86% of men born after 1990 are addicted to porn

>86% of men born after 1990 are addicted to porn
>79% of women born after 1990 are addicted to porn
>adults born after 1990 have much less sex and much less comitted relationships than earlier generations did at their age
>the average age of defloration is rising steadily for both genders
How do we save this generation?

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is this gurl from pic doing pron?

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define addicted

nothing changed
>addicted to porn
bruh unless these people are not leaving their homes and arent functional members of society they are not addicted


2 porn tokens a week

>people are not leaving their homes and arent functional members of society
That’s what they are, though. Do you not know how little normies leave their homes anymore? They’ll take a million oictures at their odd night out and will mostly just watch porn and netflix.

>>adults born after 1990 have much less sex
lol no. you pulled that out of your ass. maybe people who post on Jow Forums have less sex

Yep, name is Lizzie Velasquez

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I mean home entertainment is state of the art right now, not much for you to do outside, especially during the workdays after sun goes down

not my proudest fap

Unable to go for 100 days without using it

What? Just googke it, you’ll find a million studies and articles.

bruh i can't go 100 days without using toilet paper does that mean im addicted to wiping my own ass?

we don't. this will cull out all the males who are sexually fulfilled with porn, and leave only the superior studs

yes, you are also addicted to air, and food, and drinking. Addiction isn't bad per se, but some addiction can be harmful while others are good. Especially if you do it excessively. Excessive breathing, excessive eating, excessive drinking etc.

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You need to masturbate 4-5 times a day for optimal prostate health, this has been confirmed by numerous studies by Goldstein Inc, Finkelstein laboratories and Al Silverberg foundation.

The #1 cause of death of mammals in the wild is prostate cancer. Because most of the animal kingdom only copulate once a year, the stored semen of animals burns holes to the prostate tract of the said animals and in time: cancer forms to those burns.

Semen becomes extremely poisonous substance in the body after 14 hours of inactivity: this is why 4 times of releasing semen (Porn should be used to release it faster rather than fantasy)

Human males are also the only animals who live longer than most of mammals, because we do not die of prostate cancer because we can masturbate in continuous fashion. Remember: no less than 4 times a day, but no more than 8 times a day.

found the porn addicted loners in denial

Imagine being this retarded

you forgot to mention that this only applies to europeans.

>0.5$ has been withdrawn from your account

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fuck off bk to reddit you nigger

Literally only criminals are mad at this

You think excessive eating and drinking isn't bad? Lol this isn't the board you're looking for fatty.

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>You need to masturbate 4-5 times a day for optimal prostate health
>(Porn should be used to release it faster rather than fantasy)
holy fuck you are just too deep. i hope stay buried in your own shit and stay addicted to porn so that you never have kids that would probably turn out like you because they dont know any other way.

we need a second plague

Its a meme u retard

holy shit why the hate, i was just joking, chill the fuck out man, take some BP meds or some shit holy fuck

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Bruh mans gotta earn a living somehow

Jesus christ you are clueless

porn is the 2nd plague...

Enjoy cancer

I heard that 3 a day is the golden ratio

Based and redpilled

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Unironically this.

Everything (((they))) do is to decrease the population. Why do you think it's free?


>3 a day

Not enough to remove toxins from the prostate tract. 4-5 times the optimal if you do not want to die of cancer

>muh anecdotes contradict empirical research
Porno really does rot your brain

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please halp I can't tell if this is true or not and I don't want peepee cancer

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Ensuring that many will never reproduce

>have a good paying job
>have a masters degree
>have a gf

Have I made it Jow Forums? Is it time for me to leave this place?

>25 years old, only had 1 gf 6 years ago, only girl I've ever slept with
>Somehow repressed my desire for physical or emotional connection, don't even know what loneliness even feels like despite being always alone
>Never horny but fapping to 4k POV everyday out of boredom
>Can't even imgaine myself messaging some woman on Tinder etc. let alone going on an actual date
Lifting alone and for myself. Studying and working alone. Living a pointless and empty life. Dying alone and young. The optimal Jow Forums lifestyle.

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>Have exact feelings
>First day at work mandatory interview with office therapist
>Lol, okay this is going to be a laugh
>Bargain bin Therapists talks with me for an hour
>"Well user, I'm surprised really you din't know this, but you actually have schizoid personality disorder"
>Yeah, okay what ever, fuck off with your fake jew mental made up illnesses, all people are different
>Go home, look it out of curiosity on wiki
>mfw she was actually right and almost everything is spot on

She's wrong, you are both probably vulnerable narcys which can look similar to spd. The reason you don't feel lonely is because you never developed a real human personality and thus don't have real human feelings.

Go back to school. Fucking hell.

You talk like an NPC lol

Bruh the advice about becoming social chameleon and parasiting your way into a group to leech social gains was good, the fitness advice about lol just pump test was iffy and naive, but this money making one is utter fucking nonsense, lol just gamble bro, the fuck outta here, have better odds of making stable income working at the construction site or selling crack on the corners, it sounds like someone wrote it who never had a job

>Addiction isn't bad per se
addiction is bad by definition, retard

If it's a STEM Masters then I'm afraid you have autism

Based so I can watch efro with a grill now since they are so into porn?

8 billion people on this planet and most of them aren't happy. Enough is enough, there is no need to breed for survival. If you're worried about non-whites taking over, put chemicals in their water before you selfishly push out a bunch of kids who will probably grow up in a dystopia.

75% of women don't even masturbate let alone watch porn. You've literally made shit up for a post.


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100% of Asians and Indians are addicted to porn because they are incel races.

the reason they don't feel lonely is because after being lonely for enough years you eventually stop feeling it entirely. This isn't some magical mental disorder, spend enough time without anyone giving a shit about you or talking to anyone outside of work and it will change your brain chemistry.

