
>are you?
>everyone is facinated
>wife basically says well its easier to clean
>explain that it's literally no different
>well when he's old he wont have trouble

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Being tactful was the mistake.

tell her to join the Your Whole Baby group on Facebook. it's 99% women who are adamantly against Routine Infant Circumcision. there's a huge movement of "crunchy" moms who have jumped on the anti-circ bandwagon. it's not just bitter incels any longer.

You should send her this: Earp, B. D. (2014). Female genital mutilation (FGM) and male
circumcision: Should there be a separate ethical discourse? Practical
Ethics. University of Oxford. Available at:
DOI: 10.13140/2.1.3530.4967.

why can't normies just accept incels?

>MRA neckbeard bullshit"

I've seen this EXACT insult used against people who are anti-circumcision many times in recent years. It's like the pro-cutting side knew they couldn't win with facts so they just painted intactivists as le neckbeard fedora tippers. It seems to have been depressingly effective. Reddit used to be pretty solidly against circumcision. Now a lot of subs are pro-cutting and intactivists are censored or downdooted to hell. See pic related.

It's both depressing and infuriating that the genital integrity of baby boys has become a culture war issue, but welcome to the /currentyear/

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it really is pathetic. people are afraid to have an ounce of conviction about anything.

>people are afraid to have an ounce of conviction about anything.
That's not really the case. If there's one "good" thing about SJWs, feminsts, etc. it's their conviction. They're extremely vocal and unwavering in their positions. They always double down.

The problem is those who oppose them are extremely inhibited and neutered. They try so hard to be moderate that their message becomes watered down to the point of being meaningless. Sometimes you can't be wishy-washy, sometimes you need to firmly pick a "Yes" or "No" side. The cultural left has already successfully memed centrists as nazis (or at least nazi sympathizers). "both sides" is a meme now.

The culture war is in full swing...it's time to pick a side. I know that going up against these people carries a lot of risk, but if you refuse to do it then don't complain when your freedoms are eroded and you find yourself becoming increasingly marginalized, discriminated against and censored.

Ask her if shed get her daughter circumisised. "What no of course not". Lol glad I'm not american.

God this fucking pisses me off. There is no logical reason to cut a dick, it's done out of habit more than anything, and it sucks for the guy who's dick has been cut. Of course, women don't know/don't care, and of course it's so hypocritcal of them to do this.

You know what, though? Time to stop hiding away from male needs and giving into feminist propaganda. Yeah, maybe it needs to be a MRA issue because obviously our feminist controlled media and government don't give a fuck. I think cutting baby boys' dicks is a fucking travesty. Call me a MRA for saying so I don't give a fuck. I'll proudly refer to myself as a MRA if that's what it means. I'd rather be a MRA than a babydick cutter. Seriously, fuck feminism.

>Trying to reason with an NPC

she already has predetermined paths and predetermined responses

stop to care user. If she is able to make this decision it is best that her progeny get's mutilated to have a reduced chance of success in life, helping to cleanse her genes out of the genepool in the long term.

That has been women's go to insult forever now.

>I can't formulate an argument so I'll just blurt out a long string of insults attacking their abilities to sexually please women

>helping to cleanse her genes out of the genepool in the long term.

While there is a link between genetics and behavior, I don't think genetics is the cause of this. Anyone is susceptible to being brainwashed.

Case in point, modern swedes are the descendants of vikings.

Ask her why she wants to do a muslim ritual.

1800 years of this shit and this is your best pilpul, oven dodger?

There was an attempt to ban performing circumcision on minors in Iceland but the proposal was scrapped before their parliament could even vote on it. You'll never guess what group was behind this.

>sounds like mra neckbeard shit

Had a similar incident with a female "friend". It was at that point that I realised women are soulless and devoid of real feelings.

They only agree with arguments if the person making the argument is a high status man, if some ugly "incel" type makes a valid point about anything then she dismisses it as virgin incel bitterness etc

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He's right though
Most people get it done for literally no reason at all

Normalfaggots are disgusting, full to the brim with cognitive dissonance

>I was going to do X but then people i hate started arguing in favor of X and so I changed my mind
Why does every woman do this? holy goddamn fuck.

I have a 10 month old and he's cut like me. Girls prefer cut, aesthetic and cleaner. Deal with it you dogdicks.

Found the bitter envious cutfag. How does it feel to be a half-man and know you also made your son into a half-man?

Uncuts always start these threads and are always the most defensive.

I don't think your case is very good user. Stereotypes or not, vikings were kind of savages as opposed to the romans and greeks and shit. And they wouldn't settle down and instead they would raid and steal. Doesn't seem like they had the highest IQ ancestors to begin with.
And if you mean that warriors became cucks, well that's just because there are no more shield and sword wars to be fought.

Wrong, nobody with an intact penis gives a shit. It's always the bitter mutilated ones who start these threads.

To be fair, it's not just women that do this. Numales and male sjws in general do this constantly.

They also do the inverse. If a group they hate complains about something, suddenly they'll love it even if they hated it before. My numale brother is like that. Two days ago he went out and bought 2 pairs of Nikes even though he never owned a pair in his life, and flaunted them on social media because of the whole Kaepernick thing. He also makes it a point to see literally every movie anti-sjws dont like at least once, sometimes twice, and constantly rave about how great it was on twitter. No matter what it is, if anti-sjws don't like it, he will mindlessly throw his money at it and say it's the greatest thing ever. His twitter is so cucked that if you saw it you would think it's satire, but it's not.

I fucking hate being cut. Where the fuck is my foreskin? Kek

Well that is how the Jews memed and advertised it

She's a mindless drone doing what everybody else is doing. Show her a YouTube video of one happening and she won't.

That's only the first half of the female battle strategy.
>In the wrong
>say something that'll provoke anger
>throw a bunch of unrelated shit until something stick
>dude gets angry, calls her cunt/whore/dumb bitch/hole
>she gets to play the victim
>now the argument is about what an angry misogynist the guy is and not about the original argument that she was losing
Don't really have any advice on how to dodge this though. But I'm pretty sure that 70% of domestic abuse cases is this battle strategy backfiring on women.

i was circumcised but i really don't mind. i don't ever see it negatively affecting me. it's fucked up but there's really nothing i could do about it so it doesnt matter to me


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not american, can somebody tell me whats (at least in their mind) the reason for doing this as an "atheist" ?

try to find a video on jewtube showcasing the thing and make sure to turn the speakers up because there will be a lot of screaming and crying since they dont use anesthetic

make her watch it

Show her your dick and demonstrate exactly what you mean. Visual aids can be very helpful!

Americans are literally brainwashed on this topic and do it just because and later in life then push the shit that its healthier and girls prefer cut dick.

No reason or logic just another literal jewish scam

Protestant boomers both literally and figuratively worship the jews.

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Neither I am American... If I had a baby, I'd never do that to him without being a practising jew. It's terrible, I just don't understand

Its just how normie argue. They are basically saying they will do it because everyone else is and anybody who says otherwise is an outsider to the normie pack

Redit newfag the post