Lads, shortchad here. i want to get into sports(playing, not being a fat lazy autist who only watches)

Lads, shortchad here. i want to get into sports(playing, not being a fat lazy autist who only watches).

whats a sport that is
1. easy to be good at without growing up with it and playing it for 10 years
2. where my shorter stature will be an advantage


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Horse racing. You could be a jockey. Or you could get into midget tossing.

He must have meant child. Eat your vegetables young man.

Fuck you :p I was halfway through my GOMAD when I read that and almost threw up :p

combat sports with weightclasses are your best bet, ignore these biggers

Handball, rugby, rock climbing

Depends how short short is

I know some short chads. Seen tons of short slayers, never seen a jawlet with a gf.

t. tall jawlet

Rock climbing
Takes like a year to get good, 5'9 or so is best height

Your short stature will definitely play to your advantage. No joke.

Smaller hitbox

What's the best tactic for a manlet against being mogged?


Possible but it would be pretty difficult to get away with killing every tall man you meet.

Nothing really. If you're playing with people your own age they're all going to have at least 10 years experience on you. I would say though if you learn the rules of Rugby well you could pick it up quite easy. It's the ultimate chad sport too.

Long trousers concealing stilts

Nice try, Robert Downhere Junior.

tfw too short to tie the rope to the ceiling so I have to use door handle

>1. easy to be good at without growing up with it and playing it for 10 years
BJJ is a slow start, but after a couple years you will be good enough to actually enjoy the sport without getting your ass kicked every timt you roll. I didn't start it until I was in college.
>2. where my shorter stature will be an advantage
Any sport where there are weight classes will usually place you against people of similar height as there is little room for a massive height difference within a weight bracket that wouldn't result in a pretty big disadvantage to one of the athletes ie being morbidly obese or skeletor.

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rugby, softball, baseball, mma, judo, jewjitsu, hockey, hiking, mx, fighting niggers on ghettos.

manlets meant to tank and punch not to reach

Gymnastics bro


Being is short chad is so fucking comfy, We get the hot girls that aren't shallow as fuck while the tall chads get all the girls and need to filter between the shallow sluts and the wifey material, and by the time they do that us short chads have already snapped up the wifey materials and started a family with them.

Jeff nippard looks like a fucking reverse bobble head

E cope

short and chad are mutually exclusive.

keep coping, midget.

>coping THIS hard



whats that


>he doesn't realise all girls are shallow
>genuinely thinks being short is an advantage
this fucking cope lmao

Are you Danish? I bet you live in COPEnhagen.

Golf. You can be the tee.

Rugby. Winger or back line where the fat fucks are.


is that u tom?

Featherweight - lightweight boxing maybe

H... hi. H... how do you know my name?

Unironically olympic weightlifting provided your proportions are decent.

has anyone told you you're coping awfully hard yet?

do u tape ur jaw at night and do u live in the midwest

This one got me.

weve been tricked lads

cucks detected. while you post on Jow Forums about this there are short ass dudes getting laid

>he thinks all girls are shallow
cringe and incelpilled

all men are also shallow. do you not believe in instantly being attracted to someone because theyre good looking?

if being attracted to good looking people is how you want to define shallow, then sure, everybody is shallow. I don't think thats how most people see it though

That is the most Swedish webm ever

Black guy would've won if it was Swedish.

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Post body and state height right meow

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What. Is. Your. Fucking. Height.?

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