Tfw no psycho gf with mental issues

>tfw no psycho gf with mental issues
>tfw no person in my life to share my fucked up thoughts and brains with
>tfw nobody to take care of and comfort to validate my own existence
>tfw it feels like every girl i've ever been with was from a different planet

how come female equivalents of r9k-tier self-loathing social retards are so impossible to find?

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they dont go outside and are socially awkward
you'd just laugh at them

>psycho gf with mental issues
>self-loathing social retards
You would love me

>female equivalents of r9k-tier self-loathing
Because female self-loathing translates into being hyper-whores rather than virgins
>Tfw no self-loathing gf to tie up and abuse horribly

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they are overweight and have oily hair/faces. you wouldnt be physically attracted to them

I literally would, please be my gf

This. Also you can't really share thoughts with them because most of them have really bad introspection on account of being unconsciously disgusted with themselves. Not thinking too much is kind of a defense mechanism for them.

Okay OP! I am also obsessive and clingy.

You seem perfect for my fucked-up manchild savior-complex self

are you a woman (female)?

Imo people who hate themselves or generally have shit social standing actually tend to think more

Yep, no tits for you though

I don't want tits, i want to share love with you and imagine us getting married and having three kids and dying together, before you realize i am boring and you will stop replying to me
have you got discord?

Awww but no kids. I would rather have cats. Nah, just a throwaway Snapchat.

I'm not giving kids up. We might share few cats, but i'm raising a child on the side in our basement, whether you'll know about it or not.
I don't have Snapchat. I'm old fashioned, all i got is e-mail, fb, interpals and discord

Hahaha ffs. Well I guess this is where it ends

Aaaww no, my boy had it in the bag.
Also waaay too early to be discussing kids yet.

Noo, don't leave me. I already formed an artificial imaginary relationship with you in my head that feels like a real one due to lack of actual connection with other humans in my life. You can't break up with me after our imaginary wedding and moving together. I can live without kids, i'll just get more cats.

>tfw no psycho gf with mental issues to wake you up at 2AM with a knife on your throat and question wheter your love towards her being real
>tfw no mentally deranged gf to threaten you with suicide if you refuse to have sex
>tfw no paranoidic gf who will leave you thinking you're fucking other girls behind her back
>tfw no ex gf who will spread rape rumors about you afterwards and send pics of her fucking a nigger

Get snapchat but I am not sending nudes.

>tfw no anxious fembot gf to comfort

i created throwaway e-mail, just write me there and we can go from there.

[email protected]

I an not sending emails, user.

Damn, we're reaching that point where this shit takes too long and the original interest is fading
I'll just create a Snapchat and send you a picture of my half a meter dong to re-light the spark

Lmao sure, go ahead.

so gimme ur name, it'll take some time before i get snapchat

Dammit user, I am giving up. It takes less than 5 min to sign up.

It takes less than five seconds to write an e-mail. Not everyone uses fucking picture-sending apps you know, its fucking pointless and nobody cares about your pics anyway.

Nobody said anything about sending pics.

Why would you insist on using app dedicated to sharing pics then?
I don't have a smartphone actually which is why i can't use Snapchat properly, but just fuck it, i guess modern kids need modern tools and i guess i'm not a modern kid

>so averse to snapchat because he knows she'll give up when she see's him
>doesn't even a smart phone in the year 2018 when there are nearly no dumb phones left

Jesus, it is the only throwaway account I have at the moment. You could have just told me that you do not have a smartphone.

Being such a poor fucker that i can't afford a smartphone isn't really something that i'd wanna share.
Anyway, we reached the point where our both hard-ons are gone, but if you're still up for discussing best means of suicide later on, just e-mail me or give some contact that i might use

I read the entire thread and this ending was pathetic. I want a refund.

Just sent you an email

She was patient enough to put up with your shit for this long. She's a keeper, better not disappoint her OP.

Aww that is really nice of you, user

I wouldn't call it nice, just honest. If I was being nice I'd wish you a good first impression and happy life together afterwards, and I do wish you such.

Cause a lot of us normies want them too and we have more going on than you.

>tfw I have my own autistic qt

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Hey wanna cuck OP?

C-can I get an email from you too? please

> Implying females are not all inherently psycho animalistic monsters.
You can literally pick up any one of us. Just prove you're sentient and not another dildo with wallet attachment and you might find someone who can manage to speak straight forwardly to you.

Same person? Tell me your Snapchat username and I will add you. Just a heads up...I might decide to ghost any time. I get really bad anxiety.

Hello, dildo with wallet AND basic skills here. Please be my gf.

okikoki I am tiger1596 on snapchat, dont worry aw I also have anxiety so

my snap
is Sacso

Well if you're in this thread seeking this type of shit out I'll at least be able to speak freely with you. That'd be a nice change of pace. Contacts?

I had like five gf's, and just one of them had self-esteem issues. When i was talking to them about my awkward or autistic moments, trying to share some of it, they never really understood it and i know that the moment i'd share anything about my suicidal thoughts, it would be the end of any interest from her

I'm sentient enough to know this will probably fail but might as well give it a try musson#9369

Sure. My discord is Chinese Box Problem#3523

>trying to steal my gf already

>got blocked before I could even tell my joke about my name

Lol what did you do to the other femanon?

Typical female, ghosting people due to "anxiety"