ITT: people you hate

Religious people
Druggies (any kind of drugs)
Meat eaters
CEO's of huge corporations
People who drive cars
People who are into identity politics
People who go to Uni or college or any kind of educational institution
Incompetent Programmers
Body builders
Modern women

List goes on

Attached: deepak.jpg (1600x900, 70K)

Other urls found in this thread:

faggots like OP

I'm just too woke, i need to talk to extraterrestrials ffs. All of you are sheep and need to wake up.

those fucking normies

When i say modern women, im talking about you, yes you, the one reading this, you stupid cunt.

Why didn't you just say "everyone" like the edgy faggot you're trying to be?

>Religious People

That's literally everyone, you fucking mong.

All of them. I hate all of the people. We need to be completely eradicated. I hope Kim Jong Dong nukes the entire human race.

>Religious people

isn't that everyone lol

Man+third eye =god
God-third eye= Man

i'm a god.

Attached: ok.jpg (3840x2160, 388K)

Le rediturf faec

Pretty much, 7 billion people in this world are sheep.

>Meat eaters
>CEO's of huge corporations
>People who drive cars
>Body builders
spotted the underage

>says "am god"
>hates the type of people who would believe in him

Have fun being forgotten about when you die. Being that much of an edgy retard is literally only going to lead to you being miserable and killing yourself. Be sure you remember this thread when you feel the belt tightening around your chickenshit excuse for a neck and realize how much you fucked up in life being a conceited douchebag.

Underage fags are too busy smoking weed, playing fornite, jerking off, having sex, drinking alcohol, doing drugs, going to school, playing sports, posting retarded shit on social media and much more

>too busy having a life
Just down a bottle of acetone and off yourself, cunt.

Why would i harm my body and who are you?

> Psychologists
Actually I'm changing my mind about therapists because you need one.

No, i just need to excerise, actually do meditation/yoga and go on a vegetarian diet. Why i would i pay to see rapists, wtf

Oh, i also hate buddhists, modern indians(pajeets basically), white people and black people

Are you the autist in my screencap? If not I think you might finally have found a friend if you can find him

Attached: autism.png (1665x342, 59K)

Fuck no.
I have made couple threads on /x/
Thats about it. I dont browse /x/ cause too many conspiracy retards

All you need to do is open your chakras retard

Start from the bottom and work your way up to the third eye.

Attached: cathra.jpg (2000x1532, 91K)

Pretty sure I actually found that guy on /v/ if I remember correctly
>calls me a retard
>at the same time tells me to check my chakras
fuckin lmao fuck off with your hippy bullshit and come back when you have some actual facts to back that garbage up

Attached: ufufu.gif (400x225, 126K)

If i was a hippy, i would have sucked dick for some shrooms. Im not a hippy you retarded weabooo

You're right, youre not a hippy cause while I have very little respect for them they have more than you. You think you know everything and that everyone but you is an idiot but the fact is you're just some weirdo who speaks about as much sense as a homeless crackhead with the smug superiority of some completely non self-aware autist.

Attached: You're outta your fucking mind.jpg (422x508, 75K)

I will have 40 million dollars in the bank by next monday

good for you faggot that doesn't make you any less wrong

So basically anybody who is better than you? So everyone?

I like how you keep responding back

>people you hate
>religious people

W8 w0t?

Yet you're still on r9k, just as sad as the rest of us fucks, who gives a shit how much money you do or don't have

The difference between you and me is I know I'm a fucking loser but you, the supposed millionaire godly entity is spending his time responding to some random guy on a forum made by losers for losers.

Yes you're so unique op. We've heard it all before

My list is the same, I hate /real/ pedophiles, its morbid so I'm gonna be quiet. When I think about the reality of it I vomit, yikes.

But people who want someone younger, for non-creepy reasons, get a free pass, like they're literally autistic and feel safer or relate with younger people better;

example: 20-23 18-20

Those age gaps are reasonable,

I hate people who have casual sex and enjoy it, since most of the time I think its hedonistic and raw.

t. original bitter virgin

That quote is retarded. There are some "people" that need to be put down. It's like having a chicken coop and hoping the coyotes will just leave them be.

op you really are a collosal winged faggot. jesus christ how far up your ass is your head by now?

>acts high and mighty about his chakras
>post fucking narutard videos

the lack of self awareness in you is baffling

I'm curious as to why you hate scientists? I mean... scientists?? Really? Why?

Uhhh I really didn't want to do this since its too intimate to share

Because sex can make babies and some people really can't support them, so its best to wait until marriage, unless the single parent does actually have enough money to support the baby

Also thank you, thinking about sex reminded me that I unintentionally mindlessly planned sex with someone, when really I wanted intimacy and for us to hug and just... be together. It was mutual at the time. I hated how mindless it was, I just wanted intimacy not sex. Just kissing and connecting with each other, buh.

Never ask /me/ in particular for anything even again, somethings things can Be Deep

Read the thread, user. It's pretty clear this guy isn't playing with a full deck.

>isn't playing with a full deck
Not him but goddamn it

Attached: My sides, lol.gif (400x398, 816K)

Huh? Did I make an unintentional joke or are you just laughing at the phrase?

Attached: confused dragons.gif (540x304, 675K)

It's a hilarious phrase in the vein of "he's got a few screws loose" that I didn't expect and it took me by surprise

Fair enough, user. It is a pretty funny phrase and it's even funnier when it's as true as it is now.

deepak chopra is a poo in loo and oh yeah I hate you too!

Same person who made the post you replied to,
I a-actually was offered a "sex act" by someone, on their own, no pity, and I did know them. The physical act scared me so I was disgusted at first, but if I did enjoy sex I would have liked it. But its sweet in a way, since I was seen as "Desirable"

I still don't like sex as a whole, I want to keep away from it and ignore it.

Literally never ask me for anything ever again, god, this was too intimate and I didn't want to go into detail why I hate sex.

Ever think of that? no, you literally only think about yourself.

I hate the junkies and everything they do

What the fuck is even going on now


gas yourself op