This shit apparently raises t levels up, is anti inflammatory, helps with mental performance...

This shit apparently raises t levels up, is anti inflammatory, helps with mental performance. Any of you tried this shit?

Attached: boron.png (450x450, 139K)

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Holy mackerel, gonna get this.

Yea i think i'm just going to try it, it's cheap online but i haven't been able to find it in person anywhere

Don't want to give anyone bad ideas but apparently Borax you buy in the cleaning section of stores is pretty much Boron ( unscented stuff) do a Google search, people say to dissolve a teaspoon into a liter of water and then have a couple tea spoons of the solution a day... Taste awful, it does say not to ingest on the box but apparently it is no more toxic than salt

warning this makes honey mustard gas

Personally, i tried this as I heard it is used to treat psoriasis. The water tastes bad, and I saw no improvement, although, the study in OP says daily doses > 3mg had no positive effect, so maybe I was overdosing?

Anyway, this seems like a much better way to supplement boron, seriously, thanks for posting OP, I'm going to give this a shot.

That's why I said I don't want to give anybody bad ideas. I have tried it for a week and did not notice any difference , would rather take a boron supp than drink borax powder.

People think it may cure arthritis. 20 mule team borax


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Boron rhythms with moron, which is what you are, a fucking moron

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I've been taking boron for about a month. I've noticed improvement in my depression, buy I can't day for sure it's the boron at work.

Do you take a supplement or do you use the borax method?

Don't you have some sugar water to drink

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I did this method, 1 tsp in 1 liter, mix 2 or 3 tsp of solution in a glass of water. Didnt really notice anything dramatic but I'll try the supplements next.

I've been taking boron (10mg) and iodine the last couple of days. Can't really confirm an effect yet but I'm positive. It seems to flush out fluoride and bromide so you might feel worse the first days.
It is really hard to get Borax powder in the EU, they banned the sale to private persons.

Attached: boron.jpg (1359x330, 156K)

How to dose iodine:

Attached: iodine.png (1876x796, 240K)

You get more boron from 100g of raisins. I'd not bother with supplements and just get it from diet.

I like how n in these studies is 8 and 13...

Nice. Got any more of these redpills?

You don't have to take one pill you know

I want more of this shit on fit and less fucking height threads


Quick google search says one egg has ~16% of daily value for iodine. I only eat 3 eggs a day.

and you don't eat any other food?

you're at 48% with three eggs alone

Supplement. It's very inexpensive.

i got this exact one, started feeling unusually down, slightly sensitive nipple and overall worse off. was dosing 12mg per day and was taking for a month

Not eating salt or seafood or literally anything else

I only eat meat, veg and eggs mate. I use sea salt not iodized

Any positives?

you have to add selenium to your diet or it will fuck up your parathyroid system. best source for that is brazil nuts. 2-3 brazil nuts is enough per day.

nobody in the fucking first world needs additional dietary iodine, stop posting this shit, you're just gonna get gullible fags fucking up their thyroids

Wtf I'm eating borax now

get back to us if you feel anything user

you know this how user?

Is it 2 or 3 I eat 2 Brazil nuts daily. I want to eat 3 but don’t know if it’s good for you?

Depends on the size of the kernels. 4grams (1 large or 2 small kernels) gives you the recommended daily allowance. But they vary in size and if you supplement with iodine and boron you need more selenium. I don't think you can poison yourself with brazil nuts in such a small quantity, most likely you piss out the excess.

This case is from UK where they do not ad iodine to their salt but the point still stands. Shitload of people even in western countries are at least mildly deficient.

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the problem with any of brownsteins stuff is just it being "you need iodine cause you need iodine mmmk" theres nothing that justifies his claims, most of the forum that i saw that had a lot of people doing it had people saying they're doing a "bromine detox" with all of the same symptoms of iodine toxicity like the bottom of their neck puffing up. it's pedaled off as basic biology but theres nothing to substantiate any of this

>This shit apparently raises t levels up
I'm pretty sure it's the opposite?

Read. Education is amazing

Notes for this study:
3mg of Boron in addition to a Boron deficiency state (0.25mg for 119 days) was able to increase testosterone and estrogen in postmenopausal women.

So the data is insuficient for us to use ?...

There is not enough research to say one way or the other.

there's been conflicting reports of boron causing more estrogen in men as well as testicular atrophy

in old eastern block militaries they used to give soldiers this shit to lower sex drive and stop them from doing weird sex shit

you do the math

That's bromine dipshit

What does bromine do?

This bricked my computer don't do this!

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also how can you be sure you're getting boron in the fruit you eat when it's depleted from the soil so it's different for every area

It also improves vision remarkably. For making boron eyedrops on the cheap, saw an old lithium-ion battery into two and dissolve in hot water.

>After only 1 week of boron supplementation of 6 mg/d, a further study by Naghii et al20 of healthy males (n = 8) found (1) a significant increase in free testosterone, which rose from an average of 11.83 pg/mL to 15.18 pg/mL; and (2) significant decreases in E2, which dropped from 42.33 pg/mL to 25.81 pg/mL.
From the article

There is little to no evidence, the evidence that exists is low quality and the effects sizes are low ("significant" means statistically significant).

I checked OPs paper. As far as I know, the changes were well withing norm levels. Meaning they wouldn't be noticeable for anyone who doesn't have an active deficiency. Certainly not any levels that would be meaningful for lifting. seems to mirror that conclusion.

It's the same as almost always. Low quality research with the slightest of positive effects for test and people go fucking nuts.

Apart from roids, a healthy life style (and regularly talking to/banging hot chicks) is the best thing you can do for test.