*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*
*slaps your ass*
>you're my bf now

wat do?

Attached: wheyfu.webm (640x800, 1.92M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Well I can't really do anything can I.
She probably weighs like 20-30 kg more than me

Attached: uhh.png (199x198, 82K)

Reminder that this jacked gorilla that is considered the best female tennis player in the world was destroyed by 203th best male player after he drank before a match and smoked a cigar
Women are weak af

Attached: jw4YQqJ2-MUunq0fjqqvAXzmrNA9AoH9vPK6pIG3g2Q.jpg (450x300, 25K)

Shout "But you've got no tits, MATE" and run away. I'm quite sure I can outrun that thing.

I bet the sex would be interesting.

She on gear?

Genuinely curious but I don't follow sports and have no clue who she is.

Kind of like this dude (). Slug her across the jaw with a closed fist and make a run for the police station.

Attached: 9D5EEF58-E9A1-4F05-86FD-1CE3905BD1FE.jpg (804x584, 233K)

Wops. I mean him

I mainly just know her as that black female tennis player that married a white guy and got millions of black dudes triggered

I'd thank God for finally giving me an s. link. I'm so goddamn lonely

Attached: oxbMlp56Ydi8cS8pg9FDlTt3NoWPoMfbt4gHv7ch43o.png (757x768, 493K)

roll for your wheyfu

Attached: wheyfu.jpg (2562x903, 779K)

Y'know, there's an okcupid study that shows black men are the least attractive to almost all racial groups...

Oh, here it is.

Ask her to slap my butt again.

rolling, I need option 2 in my life but any of them would be amazing.

Become the bf

Build a house together, then have secks.

you get Song Naeun @better.song

Attached: 1512766745975.webm (390x510, 1.68M)

I think they'd be more inclined to do it again if you blushed and acted all coy about it - keeping your ass just close enough for her to take a swipe, before shaking it out of her grasp.

At least, in my experience that leads to additional slaps. I am no expert in this.

That's a roidfu. Disgusting and unnatural. This is a qt wheyfu.

Attached: 6221517320550.jpg (1080x1229, 223K)

I can do that. I'd do that then, maybe she bends me over and gives me a good spanking.

What's her three numbers?

And just to be explicit I'm talking


Or is she some kind of curlsis?

In my experience, though, you'd better have a giant ass that's fun to slap. Not sure entirely what bodyfat percent your typical wheyfu would appreciate - it might vary from woman to woman. Helps if there's a strong foundation built from squatz n oatz.

Or semechki and squats if from certain part of world. Though if in that part of world, squatting very natural.

How the fuck should I know that?

Attached: 251501290331790.jpg (1080x720, 146K)

Sporty Spice looking good

My ass is thicc.

Sorry, thought she was like a lifter on youtube.

Women don't have too many role models in the fitness community after they removed the competitions on size... But I think there's still plenty of meets where women go for heaviest lifts and maybe she goes?

Nah fuck off
*stops me again, repeats the sentence with a deeper voice*
Fucking bring her down doomstyle shit.

Just a random male stranger giving advice based on experience.

CUTE but does she even lift?

Attached: 1051984.jpg (1080x1080, 1.74M)

I appreciate it. org




>pic related

Attached: natalia-trukhina-russian-power-lifter-6.jpg (588x588, 56K)

Y-yes ma'am.
>tfw no Amazon gr to abuse my penis

V-tapers are almost universally appreciated, not sure how popular skelly mode is with wheyfus. Fat over muscles is appreciated if its the result of dedication to the lifts. Can't say I'm anything other than skelly but once upon a time my ass got unsolicited comments. I was also underaged at the time so take that at face value.

She could probably clean, curl, jerk, and maybe "jerk" me and I wouldnt be able to do much about it.

*starts reeeeing*

Attached: 1481779337941.jpg (600x576, 13K)


I tried to do this to a boy in junior high. I was so miserable from abuse that I thought romance would help, but Im intensely autistic. I stopped him in the hallway in between classes and asked him if he would be my boyfriend. He replied in confusion, to which I told him Just say yes. He agreed, but we never spent time together. Weve since both graduated and have hardly spoken since that day

Did you slap his ass before you asked him out? It's important.

Origanl rol

If the girl makes the first move and you like her, you might think she wants you to wait for her lead.

I always play black in chess so I can get a feel for the other person's personality. I'm also low elo trash so there's literally millions just like me.

