This npc meme is telling us who the normies are

I don't think I've ever seen redditors and normies sperge out harder than this. I've seen more usage of the word 'incel' 'virgin' and other popular normie insults this week then ever before.

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I've never seen so many riled up people before with such lengthy replies. Can't take a joke for some reason

maybe their secret fear is that its some pysop to make them think they are NPCs and their lord Elon Musk is the main character of the simulation

Nobody wants to be ordinary. NPCs are terrified that they aren't special.

It's kinda sad really. What inbred nigger thinks "virgin" is an insult on this board?

Anti-NPC Discord Server

If you're an NPC, please continue scrolling. Thanks, guy.


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Honestly I'm just annoyed by the spam. It's on literally every board I frequent. It's never fucking on topic and lowers the overall board quality. I don't want to see this shit on /tg/, it's not related. I don't want to see "What do NPCs eat" threads on /ck/, that's just shitposting.

I'm fine with it on Jow Forums because this is a god forsaken hellhole, but when I go to a hobby board I want to talk about the fucking hobby in question.

Because it makes no sense and probably describes the people using it better than who they're trying to force the meme onto

Also this

Wow. If only there were some sort of button we could press to hide threads that we are not interested in so that we could better ignore them.

Maybe one day we will have this tech. But an NPC like yourself would have to be reprogrammed to know how to use it.

This is such a shit argument, take a step back for a second and think about what you just said. There is a limited amount of real estate on any board for threads. Every off topic thread lower the number of on topic threads there can be on the board. When people come onto slow boards, like /tg/, and spam off topic threads to satisfy their need to push a shitty meme it pushes threads off the board that may otherwise be interesting topic.

There is a phrase you see all the time on /tg/:
>A thread died for this

I am tried of the spam. I am tried of the low effort shitty threads with literally zero creativity. I am tried of off topic. I am tried of people trying to justify just shitting on the rules of smaller hobby boards with "Well you don't have to look at it". I know I can fucking hide it, that's not the point. Off yourself my man, it would do probably a lot of people in your life a favor.

>he thinks NPCs can be reprogrammed
Nice try NPC. You cucks are stuck the way you are

>I am too lazy to take simple steps to improve my browsing experience so instead I will simply bitch about it

Pic related is you.

Shitposters are going to shitpost you big fucking baby, deal with it. This happens everytime a new meme rises up and catches on. It will calm down over time, just hide and ignore. Christ. Cry me a fucking river.

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>this preprogrammed reply
It's funny when your programming breaks because you can't understand the meme

>An NPC trying to call a Player Character an NPC

Nice try. I will have to tell the devs to take a second look at your code, #z72h8e39.

It just shows how pathetic most you r9bots are. Desperately trying to hold onto the only thing that's yours which is the fact you're a complete loser. I know I've been on Jow Forums longer then 99% of the people on this board yet I called a normies all the time. Theres really no need in trying to seperate normies from robots were all the same people. Youre just trying to make yourself feel special.

>NPC still admitting he doesn't get the meme
This has been some of the funniest couple of days ever because you drones are seething so hard kek

>I am tried of the low effort shitty threads with literally zero creativity

This is what I hate about this "new meme" the most. It's not even new. It's literally just a reskinned wojack. I honestly thought all the "ha some people don't think in words, so they must be stupid" shitposting was funny at first, but it's like everyone involved wanted to find the quickest way to make it as stale and as obnoxious as possible.

The shitposting is getting worse, it's been getting worse for the last three years since phoneposting become so common and since gammersgate and the election cycle caused massive spikes in monthly usage. The board that saw the most change out of ones I frequent was /tg/. There was a time the board was, actually decent.

All I can see from you is someone who hasn't been here for long, who thinks the current state has always been the norm. Is it so fucking bad that I want things to go back how they used to be. Maybe I just fucking move on like so many other fa/tg/uys did because this shithole just continues to get worse. Fucking hell.

The whole 'meme culture' and 'of course it will be spammed' shit is so disingenuous. The spamming is even fucking different because ever bit of life and creativity have been sucked out of the practice. It's become so routine, so mechanical, so fucking garbage that the best that people can do now is a fucking wojak recolor. If we're going to be shitposting I wish it was at least fun shit posting.

All we have no is garbage. We're sitting atop piles of garbage and I don't leave because I have no where else to go. I just want to go back.

