What do you find unattractive in women?

What do you find unattractive in women?

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poor hygiene
thats about it.


I don't have much experience with women but from my experience they are narcissistic, manipulative, sacred cows who are entitled and self important to name a few things.

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doesnt let me finish in her mouth.
talks too much

Big lips like that freak me out.

quints checked
origin nally

>Long hair
>Giant lips
>Fake ass

>Whorish personality
>All about money

Basically I hate women like Kim Kardashian

large masculine chin
no hips
deflated looking breasts
being old

cakeface, can't take them seriously and I feel obligated to make them more insecure because with said cakeface they reveal their insecurity.

The fact that they just look like guys with long hair.

>Large noses
>Fat stomachs
>Manly square jawlines

Manface. Manjaw. Mannose. Manhands. Manshoulders. Manback. Mantorso. Manwaist. Manlegs. Mancalves. Manfeet. Manhairline. Caked-on makeup. Droppy/ugly breasts, too-large breasts, veiny breasts. Fucking body hair, disgusting.

Honestly I could overlook physical traits but the mental ones are just atrocious.
>bitches & whores
>attention whores, loud, obnoxious, selfish
>not demure, not shy
>even any guy friends (a few acquaintances is fine, but not fucking friends)
>virtue signalling
>SJW shit
>want to have the privileges of a man but none of the responsibility
>literal children most of them, even more than "men" these days, because they get fucking catered to out the ass by these beta cucks

Looking at both angles, makes it a no brainer why anime is so popular. Yes call me an incel virgin, and i'll call you a coping brainlet. That exchange is done already.

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The extreme avoidance of confrontation

Extreme Self absorption

Low integrity

>shitty personality
>too much makeup
>fake boobs/butt
>if black then weaves
that's pretty much it really, i've never really had high standards but it's not like that matters when you're uggo

I hate it when they make fun of people. I can't say it's a red flag really because so far in my life I've never met a girl who doesn't make fun of others. it's never as humorous as it is vicious, actually it seems like the viciousness actually is women's sense of humor.

tattoos with someones birth and death

>not having straight bangs

Swearing (especially in public), skimpy clothes, drinks a lot, coasting through school, any mainstream music, only bitches about work never happy to go there, can't draw cute or create cute nests

Poor hygiene, disloyalty, disgusting political identity, overweight, unhealthy. Other than that I don't much care about look.

Dishonesty. Thats all I can think of.

Hairy arms / legs
Ugly face
Cuntish behaviour
Gold digging
Being dumb
Being too tall
Drinking too much
Being a slag

sense of entitlement

Once you pass a certain level of thiccness its an automatic no from me. Also cant fucking stand straight-line bangs, the TERF haircut if you will

>personality wise
I dont much care for girls that arent at least trying to not be vapid NPC Stereotypes. You know the kind, people who dont seem like they have a thought in their head that wasnt directly stated to them. They like shoes and shopping because their stacey friend likes shoes and shopping, they like video games because their ex liked video games. I also fucking hate girls that cant deal with a simple spirited argument, who arent open to new ideas or having their ideals challenged.

I feel like this comes across as me being pickier than I am.

Them being sluts and disloyal.

Being stupid, narcissistic, and/or vain.

Like, everything Scoob.

Her ideas

Low intelligence but that can be completely outshined by their kindness
Is fatter than me
Fakeness as in too much make up and such
Attention whoring

Having guy 'friends'.

Tiny eyes and ugly teeth. A small face, and middle-parted hair. Most of all, a rude personality in which they blame their bad behavior on just being honest.

being vile to other girls for no reason and their likeness to humiliate said girls in whatever way

>Long hair
>Whorish personality
Short hair and being a whore kind of go together and on top of that you're gay.

fat guts and disproportionate legs, like they'll be chubby up top then have skinny legs wtf????

vote for Mccain 2018

Vaginas.real women have small cute dicks

The penis

>women are vicious
>he says in this thread of vicious men on this board of vicious men

you do realize most people including men pick up their interests from other people right? like it's very likely someone introduced you to your first videogame at some point in your life. gee its almost like humans start out as blank states and then pick up fucking experiences from other humans that shape their identity

Total lack of modesty
Inability to process any deeper thought and general ability to only do meaningless small-talk
Always picking the easiest way, no matter how damaging to herself and people around
Inability to resolve simple and basic issues rationally and without drama
Blatant lying

Doesn't take care of herself
Doesn't do any sport
Daddy issues

I don't like makeup, extravagant hair, etc.
I mostly like butch and tomboy women.

-Excessive makeup
-fat(overweight can be okay depending on the type but thee's a point where it's too much)
-too bubbly/immature(seems cute at first but is damn exhaustive on the long run)

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-tiny pig-ish nose
-white, black, or jewish
-any eye colour other than brown
-never wears makeup, or always wears too much makeup
-taller than 5'4, shorter than 5'0
-large breasts
-narrow hips

-naive to the point of constantly being used by men
-no optimism
-disinterest in politics
-no confidence, needs male attention
-never gets angry at her man, has no backbone

i really hate the current state of women's makeup. they cake that shit on because they're all trying to copy the fucking kardashians and they all look like vapid plastic morons.