How am i suppose to live with out love and human affection? I feel so lonely and it's getting worse most days i don't even touch another human i'm it just kills me not have any body to hug or cuddle with and just say they love me seriously lads it's getting hard and i don't know how much more i can take
How am i suppose to live with out love and human affection...
I wish I knew.
I wish I fucking knew.
By toughening up into an uncaring evil bad person. If other people and society wants to drive you into that kind of existence why not just comply and show the error of society's ways by giving them back what they asked and then some.
No don't shoot up a school, but become that person who calls the cops on their neighbors parties and shits in the post boxes of happy people. Have some sweet revenge my dude
Perhaps there is no cure to loneliness
>he malfunctions when he strays off his scripted biological programming
if you can't get laid then nature wants you to die
If i'i'm going to go evil then i'm going to go all the way but i really don't want that i want love and i can't get love if i'm a corpse filled with bullets
It's not i couldn't get laid if i tried but i'm to afraid to talk to people
This npc meme is so dumb
This is why I go around at night pouring brake fluid on people's cars
the need to be loved is natural but ultimately, you need to build within yourself love and esteem as another person may not always be there for you
eventually you give up and get numb to it. Usually in your early 30's. You spend the rest of your days like me pointlessly living on even though you have zero chance to get what you wants in life.
You may think its hard to live on but the older you get the better you get at dealing with life's bullshit.
>Tfw have so much pent up affection.
>Tfw just wanna hug and cuddle someone for days.
>Don't even want sex, just physical intimacy.
As long as I ignore it, it'll go away, right?
>Early 30's
I don't think i can make it that long
I know this feel i can't stand not having some one to hold in my arms
I hope you get shot faggot. Do all you want but don't fuck with a man's car.
Being deprived of human touch and interaction such as solitary confinement in prisons is increasingly considered cruel and unusual punishment and inhumane.
To touch and interact with other people is well established as a basic human physiological need essential for emotional and mental well being. I'm not even saying I'm owed anything. I just want the normals to fucking understand, to have a little empathy. If they were capable of even that we wouldn't have so many people shorting up schools and shit becuase they would at least be addressing the root of the problem but instead they double down on the ostracization, dehumanization, and bullying of the sort of people who ultimantly are just terribly terribly lonely and in pain.
This. It make me so angry when i see normies taking love for granted don't they know how lucky they
People are awful and not worth the time. You'll grow over the feeling after you give your trust to someone and have it destroyed.
I'm only 20 and I'm a full on schozoid now.
>I'm not even saying I'm owed anything. I just want the normals to fucking understand, to have a little empathy.
This is because normies, and ESPECIALLY women, cannot separate the idea of wanting something from demanding others provide it for them.
>I just want the normals to fucking understand, to have a little empathy
we can all dream user
Sometimes i worry if i'm a schizoid i do have some of the traits
Why worry? It's comfy. You stop giving a fuck about people and find peace alone. A perfect life in solitude.
I will admit a lonely life can be comfy but i just can stand having no one to love me and love back
>wanting something
something like good conversations? haven't seen a robot do that so far...
You'll get over it. It's just a phase. Once you obtain it, you'll realize how annoying and overrated it is.
The weak get pushed out of groups, it's human nature. Can't do anything about that.
>tfw have to simulate emotional warmth through hot showers
>tfw have to simulate physical contact by pillow hugging
>tfw have to simulate love by masturbation
I know that feel.
Idk i'm pretty clingy if i ever get a girl i'll hold on and never let go
I've long come to terms with that. I just want someone to talk to who isn't a faggot
>tfw have to simulate physical contact by pillow hugging
>tfw have to simulate love by masturbation
Jesus i know these feels
Reality is always inferior to my imagination.
I'm assuming a relationship is far from being as good as in my anime and daydreams, so I don't see why I'd want to pursue one
One day at a time, brother. One important thing is to realize how fleeting situation can be. So alottle risk and you may male a friend once in a while. I did once.