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Any internet medium gradually devolves into behaviour that maximizes reward ((You)s, likes, shares, views, upboats) for a given amount of effort. The only way to prevent this is heavy handed moderation, which is trash. You just learn to live with it until it becomes too unbearable. Then you move on.

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You just have to accept it. Things aren't going to get better.

>Calls someone an npc
>literally hopping on the flavor of the month epic wojak edit and using it as a trump card to [anything]
the irony is palpable

>describes the people using it better than who they're trying to force the meme onto

Basically this. I saw an NPC using it earlier. In all seriousness, it's already been coopted by Jow Forumstards who think anyone that isn't and angry incel is an NPC. If any board on this site tells you who you are, then you have no right to call others an NPC.


i dont usually use r9k but its pretty funny to watch people who think there cool and hip and with the cool edgy internet people

>not knowing that incel was a self admitted term used here frequently before the normies hijacked it


>used here frequently before the normies hijacked it
haha yes I too am a 2015 vintage oldfag!!!

incel is a fucking reddit term to the bone you nigger shitstain

here we used to say "robot" and virginity was only part of it. bugger of you cancerous maggot

Keep you shit in your own shitty board, virgins.

t. NPC reprogrammed to believe reddit came up with the term

Whenever a meme is forced nowadays there is someone behind it who will benefit for it, the boomer meme raised monster stocks, so whats with the NPC meme? Its clearly being forced, for what reason?

imagine needing an "inner voice" to perceive your own thoughts
it's like having a txt file fed to your brain (if you can even call that a brain)
a literal NPC

To make incels more docile by giving them a false sense of superiority so they don't cause more shootings

how can i tell if im an npc

if you think in words, you're scripted and not a real human

>reddit came up with the term
I never said that you moron. Some ugly disabled cunt with a blog invented it in the 90s. But reddit is where the term got popular. It wasn't commonly used here before all the reddit incels/puafags started flooding here in 2014/15 as their subs got shut down.

the original boomer wojak did start out as a failed viral marketing campaign in 2017 but I don't think it had anything to do with the boomer meme. It used to be just some fags spamming shit like "i sure love taking a sip of monster with x" threads all over the place. It was then dead for months

t. NPC who can't understand the meme because it doesn't work with it's programming

isn't it the opposite? it started saying npcs don't have inner monologue, meaning they don't think in words

>npcs don't have inner monologue, meaning they don't think in words

does that make any sense though? words = txt = scripted = NPC
real humans don't have an "inner voice"
if anyone says otherwise, they're definitely an NPC



you are the npc
no u


Np c


waaah error in programming anoncalm down

you're npc ;) epicstyle

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I-I am not, an NPC, r-right anons? I have inner monologue, I can define my consciousness very well. I-I couldn't be.

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>you don't like my forced meme? then you're a [insert buzzword here]

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oh really? I was all worried I might be one because I don't even see words in my head when I'm talking to myself
phew, if only I cared about this meme enough now I'd be very glad
but any "matrix" tier phyllosophy is absolute cringe to me

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It's not about seeing words, it's inner-monologue, and the user does have it backwards. See pic related

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This is by far the cringest meme to have come out of this board

>everyone else is a brain dead sheeple! Im the only real intellectual around here!

we are all NPCs, the universe is a hologram


If you can inner think you aren't an NPC. Also, if you ask if you are, you're not.

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I don't know about you but I'm suffering way too much to be a npc

>needs Gary Lineker to analyse the football for him

every npc is a star

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Yeah, it's definitely the meme itself. It has nothing to do with the fact that you underage newfags force memes with all the subtlety of a goddamn blitzkrieg.

Precisely this. I get the feeling this meme is being forced by underageb& who just want to be a part of the next big thing. There's no subtlety or nuance behind it whatsoever.

>The shitposting is getting worse, it's been getting worse for the last three years
Found the newfag. Shit posting is at a low point right now. Don't pretend like you were here early on.

Musk is an NPC. The real main character is probably Trump.

Think about it, only NPCs would get upset about this meme. Real people find it funny, but the NPCs get really angry and confused about it. I feel bad for them

Musk is probably a main character too, but Trump holds a higher level of NPC controlling power.

What is all this even about? Can someone give me a summary of what the fuck is going on

Because there is no joke. It's another empty meme that'll circle around for a few months before you all get bored and latch onto the next low effort shitpost to try and fit in with a bunch of strangers.