You are delusional

>75% of women don’t even masturbate
Are you from a country that practices female circumcision?

>This isn't some magical mental disorder, spend enough time without anyone giving a shit about you or talking to anyone outside of work and it will change your brain chemistry.

Seems true.

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are you retarded?

>much less sex
>have sex earlier

Nope. UK, but various types of studies across several western nations show the same consistent result of around 15% of women masturbating at all. It's a distinctly unfeminine thing and in my experience most women express shock and revulsion when women they know are found to do so.

Has anyone had success with arbitrage betting?

>I share a board with retards like this

And what did you do about it?

Based and redpilled

Imagine being this dense.

This is what 70iq looks like

I think your definition of addiction needs work. Although, the 20% of men and 13% of women who have admitted to looking at porn at work definitely have a problem. People need to remember that porn is fantasy, and that you can't use anything you know from porn in real life.

You can only be addicted to things you don't NEED fuckwad.

I often find myself doing it out of bordness. But I’ve certainly done a no fap tour for 3 weeks, didn’t feel any changes.

When work was really busy it would be a once a week thing.

I doesn’t help that there is no way to OD and no hangover affect, it makes it much more acceptable than drugs.

99.99% of people wouldn’t even think about porn if they were stranded on a inhabited island and had to look for food to survive, opiate and alcohol addicts would suffer or die because these are actual addictions

This entire thread is fucking retarded. You have one half saying bullshit without evidence, while also telling the other side that they have no evidence, and said other side is just talking about jerking off.
Every single one of you is a moron. Everyone who believes in nofap is a moron.
Everyone who spends all day jerking off is a moron.
You aren't a cuck for watching porn, and if someone is that interested in what you do alone with your dick/ass, they are probably a literal faggot.
I wish the mods weren't kikes and nuked these threads in the womb like in '14

I masturbate so much that I dont get aroused to porn anymore

Based and redpilled advice

>Getting off to watching another man fuck a woman
>Not a cuck

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These faggots are going to call you out, but you're absolutely right. You're not alone, user
Cuck has lost all meaning

> the average age of defloration is rising steadily for both genders

This is the one thing that would be good about porn then. We have laws that treat 15-16 year olds (especially girls) like children incapable of consent but their body count is usually larger than their age.

>Be me
>20 years old
>not addicted to porn
>on nofap for 2 years

when im on nofap im rarely depressed, much calmer and i feel like im in control over everything. dont waste your sperm

I all but guarantee that it's completely psychological

This makes me happy because I'm a virgin I other people having sex triggers me. I also rarely if ever watch porn because it's a cuck thing to do and I hate sex in general, it's extremely fucking overrated

There's a difference between those who do and those who admit to it. I don't tend to ask women (or men) if they do, but I've known a few who """never""" did it, but then it turned out had just been lying the whole time.

The showing of shock and revulsion is a cover.

>activity X is illicit
>I do X
>person Y is revealed to do activity X
>express shock and revulsion about person Y
>now no-one will suspect me

Some flirty women will be more open about it if they're attracted to you, as it portrays them as being sexually open but not a way that gets them thought of as having a high body count, whilst also serving as a subtle invitation of sorts (I need to take care of myself, oh poor me, say, you can help with that user...) though as it's a generally private topic that sort of conversation isn't very common.

As an obligatory shitpost:

>country that doesn't practice female circumcision

I live in a 90%+ white area, and we're still getting cases.

Most likely bullshit. You don't think women get all hot and bothered, same as any guy? And you don't think that when this heat rears it head, they cool it down by their own hand? Women aren't only fucking to deal with horniness. Besides which, women don't admit to this sort of thing

[citation missing]

*grabs you by the balls*

>Having no attachment to a person getting fucked
>Somehow a cuck
If I watch two dogs humping your mother, am I cuck?

That's the same thing as schizoid personality disorder

> Asians
> incel race
China literally made laws to slow their birth rate because the population was getting out of hand. India should do the same because they have infectious disease issues from overcrowding and no poo in loo

I just spent an hour looking for an arbitrage opportunity with Australian betting services and couldn't find one single profitable example.

anyone tried wanking every day without porn as a means to overcoming porn addiction?

Yeah mate I’m up 600 off he pokies this week

You can't. Read Spengler. You can only hope the restart of the historical cycle.

>oh so you dont have many friends are indifferent and also creative it looks like you are VERY sick so take this medication hehehe

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It certainly makes you a sick fuck, but you already knew that faggot.

It's only classified as sick because it hampers the subject's ability to function in society

That advice image is 100% cringe

>get drunk alone, go to club
>take a load of shots
>now pissed, stagger up to table of guys as you smile awkwardly
>h-hey guishe mind if I join you yeah I'm here by myself its cool ha ha
>hey what ya think of that girl *burp* she's hot am I right fellow men
>hey nlw we've bonded why don't we meet up again so I can tell you about myself
>n-no well ok have a great night guys I'll just chill here by myself ha ha

Schizoid's a personality disorder, I've never heard of anybody being prescribed medication for it (I have it, was told to go to some kind of behavioral therapy if I wanted to).

That´s Margot Robbie, dude.

before trying to save a whole generation at least make sure you arent below the average
this board is the equivalent of retarded teenager girls on twitter who want to reconstruct the whole world but cant actually achieve anything in real life.

Just do it once or twice a week

What an embarrassing image. Seems to be written by a pure theorist who used Jow Forums posts as his sources.

Training your material health is only making your physical form better capable of housing your immaterial self. If you abandon the maintenance of your soul and the pursuit of virtue, you will never make it.

The only way to help others is to lead by example, extol virtue, and offer a hand to help those in need.

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