If ever happens to like a girl don't chase it ever, only if she's chasing or following you is worth a try! Better to wait more for a girl than chase an oneitis and get even more depressed when she ghost or drop you.
Yes anime is superior to 3d but and as much as i wish i could i can hold a anime girl in real life
get the fuck out with our generic vaguely helpful advice
Thanks for the her(you)in anons. It's a good feel. I appreciate (you).
I thought the same. Thing is you're used to solitude and freedom. When the bitch is texting you literally every 10 minutes and has anxiety issues every 20 if you don't text back immediately, you will resent it very fucking soon. Of course maybe she won't be clingy, but then you're going to push HER away for the same fucking thing, or worse eventually cheating on you. Idk man, I think I prefer loneliness. You need to be comfortable being you. Alone. Then maybe you will eventually find someone. Idk, still in the waiting stage. Good luck.
Get a dog shit bread
haven't been touched regularly since I was a baby. I don't crave it though I have a fear of being close to others
>tfw used to have a psycho gf with a degenerative mental condition
>tfw used to kiss, cuddle, sex etc
>tfw she started becoming more and more mental until we couldn't see each other anymore
>tfw haven't spoken to her in a year now
It's strange, being with a fucking loony has put me off affection altogether. You guys should try hooking up with a fucking lunatic, then you won't feel so lonely anymore. You'll appreciate the quiet a lot more.
something sad about this feely feel yea like when you start thinking about everything youve missed out on and just realize the older you get the less of a chance youll have of intimacy, and then you die. Fuck life is really sad and stuff
You reach a point where it stops affecting you.
The longing for contact with another human being is an evolutionary directive. It exists because if you didn't have it, you'd be satisfied to live your life alone and never reproduce.
However, I believe that there is a point you reach where your biology acknowledges "Alright, this isn't going to work" and just shuts it off. If it kept going, it would probably just drive you to suicide. And that isn't in the interest of your evolutionary imperatives.
It takes a while. Like years. Some 5 years into pure isolation, it starts to dissipate.
I'm not poetic enough to describe the emotional pain that I was going through between the years 2014 and 2016. My heart was a charred stump.
It goes away eventually.
based and npcpilled
I dunno, how the fuck you lived this long like this anyway?
I am about to turn 35 and my life is very empty. I have no friends and never go out. All I do is goto work and shitpost of Jow Forums when I got home. I dont interect with anyone else. I keep fit and save money but I have no reason to live. It's is like my life is frozen. I will keep doing what I am doing and maybe something will change. It can't hurt to stay healthy and have money i guess.
>By toughening up into an uncaring evil bad person.
Oh yeah, little user, we surely believe you are VERI EBIL. What are the edgy things that you do to feel EBIL and cope?
You throw out a piece of paper on grass when no one's watching? You go 50 kmph where it's only legal to go 40?
Idk how long exactly but i have felt like this since i was in my late teens
I can relate user, being autistic is terrible, being socially retarded is terrible, I hate having my body feel like it's in danger when talking to strangers or making small talk, I hate only being able to make bonds with other social retards, I hate being so quiet when I go somewhere it's like I never left at all, I HATE I HATE I HATE
Maybe try an occupation that forces you to interact with others. If your anxiety is physically impacting you, and the doctor isnt an option, there are some podcasts and video series that helped me with anxiety a little. Professional help is preferred though.
please, just go back to >>>/tumblr/
What makes you think i'm from Tumblr?I'm not autistic just really society retarded
>you can't download love
That's what dating sites are for
It's not a guarantee that you will meet the right person on a dating site
Bingo. This is exactly what I've been doing the last year or so.
right so, i get neetbux money since 3 years fooling the work help employees into thinking im retard and unemployable by appearing in obelix pants and playing stupid. little do they know that all that money and neet life is my rightfull compensation for all the pain and suffering society has brought to me.
>Have some sweet revenge my dude
I slightly unscrew Schrader valves on peoples car's. (the tyre valve thingie)
That's how I entertain myself on my /nightwalks/
Their tyres will slowly lose air and completely deflate when they least expect it.
Just like my ego.