Daily reminder that women peak at 30 and if you don't agree with that you're a fucking paedo

Daily reminder that women peak at 30 and if you don't agree with that you're a fucking paedo

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Nope, they peak def at 16 - 27

that's supposed to look attractive? what the fuck, whitey?

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Anne Hathaway better lookin face 10 years ago

>Daily reminder that women peak at 30
eh some perhaps. But not white women.

Low quality nigger bait, but here is a (You)

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That's about 20 years too early for women

>not being a pedophile
enjoy being her """first""" which in reality means 1000000th visitor getting to pound her disease ridden worn our pussy while I have sex with pure virgin preteens

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Sandra Bullock looks good for her age desu

73 years old and tell me you wouldn't hit that like an NFL linebacker.

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>implying "beautiful" is the same thing as "attractive"
Beautiful isn't the first word that comes to mind for pic related

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Why are all these studies so different, for men and women.. I've seen 21-22 a couple times for women and then also as low as 18 and as high as 30. It's obviously around 21-22 since they'll be the most fertile and buxom around then, when they're just gettling done growing.

bet her skin feels like a deflated balloon.

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Blackies look like tar at 30, asian women def. look best in their teens.

They surveyed people through a women's fashion magazine, meaning they got a bunch of women who are hitting the wall and desperately trying to convince themselves they're still in their prime.

She has visible abs, you autismo paedophile. Here's Tina Turner. 78 years old and still has absolutely killer legs.

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>only way I'd touch her

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Everyone knows women are so fuckable 13-24

Roasties complaining of being toasty

Women peak at 14, but people are afraid of telling this to a survey person.
That's why the statistic is messed up.
Also, how the fuck did they measure it?
People are fucked in the head, they can't possibly be able to answer this.
The ONLY way to make a reasonable study is to pick 100 Girl pictures RANDOMLY, from Ages 12 to 100, tell people that all of the people in that sample are over the age of consent, and then ask them to rate them on a scale from 1 to 10. I guarantee you that 12/16-Year-olds would win.
But no one would want to publish a statistic that would show something like this. So it's not done.

She looks incredibly generic and boring.


I'm pretty sure everyone in human history agreed on this until a hundred years ago.

>fite me
originalo, for (you)

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>women peak at 30

I'm afraid you've been lied to, sweetie

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She becomes a woman at 12

Yes that's the truth because about 100 years ago the enki powers (new age, luciferianism, whatever you want to call it) started favoruring women.
Pic related.

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correct. 14 is where its at. no memes here. its backed by science.

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Mmmm, enjoying the taste of archon boot leather? The female has always been more powerful. The Goetia has authority only over the physical, which is why the deeper realms will be forever barred to you until you manifest your Anima.

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The only thing that is wrong is that it says, that we have "Liberation, very few laws" now.
When it's quite the opposite.
Everything that was once fun was banned. There are much more laws and taxes now.

It's just to show that even this chart does not condemn them harsh enough

>The female has always been more powerful.
Good fucking meme. Women were in their place since the beginning of time. Only fairly recently men have given them their power,
because lucifer is half woman, so this is all part of his plan and will. But we already know how the story is going to end.

>The only thing that is wrong is that it says, that we have "Liberation, very few laws" now.
You clearly don't even know what liberties it's talking about. It's mostly about spiritual
liberties, not as much as taxes, etc.

The Universe is female, friend. The Great Mother is the creative void, the quantum foam from which all possibility emerges. It is inherently female. It gives birth. It nurtures. And when you are dust, she will accept you back into her bosom to rejoin Kether. Assuming, of course, that you don't get trapped by the archonic powers and principalities of the Goetia into remaining in the physical.

To quote the Tao Te Ching, "Know the male, yet keep to the female. Receive the world in your arms and the Tao will never leave you."

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Someone fell for the new age paradigm. If the universe, God, etc. were a female, then it wouldn't be the way it was for the most time.
Women wouldn't need "liberation" by the means of men giving it up for them. We are getting into a very short time of female force dominance.
It's going to end as quick as The Father decides it should end, and it will.

they are worried men are going to get woke and reject walled roasties

Lol this is so wrong it screams "WAAAAH I HIT THE WALL, WHY WON'T MEN LOOK AT ME ANYMORE"

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>most attractive
>those eye bags
really screwed themselves on the example there

There's nothing new about it. For 200,000 years prior to the rise of agrarianism, humanity was matriarchal. When the female rules, every woman can share a single desirable male and be sure their genes will propagate, so there is no need for propertarianism, war, or conflict.

