>the NPC meme in a nutshell
The NPC meme in a nutshell
That's what everyone believed, until the study showed that most of those people are incapable of thinking such things internally, you see?
what study? sorry new to this
All I "see" is another flimsy excuse for assholes with gargantuan egos to justify their belief that they're somehow inherently better than everyone else.
See below:
Basically psych is a meme science
t. didn't read the study
it's pseudoscience at best
>30 people
wow very scientific
the study from 2011 that you only read now
it was from fucking psychology today, almost everything on there is bullshit.
>hurrr I do not get the point of a study durrrr
i've been seeing this image for about a decade now, when i had dial up internet. normies used that same meme on me and laughed
Indeed. It's science-flavored bullshit used by psychopaths to dehumanize people so they can justify doing horrible things to them.
It's been a while since I've seen that much projection and self-inserts in a comic. Well done.
>until the study showed that most of those people are incapable of thinking such things internally
Then they wouldn't be capable of basic functions like walking.
"The Study"
were wising up user. with the internet, if there is a fact, it will spread.
Its really nice because were gonna get to the point where we put down americas pet nigger when we finally relaize they are currently at their prime capacity of humanity, the state in right now is max, not that theyre somehow still magically trauama recovering from their great grandfather being a labour worker for 4 generations
you're a native english speaker who can barely speak the language and you think somehow you're superior to others based off a psuedoscientific, and I hesitate to call it this, study.
What the fuck are you even saying man?
I truly resent the fact that that was unoriginal
>dude everyone thinks they're so smart when they're actually not Im so smart for realizing this
>it's wrong to disagree with somebody
>Dude im so smart because i oppose the position of people who think they are smart
Stop trying to justify your Holden-tier philosophy
Its cringy and your memes are forced
Psychology, innit.
>been a while
not long enough newfag