>28, female >never had an interest in being socially or sexually active >biological clock starts ticking >realise I need to find a buyer before my products expire >huge drive to socialize and try to date >solid decade of neglect to undo in a few months
>Sadly real, i've mostly kept to the 25+ threads It's a shame they're dead. I was looking forward to posting in them and the moment I turn 25 they die. And it doesn't really matter anyway because I've got nothing interesting to post.
Anyway, what's the damage, femanon? How fucked are you? How much neglect are we talking here?
Bentley Edwards
just get on tinder and find a nigger to fertilize you
Isaac Jones
Too late now roastie
Lucas Wright
>biological clock sounds like something an NPC would have
Dylan Hall
Why don't you try and find an older user on here to court you?
Youre like a fucking lizard. Ruled completely by hormone levels and instinct alone with almost no sense of self awareness. Fucking lizard brain.
Isaac Gomez
Physically i'm not too bad but i have a dumpy body with zero muscle tone, physical fitness is low. Skin is looking sort of aged and wardrobe needs serious help. Makeup skills are bordering on doing very little for my face to making me look like a tranny, and hair has always been a lost cause. Basically i have to learn the shit 14-16 year old girls mastered by age 18
Socially i havent had any friends in about 5-6 years aside from one i made recently.
I'd rather be eaten by 20 cats after dying alone
Jack Garcia
What's your job? What do you do? Were yoz just lazing around or do you have sonething in your life?
Austin Scott
Damn, sounds rough. I can relate to that from a male perspective, though. No interest in kids or anything but I really need to get my shit together. Best of luck to you, femanon.
Easton Diaz
You didn't choose to neglect your social circles. You're an ugly roastie so they rejected you. Ask yourself, who made the choice to never call or text you just to say hi, you or them? Enjoy being alone in your thirties you dumb bimbo
Evan Mitchell
What are your preferences in a man?
Nathan Wilson
Rich chad, which is why "she" is single.
Anthony Walker
I'd say go find a loser guy who's in a similar position trying to unfuck his life but he'd probably be a pos who will never make it because he would have already if it was going to happen.
Hit the gym. Get in shape.
Josiah Howard
>heehee I'm a girl woe is me You're gonna find beta orbiters easy. Probably no one that really cares about/can do long-term though, so uhhh RIP
Jose Kelly
You could get your pipes blown out in less than a week as is with little more work than downloading an app or going outside and to a place that has people.
Isaac Stewart
Men dont care unless you are super fat. In fact the fact you werent roosting around is A benefit, and also means you will enjoy Essex more becuase you arent desensitized, and yes that is a thing. I made out with a 32 year old book work and she came from me rubbing her back like a teenager would
Elijah Lee
I career memed for 4 years, make 130k a year. My only accomplishment.
I plan to download every app out there once i'm not so dumpy looking. Not into hookup culture so I imagine my pipes are going to stay cobwebbed for a while
>going outside and to a place that has people. never been hit on..
Connor Bell
Find a ronery devout Christian. Probably your best bet. To the religious virginity is a fucking top-trait.
David Scott
Firstly, get off here and go to
>rather die first racist gibberish
Ah this is another whiteboi larping Have you tried killing your self?
Leo Hill
Dont go the app route. >never been hit on. Try going someplace social besides work or a bar, dispite what movies tell you, it is really rare to get hit on in either of those places, esepcaiily past age 25
Elijah Thompson
>make 130k a year I assume you want a man who makes a similar amount of money, right?
Jayden Nguyen
Black guys are gross i've seen the nasty women you target and leave with curly haired bootlips
Connor Evans
>older than OP >NEET brainlet with no social or academic skills >she earns 130k I need to kill myself RIGHT NOW AAAAAAARRRGGGGGGHHHHHH fuck fuck fuck FUCK
William Perry
t.autistic friendless 30yr old two years away from suicide
Enjoy your larp Billy
Jacob Rodriguez
>I career memed for 4 years, make 130k a year. My only accomplishment. This will be your biggest potential hurdle in finding a spouse. The vast majority of women expects to be dating up regardless of their current situation. This mindset will be the biggest factor to reduce your potential dating pool, and by dropping that mentality (or not having it to begin with, but that's exceptional) you'll see a significant increase in dating pool size. Don't let go of that mentality, and be prepared to become one of those successful middle aged career women that end up crying over how they can't find any guy interested in them - when they demand at least top 10% pay without really having anything of interest to offer that younger and less career-focused women can't offer.
Jaxon Scott
Whenever I think about the wall, I alternate between feeling endless catharsis for all my resentment toward modern women that there is an objective punishment waiting for them, and endless pity because holy shit the punishment is almost disproportionately bad.
I can only imagine how horrifying it must be to realize that your whole "self," everything you are, is actually a temporary thing, and you are just going to have to live in the husk of that self. The one escape women are supposed to have is children, and most of them aren't having children or are developing such terrible personalities and life-histories that no man would want to give them children. I wonder what this coming generation of 30-60 year old women is going to look like, all fucking insane cat ladies I guess.
Ryan Foster
Get that dusty cunt ready for the German Shepard like every other old unwanted white woman, that's all you have coming