It's because virgin and incel were directed at us. NPC is directed at them. Obviously they'd be upset.

fuck em

Whatever buddy, don't you have a routine loop to process with your useless NPC code

>everyone but me is an NPC
>repetitively posts NPC threads

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Look how scared they are

The absolute state of NPCs

It's exactly like the s oyboy meme user

Every insecure man/manlet got upset about their masculinity being questioned, that hbomberguy cuck made a 30 minute video """debunking""" the meme

checked and checked again

an action only inner monologuers can perform

lots of 80 IQ NPCs in this thread

>inb4 programmed

Yes there have been worse times for Jow Forums but we are talking about the recent low point that is the present. Bury your head in the sand, screech about newfags, and ignore the increasing creative bankruptcy of this site

This. If you interacted long enough with normies you'd notice that they have no restrain in shit talking you. But once you say something back, no matter how big or small they get so defensive and go crazy. Fucking npcs.

A story with such a situation:
>female coworker kept jokingly telling everyone how annoying I am
>how tiersome is to be my colleague
>how she allows me to sit with her during lunch break
>one day I tell someone "yeah, I decided to eat with her so she would stop crying from being alone but she is very annoying to sit with"
>after that someone leaves she goes at me like "IF YOU EVER SAY STUFF LIKE THAT ABOUT ME AGAIN YOU ARE DONE FOR, I'M NOT EVEN KIDDING"
>she's been doing that for weeks and the second I do it she went berzerk
Npcs are real.

If people get riled up, there is usually some element of truth in what's going on. That being said, this fucking place has no leg to stand on when it comes to criticising the "normies". All of us here fucking wish we could lead a normal life, otherwise why the fuck are we here.


did you at least tell her she's a retarded hypocrite?

Of fucking course, but who has ears to listen or the self-awareness to admit to such things. If I remember, she denied it being like that and then changed the topic. Glad I left that shit place.

What it was supposed to be:
>People who rarely or shallowly think are npcs
How it ended up:
>Anyone who disagrees with me is an npc, even if their reply is thought out and clearly not surface level thinking

Okay questgiver

urskabee dipadippadi dippsidoo

Meta-analysis is always something I can enjoy.

Memetics has always had a group-think element. From the 'hivemind' to the desu, it has never been about what's correct but what's contrarian to the mainstream.

It means that enough hipsters were using 'normie' on youtube to make it mainstream. Now we call the people who use 'normies' npcs.

Oh how hip and now it is!
Oh, let's make 200 variations on this theme and put them all as individual replies on a thread on reddit and pick the highest (or lowest) rated ones! We'll be decades ahead of the fad.

In all seriousness though, all this shit is flowing downhill.

When do we move on? I'm already growing weary of this one.

Its just not funny. The joke starts and ends at you calling someone an npc.
Its baby's first shitpost.

and you're not also wasting your time by telling this one user how stupid it all is?

>Meta-analysis is always something I can enjoy.
Really? It's just talking about something, are you really so dull that it's a fun time for you?

>I'm already growing weary of this one.
Nobody cares

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>Are you so dull
Pretty much

>Nobody cares
Thanks for the (you).

>tfw probably an npc
>can't break away from my programming enough to care
>resume doing my npc shit

Is it bad that I already miss boomerposting?

what are you programmed to think about non-npcs?

The asspain just makes the memes better

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>implying the programming goes that deep
I just talk about the weather, make pop culture references, and give an occasional milktoast political opinion.

>ITT: NPCs on full damage control (like they are programmed to)

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no one is special

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>I don't think I've ever seen redditors and normies sperge out harder than this
You weren't around for onions or cuck, both of which were better memes than NPC.
And that's why NPC sucks
>you don't like what I like? You're not special NPC!

Basically. There no anons either. All these idiot kids still think Jow Forums is some kind of secret club when it hasn't been for years.

Mother fucking this
A new low for a board currently run by trannies

>You weren't around for onions or cuck, both of which were better memes than NPC.
>You weren't around for onions or cuck,
>You weren't around for onions or cuck,>You weren't around for onions or cuck,

Are you pretending that so/y is an old meme? It was literally the last meme before this one.

>life is just a continuum of memes
Ha, oh my. The inner workings of an NPC.

What you say nigger? I am user