It wasn't until seeds had to be protected from season to season and land had to be permanently squatted that there was anything to fight over which required warriors. The only way for a man to be sure his genes are propagated is to have exclusive access to a desirable female, which means turning women into property.

The Singularity will free us from the shackles of agrarianism. The Patriarchy is dying, Valhalla is burning, and the Kali-Yuga has already begun. The tumult is the last gasp of the story-cycle of the Hero as we emerge into the age of Aquarius and a whole new story-cycle.

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>Women are at their most attractive at 30
Said no one ever, not even women would dare to say that
Women beauty peak is between 14 and 18
Women attractiveness peak is between 18 and 25
Afterwards it all goes downhill.

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Women peak with their first period

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Who the fuck did they ask for this poll? Other women?

based dariush

No. Cuteness peak is from 11 to 14yo. You don't want to fuck them at this point.
Sexual peak is from 15 to (most of the times) 20. Young, fresh, great body even if they eat shit and don't exercise

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peak is quite obviously 11-13

There's an allure magazine in the corner, so I'm going to say yes. Not just women, but middle aged women who buy magazines at the grocery checkout.

>Cuteness peak is from 11 to 14yo. You don't want to fuck them at this point.

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Kek well I mean most men don't want to fuck preteens, that's all. Maybe you're hebephile but that's quite uncommon

>more dudes would slam a 50yo than a 8yo

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8 yos need to be hugged and kissed. Not fucked

>Most men think that a preteen is sexier than a 30yo
Lol I'm always ok for a wall thread but this is bullshit to the max

>this is bullshit to the max
t. roastie

peak is 18 imo. this is enough time for all the curves and stuff to develop.

13 is really nice too, but they haven't fully developed yet.

what men are willing to admit in public is not what they actually think

why do you think so many Dads get super fucking weird about their 11-12 year old daughters? because they know every man in the street is consciously or subconsciously seeing her sexually

solar power and technology would like to have a word with you.

this is true. wait till they're 10

so they misheard 13?

If you think left is more sexually attractive than right, you've got some serious issues m8

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seething roastie detected

>If you think left is more sexually attractive than right
anyone can cherrypick

shut up you dumb npc we don't give a fuck about your mass cultural morals

I will just quote Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero:
aah though there is no other thing that can fascinate humans more than the truth
aah there is nothing that is more cruel to humans than the truth

14yo fembot here never thought this was actually my peak

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Which one of these improves with an exponentially growing population and finite resources?

Fun Fact: The Chinese symbol for quarrel, is two women.

Is it possible that the statistics of elderly folk having tons of casual sex is skewed to fuck because she's just that hot?


At 14 years you are barely human and all your thoughts and opinions are irrelevant because they are most likely shit.

why do white women age so bad

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16-23 for most woman.
Maybe 1 in a 1000 look better when they are thirty, but only because they looked like shit before.

Woman still are bitter that a big part of being attractive comes from being young.

>study made by womyn
>"women are most attractive in their thirties"
>study made by men
>"women are most attractive around 16-24"

It's because of their semen diet

She is, at most, 27 on the right user ....

Its amazing how at 12 goes from
> its a qt kid

The human brain is weird.

Is it me or did her skull change from round to narrow in 6-7?

it's because she starts wearing makeup at the 12 pic

And this was 7 years ago, imagine now.

Wow, another alt-right fedoralord who buys into the Malthusian cult because he (falsely) believes he'll be king fart of the shitpile when the billionaires exterminate 7/8ths of the population to make the survivors more tractable.

More than half of all the animal biomass on Earth is in the form of ants. The Earth could support 70 billion or 700 billion humans easily, if we were prepared to live in zero-impact megastructure arcologies but "muh rugged individualist" fucknozzles like you refuse to adopt the discipline necessary to live that way.

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There is no need for such cursing.

I was merely paraphrasing a presentation from a physicist at the Rocky Mountain Institute.

