Some niggers are fine, but the overwhelming majority are just double digiters at best. I was raised to think that all races are equal and all that shit but it didnt take me long to figure out that race equality is such a bullshit idea. What are your experiences on this?
Do liberals really think niggers are on the same level as us?
Stopped believing in that shit in highschool.
I can't believe schools want you to believe in evolution, and even evolution in humans, but also to believe that the races magically came to the same average intelligence.
It's Lunacy, and yet these same people mock creationists when their views on group traits are only feasible if a great creator made it so that the groups have the same average intelligence.
>to believe that the races magically came to the same average intelligence.
well all races can live in the same society, speak the same language, interact with eachother, learn the same things and live the same lives. So its not hard to believe at all
Think it's more to do with selective breading. Blacks were smarter when they grew up in a family unit etc.
By implementing a welfare state and giving black women an incentive to having tyrones baby rather than a smart black mans baby, they've insured only the alpha dumb dumbs got to reproduce. Notice how well spoken blacks were before the jew infiltrated the civil rights movement?
Now they're doing the same with whites. Notice how whites are getting dumber? I'm Britbong so the stupid whites here are literally as bad as the stupid blacks/browns.
The jew has been using these selective breading tactics on blacks for thousands of years so it's hard to tell what the potential of blacks could have been. Islam has ruined browns with their inbreading tactics too. You whites need to take your wammens rights away if you wish to take over the world again.
-scared to go outside
-pees in bottles because may have a heart attack if forced to leave cave in day light
Umm no I don't think any one is quite as low as you subhuman degenerates
Go cash in your welfare check Jamal
Can people with dark skin be robots?
>creationism would imply equality
Good point.
But only non biblical creationism. Jehovah asserts quite a bit of forced selection (like making arabs stupid and prone to warlike behavior)
Sure dude. Im not one of em die hard racists who cant accept that some colored people are smart.
on the same level as in deserving of equal treatment? yes of course
Even before evolution, people categorized the races as receiving different preferences for god.
The fact of difference was always observed. People just fit their ideas to that.
At least in an evolutionary framework, exceptions to the rule are literally built in.
The absolute best thing that could be done to improve the negro "community" would be to punish any and all violent crimes with death. Most of these hood rats commit something before they reproduce, therefore, the aggressive genes in their genepool would be decreased. It's how wild animals have been turned into docile and friendly domestic animals, he laws of artificial selection should apply to humans as well.
I got raised with the same bullshit but whatever you say its just impossible to cover niggers ignorance, stupidity etc
and act like they are normal people, they arent
I've got a triple digit IQ, not outstanding but I'm not retarded. I think everybody has their own talents and can contribute to society if raised correctly. The difference between us genetically doesn't justify one race being drastically stupider than the other. I evaluate each person individually.
They have been brainwashed beyond belief. Not only do they think we are equal, but they think that every problem that shitskins suffer is directly caused by whites.
White guilt, white pacifism, and white altruism is absolutely total and there doesn't seem to be a cure. Stop trying, and focus on yourself. People who are strong enough to break the conditioning will do so themselves. Focus on yourself, find people like you, and prepare for war.
> everybody can contribute to society if raised correctly.
Time and time again we see that nature is stronger than nurture.
>The difference between us genetically doesn't justify one race being drastically stupider than the other.
Genetically there's next to nothing between a friendly, obedient and hard working Husky and a vicious wild wolf.
>I evaluate each person individually.
Good for relationships, whether professional or amicable, bad for deciding policy.
>sounds like retarded poltard ignorance and white entitlement
>prepare for war
Just as I thought poltard confirmed
Kill your self
>Kill your self
I'm going to have a lot of white children and kill a lot of non-whites.
Remember that all whites aren't equal too.
If you are so insecure that you have to make yourself feel good by belonging to some group, then you are probably one of less successful whites
wolf DNA is 98.8% similar to dogs and they can produce fertile offspring with each other, growing up as wild animals both become aggressive and hostile. I'm think you're trying to suggest that the husky is a close relative of the wolf but it's not an older larger sled dog would of been and huskies are have a strong
prey drive and low obedience akin to sighthounds.
If you treated all the wolves better they would become less aggressive and more doglike anyway. humans have less than 0.15% divergence genetically. nurture eventually becomes nature. Apart from this kind of shit that i'm writing about this allegory which is making me feel retarded replying to it myself, the community around you is one big relationship and supporting the people around you can make a big difference, seeing people insulting children before they've started attending preschool really gives a negative effect and follows them throughout life, I want world peace with all of us, not just one race.
tldr: I'm gay and think kindness will solve all of our problems
>well all races can live in the same society, speak the same language, interact with eachother, learn the same things and live the same lives. So its not hard to believe at all
got any examples
Hippie scum