I can hear my neighbor having sex and it is exacerbating my depression to the point where I want to kill myself

I can hear my neighbor having sex and it is exacerbating my depression to the point where I want to kill myself

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if you don't make peace with that feeling it will consume you, i've already written my suicide note, only escapism keeps me alive

Its not the neighbour. Its the rape dwarf. Get a gun user and get ready

live stream it

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Wiz didnt work out?

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I would if I could find some fucking way to record it. None of my microphones work even if I set them to highest sensitivity

If you mean wizchan I get no replies there and fuck not being able to say it causes me depression

Just moan louder than them

How the fuck does that help me?

Idk you sounded prty excited over there. Some heavy development I missed?

Maybe the mod removing my threads?


But you were asking how to hear in on them better to wack to it. This being 2 days ago

Is that a contradiction?

Idk it was your thread. And how is that original??

What do you mean? You have to be more clear in your writing I can't read your thoughts.

If you wanted to wack to it I assumed you wouldnt be suffering over it. But just wear headphones and turn a deskfan on

How is it a contradiction to wack to something and suffer over it? The thought of sex causes me immense depression yet I wack to the thought of sex with women.
I am getting the worst captchas

Become close friends with them and once they let you in tell them your a professional decorator and will give them an expert opinion for free. Move the bed right up against that ass 2 doors down

>muh voluntary celibacy

Thanks user I just made my first friend

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>muh sorrowful faps to cuck fantasies

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Under no better conditions! Well done user

user, have a good think about it because it may not be the best answer.
wizchan mods are cunts desu.. well the one who removed my trhead is.

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