He definitely didnt like me. Ugly unhygienic chan

Carriejune Anne Bowlby @misscarriejune for you


Attached: 1010309.jpg (1080x1349, 89K)

Be her bf. Start getting my life tigether((with her)).

Qummah all day, everyday.


First one please

my originigga

Attached: 963784.jpg (1080x1350, 329K)

mb, its Qimmah

I don't understand but sure.

Attached: Chom~p.png (168x200, 72K)

Hold hands and lean my cheek against her strong shoulder and nuzzle against her like a kitty. We walk off and I go where she wants to go

2nd would be good if it were white

>t-t-thanks y-you t-too.

I give her my everything

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Does not seem like i have much choice here
Well i guess it could be worse desu, she is probably really nice despite looking real scary

That study says Asian men are the least attractive which I'm not surprised now that you think about it.

Hell yeah. Take me away please.

Is it possible to shoop the webm to make her bigger?

Rolla rollerino

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Patrician taste desu fampaichi

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Pretty sure that's basically a dude when it comes to hormone content of the blood. And that dude happens to quite like the juice.

Anyway, I can run much faster than that bulky thing, so I'm out. A fit Jessica Biel or Evangeline Lilly-like body type is were I draw the line. Naturally achievable, yet still aesthetic.

Rolling for 5-6 nao

Have a good day sir

Original comment

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I want her to make me understand I'm her boyfriend with her body


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>"stupid asshole"

get mommy to beat her up

Attached: brandi.jpg (1080x1349, 115K)

>*blocks your path*
>*slaps your ass*

The fuck? Is she reaching right round or am I turning my ass towards her for some reason? Immersion broken you faggot.

Is this another attempt to summon the two Jow Forums wheyfus to the thread to defend us? Because I fully support that.

Claiming 5 Guys Wheyfu! Please marry me

Wheyfus with meaty traps are so hot

Attached: 1536594644968.jpg (1666x1110, 282K)

>tfw dubs bf is fat and dyel


That gook is super cute and the most aesthetic.

It seems like asian girls are the most likely to look good when they put on muscle.

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you ever see that video of, at the time, literally the strongest woman in the world get beat in an arm wrestling contest by literally just some average skinny white guy
that's a thing
women are literally up to over 40% weaker than guys
that's just the fact of the matter

S-source on this please?

I'm pretty sure that was a bodybuilder, not the strongest woman in the world.
Julia Vins is power lifter and is pretty strong.

Squat 235 kg
Bench press 140 kg
Deadlift 190 kg

Attached: 6-28.jpg (850x850, 111K)

fat as well

Yes, but they are expensive

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Attached: 1521164274116.webm (640x800, 1.79M)

Average Asian American IQ = 106
Average white American IQ = 103

Thats my fetish having missionary sex with an amazon

Tfw no Hands free paizuri gf

What I say to all women.
>No Way, Fag

9-0 please please

Good enough desu
As long as it's not a white or gook bitch

Fit and strong women want a skelly bf?

Attached: david-byrne-big-suit.jpg (620x620, 75K)

It's a win-win for me fellas

their faces just don't get distorted at all
its perfect for a muscle growth fetish

Attached: 696992.jpg (1280x712, 164K)

>tfw no /deltporn/ Lauren gf

Attached: 1521206653426.jpg (513x1094, 110K)

You too

Lift her up with my skinny arms and carry her out the door
Adrenaline is one hell of a drug

rolling for 9-0

Are there any good female muscle growth stories?

Attached: 1514917945749.jpg (1080x1080, 1.44M)

wtf her eye area looks dissorted af

pleeease one of the gooks, come on roll roll roll

Attached: image.jpg (680x673, 130K)

As in real life stories? I like Julia's.
She says she used to be really skinny and lacking confidence.
So she wanted to get stronger and started working out for a bit.

Then one day her school started a powerlifting program, and while reluctant at first, she decided it was the best way to get strong.
She really enjoyed how her body changed, and says she wants to become as big and strong as she possibly can.

Attached: 1021781.jpg (1080x1350, 157K)

there are much bigger azn qts

>female muscle growth transformations

That's my fetish

Attached: growth.webm (640x800, 1.44M)

We fucking ahora

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>and says she wants to become as big and strong as she possibly can.
Is she a fucking anime protagonist?

Seems like a typical Jow Forums goal to me.

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peaked in 2014 desu