Women can't be fu

>women can't be fu...

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>can't be fu...
Fu... What? Fucking stupid? Irrational? Heartless, cold, manipulative, shallow, self-centred sub-humans? That's where you are wrong, Senpai.

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mfw I realized some women are unironically funny

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Haven't seen one yet.

No they aren't you nonce. You just have soi taste in humor

Most female comedians' schtick seems to rely on exploiting their own cringiness or unfunnyness

>I'm so bitter I can't even acknowledge that some women have positive traits even as outliers

And you wonder why you can't get a gf

Who is this though? I've met funny women irl but hardly see a funny female comedian nowadays. or a funny comedian in general.

well i mean with the exception of the first one none of those start with fu. imagine being this fucking retarded.

>funny because they're fuckable
if you're sexually invested in a woman their jokes make you laugh no matter how shitty they are, this is true for them as well
solved your cognitive dissonance user

Good sky man in clouds, grug want smash she-grug

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Unfunny men get intimidated by funny women. Makes sense, since humor is social so robots can't be funny.

I just don't like the "hehe so relateable XD" school of humor. Female comedians have no subtlety, everything is too on the nose.

>if you're sexually invested in a woman their jokes make you laugh no matter how shitty they are

Lol no.

spoken like somebody who hasn't been in a relationshit

that chick is super unfunny though. you can feel your ability to laugh in the future drying up from listening to her she's that bad.

No I'm just not a beta.


Your joke is pretty cringeworthy bro

keep telling yourself that budlox

couldn't get a minute in can you tell me when the funny parts are?

You're the one who has to fake laughing to get women. Sad.

a girl i met did make me laugh once. but then i realized she was literally recycling jokes from memes and reddit.

black women make me laugh. you just gotta not be scared of them.

i wasn't trying to make a joke i was trying to be emphatic, that particular comedian is like the perfect example for "women can't be funny" the argument. i won't even say no women can be funny, women have made me laugh, but that chick is awful. just awful.

you would say that even if I posted the funniest thing in the world, you had your answer already prepared.

no i literally couldn't make it past a minute of uproaring normie laughter at some bitches 14 y/o goth girl responses. you don't have to take me seriously, idc, but if you really want to convince people women are funny you could try posting women actually being funny.

> funnled into gas chambers and delivered into the void?

I beg to differ user

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So you were serious in that you think jokes you don't like will actually literally make it so you can never laugh again?

Let's see your comedy videos next!

>no i literally couldn't make it past a minute of uproaring normie laughter at some bitches 14 y/o goth girl responses. you don't have to take me seriously, idc, but if you really want to convince people women are funny you could try posting women actually being funny.

I've never seen anyone be pretentious about humor while being obviously unfunny before.

no, i wasn't serious i was being emphatic.
like i said you don't have to take my seriously, but no matter how many people you get to gang up on your side facts are that you posted some young and hot bitch getting appreciated for her quirky personality and not telling a single joke and tried to pass it as female comedy because you're desperate to prove a point. how about instead of being political with comedy you give a shit so we can all laugh? there are funny women, that's how i know you're just pushing an agenda with that dumb shit you posted.


I have a girlfriend, numbskull.
Women are still unfunny. Being happy doesn't change my opinion on the matter.

I remember this shit. Fucking hell

>I have a girlfriend, numbskull.
yea sure you do liar.
No girl want to touch you you autistic loser

>thinks jokes are about who's cool and who's not
you're the loser 2bh

Butt hurt shitstain.
Just because the truth hurts you.
kys degenerate

she had a stroke so it's actually kind of sad when you realize why Aubrey reacts the way she does, definitely a little strange nonetheless but I feel like the stroke amplified that
seems to be suffering from aphasia still

do you guys remember that video of a girl with long black hair crying about being a cool girl?

>You don't have thing
>Yes I do
Confirmed brainlet

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irony the post gd


I woudnt say shes funny purposely, but shes pretty cute

leave my wife alone

That's not what emphatic means.

I didn't post anyone. Now you post your comedy video pls.

I think bill burr is a funny comedian, everyone else now and days is kinda ehhhhhhh

Aubrey plaza is for the "hehe so relatable and quirky" crowd.

eliza schlisejssjer isnt funny by any stretch of the imagination and ppl only watch her cuz they think shes hot

>you just gotta not be scared of them.
How do you manage this?