I first saw it when a physics professor of mine (who is the only vegan I can respect since he's just quoting the second law of thermo) showed it to the class. The man in question did almost everything in his power to offset his carbon footprint.

I'm pragmatic, and skeptical. I have a response for the question, do you?

11 and 12 are god tier then it's all downhill

that is such a cherry picked picture on the right. If you look at her now even at that age, she basically looks like a more Derped version of her younger self

Ah, the delusions of ageing vaginafolk. Never gets old.

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>new research

I'd like to see this research/study and what parameters were used, because i call bullshit.

11 is literally the only year between cute kid and full-on thot.
That's how long you have to find a qt wife these days Jow Forums, just one year.
After that they're ruined beyond repair.

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seriously how can you even possibly believe otherwise? it's beyond me. is it mass delusion, or are these articles just bullshit pandering to old women?

Can you read? Or just sealion people with whatever talking points you've memorized? I *just* mentioned mega-structure ecologies, which we've had the technology to build for more than 70 years.

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Let me rephrase the question,

>List of problems

>What is a megacolony
Not an answer to the question.

The resources are finite. To deny this is to ignore thermo. You cannot escape thermodynamics. It is the basis of everything that works - from the heat engine to dieting.

You can be 100% efficient and still have too many mouths to feed.

This is pointless. You're not capable of reason. You've got an agenda and will argue backwards to get there no matter what I write. I just got finished explaining that half of all the animal biomass on Earth is in the form of ants, which the Earth has no difficulty supporting easily. If we lived in zero-impact arcologies, a population of 70 billion or 700 billion humans could just as easily be supported.

All I'm doing at this point is repeating what I've already written, which I know is pointless. So fuck off to Jow Forumsincel or Stormfront or Breibart or wherever the fuck you jerk off to your Ayn Rand fanfic slash pr0n because I'm done.

Let me guess, you like flat chest and think genetic mistakes like crispy are 12/10?

To be honest, I would like some citations to back your claims. You're speaking about two very specific things,

>Earth's production capacity (tied to arable land, fresh water supply, etc)
>comparability of human biological requirements to those of haplodiploids

I'm not an entomologist bit I'm pretty sure haplodiploids will always live in environments humans cannot. I grew up in a desert.

If you feel like closing this conversation out of frustration, I'd respectfully request that you address the question directly. Let me use greentext again to rephrase it

>Okay, humanity did it. We built amazing superstructures that makes the population cap much higher.
>Oh shit we're at population cap
Oh look, now there's bloodshed.

TOLD you, dude. Sea lions.

Hell no, by 30 most women start declining in attractiveness. I'd say most women peak during late high school/early college years, 16-25. That's when they can attract the most chads. Also, most porn stars start at around 21-22. jonmillward.com/blog/studies/deep-inside-a-study-of-10000-porn-stars/

At age 30 is where you're either a milf or a soccer mom. Then it's all down hill from there.

>no. Cuteness peak is from 11 to 14yo. You don't want to fuck them at this point.

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White girls never peak at attractiveness because white girls are shit

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There's no judge.
This is not a debate.
I was wondering if you had a solution to this puzzle.

Being disrespectful because of the perceived background of an individual is an ugly trait. I think a lot of people call it prejudice.

From the bit of the writing I saw from you, it seemed like you might have an idea of a long-term solution. However, I'm not convinced you quite grasp the implications of exponential growth.

peaking means they stop then get worse.

so they basically start peaking at 28 and stop at 30 and get worse from there on.

>women are most attractive during their teens so its ok to fuck them then
I dont get this argument. If someone thinks murdering people is fun, does this now mean they have the right to murder people? If someone thinks stealing is fun, does this mean they now have a right to steal? Just because you like something it doesnt mean its ok to do it.

this this is literally when girls 'peak' into women, or as i call them nastie roastie whores.

>I dont get this argument.
Because you made a strawman argument.

>women are so fucked in head after spending their prime years being whores they truly believe they peak at 30
Ah yeah what man doesn't want an unwrapped twinky that has been touched by hordes of strangers, dropped on the ground many times, and then re-wrapped with scotch tape.

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>the right
>the right
Shut up you fucking pussy

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>women are most attractive during their teens so its ok to fuck them then
this is literally the argument that is being made.